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Everything posted by Xorthos.6947

  1. The issue isn't just people needing to learn it. Some people in open world don't want to do mechanics, they want to derrrrrrrr through everything. Most meta's can handle a few of these. The problem with this meta, is you can have one troll or one knucklehead not listening screw it up for literally 70-80 people and waste two hours of their time. No open world event in the game should be reliant on 100% of people doing the right thing. My last 3 failures, I've had someone stand in green and just chill at the bottom trolling. One of them sat down there and was literally spamming squad saying "wow this meta is super fun!" while we're telling them to get back up. A meta that can be failed by a single person trolling is not a well designed open world event.
  2. I went through EoD as a specter, because I had been waiting for it to come out for so long. But I definitely would have been more effective on daredevil. Not because DD is better, but because I haven't optimized gameplay of Specter yet. Some people want to go through the story and feel comfortable with combat, rather than trying to figure out new combat mechanics while trying to enjoy the expansion. Having said that, I feel more comfortable now and can roll about on par with where I was on my proficient specs, definitely more survivability.
  3. Okay, after a few more attempts at this, the last two being incredibly organized guild squads with almost 100% of people knowing the mechanics, I will concede that meta 4 is a little overtuned. Even knowing to do tail, etc, and people playing their DPS / Raid builds, we got her to 2% and failed. I think the issue with her is less her overall difficulty, and the fact that her tail phase is way too frequent. I'm not sure if it's percentage based and the percentage increases as she gets lower, or if its' time based, but she was definitely chaining it from 30% down. We had 11 minutes to go at 40% and failed due to only having 10-15 seconds of DPS on the boss due to her frequent sweeping attacks that take away her hitbox, and the tail phase. And that was with succeeding on 100% of the CC's. At it's current phase, I don't really see any open world PUGs doing this successfully for a long time.
  4. Side Note: If you think Meta 4 is overtuned, go try the maw in Zone 4. It literally can't be done with more than like 5-10 players due to scaling and lack of crystal damage increase / drops. I've failed that more than any other event in EoD so far.
  5. I will say I think it will get easier in time, when more people start optimizing builds instead of playing meme classes. But it also is kinda frustrating, so I get it. I've failed the Zone 4 Meta 7 times now..gets super frustrating getting it to like 20% and failing every time. The CC requirements are just nuts on it. Even using waystation EMP's it fails. Only group i've seen succeed on it so far have been pre-made streamer groups.
  6. I do think they should shorten the actual meta from 1 hour to 30 minutes. I think the meta was tuned around most people having that 20% participation buff for the bonus damage. The problem is most people try to jump into a meta right before it starts and don't have that bonus. The 1 hour grindfest to get the bonus is really long and kinda boring though.
  7. I don't mind the difficulty of the final meta. What I do mind is that it's impossible to set up a group to do it with the current way they do map instancing. It's super clunky and doesn't accommodate large organized groups. Even the LFG squads who are relatively organized have a hard time filling into a map because of the population cap and inability to change maps to a new one without porting to a random squad member.
  8. Yeah i was bummed about my raid armor. Got medium set of ascended from the collection and held it a few days until after the expansion launch, since I thought they'd be able to get ritualist after the expansion. Unfortunately not available. If I had known I woulda selected a heavy set, but oh well.
  9. I will say that I initially felt the same way. I was absolutely livid about the nerf to Invigorating Precision, but will say that on the spectre I have more survivability than I've ever had as a thief in the past. Having said that, they completely crushed survivability of other thief specs.
  10. Lol that's why I was asking for advice. Maybe it's just my server (Ehmry Bay) or maybe i'm doing something wrong. For the most part, my server doesn't run with a lot of open squads. Maybe a few disorganized ones each day. Usually it's a pre-made guild boon blob that will run around annihilating everything, and pugs will try to follow around. But they're only around a couple of hours out of the day.
  11. Oh I'm definitely not afraid of dying. Honestly one of my biggest frustrations with WvW right now is that i'll be running around with about 10 people and we'll come across 4-5 people. I just assume we're going to engage, just to find out the other 9 people i'm running around with didn't want a fight and ran the other direction. My guild I roll with right now for PvE stuff and raids doesn't really do a lot of WvW, which stinks. I typically play a semi-roaming build and just tag along with a squad, although my favorite class to play in WvW has been support / heal scrapper, it's just tough finding a decent squad to roll with when i'm playing it, and I get stomped if I don't have folks with me.
  12. Hey all. I've been playing GW2 for about 3 years now, and I'd say I do okay for myself play-wise. I play on a standard keyboard and mouse, with no extra bells and whistles. I've noticed that since I started trying out raids, and optimizing a rotation is so important, that I've really begun struggling mechanically with my rotation, especially on classes that require F1-F4, etc. I just don't have the muscle memory on my keyboard yet to just know where those buttons are, despite trying to get used to it and practice it. I was just wondering, do most folks use standard keyboard/mouse setups for GW2? If not, what would you recommend? I do think an extra few bound mouse buttons may be helpful. I've also been looking into a gaming pad like the Razer Tartarus. Does anyone have experience with something like this? If so, how do you like it? Did it help your gameplay at all?
  13. For what it's worth, I agree with you. My inventory management is horrible, and going back and trying to fix it..i find all these collection items that I'm not sure if they're safe to delete or not. So i have to look them up on the wiki and make sure it's safe to delete beforehand. It's a huge burden.
  14. Hey all, I will preface this by saying that I haven't been a huge WvW player throughout my GW2 career, and only really started doing it in the past year. I was just looking for advice or any recommendations for getting rolling in WvW for newish people. I've probably only logged about ~150-200 hours in WvW over the past 6 months, typically about 4-6 hours on Saturdays, and 2-3 hours occasionally on weekdays. I'm still only WvW rank 45. I roll with squads as best I can, and try to tag along for caps, etc. I just feel like the exp grind is extremely slow, and being low rank makes the pip grind horribly slow as well. It's the double exp weekend and so far I've played about 20 hours of WvW (grinding hard for tickets) and I just finished my gold chest. Went from Rank 41 to 45 during this time. That's staying at Tier 6 participation the whole time, and capping everything I can. Even during some of the downtime where no squads are rolling, I'll go around and just cap the scout checkpoints for the ~300 wvw xp. Does anyone have recommendations for the best way to gain ranks at a reasonable rate? I see posts about folks getting 30-40 ranks in a day, but it just seems waaaay slower than that. At this rate of doing what I'm doing it's gonna be a decade or more until I'm rank 1k-2k. I just feel like I'm doing something incredibly wrong, because it seems like 90% of the people I see on the enemy teams are like rank 1000+ (Oh and yes i'm using boosters and guild buffs). I'm sure many high ranking folks just came from playing thousands and thousands of hours over the past decade. And I read there used to be the EOTM karma farm which apparently people got ranks from, but with that no longer a thing, what are the best methods?
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