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Everything posted by Hellion.2360

  1. Bump, Warmaster Chan and his band of limited IQ NPCs are now just stuck outside the walls, constantly reforming yet staying in one place. Fix it Anet, do something.
  2. Hello, The escort event at Cursed Shore with Warmaster Chan (the 1st escort from Meddler's Waypoint) is bugged. Warmaster Chan refuse to get out of the camp, thus no way to do the meta event (which is NEEDED for A LOT of collections kitten). Fix it. *Edit: I tried to follow the advice of some forum posts to lure the Champion Undead Giant to reset the event. Sadly, after ages of camping the place with a friend, it did spawned but random players cannot apparently read and CC/killed it while I was kiting it to the Warmaster. nice. Edit No.2: Tried again to kite the Champion Undead Giant and yet again random ppl refused to listen. I can't continue and finish Astralaria Collection No.4.
  3. I'm totally with you. I was hyped af when they announced a hammer for ranger (I love hammers as a concept weapon) yet the untamed isn't even filling a niche in any pve content apart of being a wet unkillable noodle in openworld. I highly suggest you do the same as I did, kill-off your untamed and druid gear and spec and find something else more fun to play that actually fills some roles in pve content and don't rely on Anet to fix something anytime soon. Hope I'm wrong about Anet not touching Unplayed anytime soon, but we all saw what they did last patch....
  4. Sup, I've experienced several times a bug that forcefully makes my ground targeting fixed / snap on allies only. I'm not the only madman out here, most of my guild mates experienced that bug as well and going in and out of the instance usually fix it. But the point is, you don't know if you got bug as long as you don't use a ground targeting skill before the encounter, aka, you engage and suddenly realized that you are bugged. ps. I'm using "Ground Targeting: Normal" settings and not "Snap Ground Target to Current Target". (I got this bug mostly in EoD strikes but that's what I'm most doing now so idk if it's exclusive to those.)
  5. give some sniff of that HOPIUM you got there. (honestly i really hope so)
  6. and we got lucky as well, 3 days earlier! #RangerBlessed
  7. Juvenile Siege Turtle: Fixed an issue in which Hunker Down would block unblockable projectiles. very funny! 10/10 joke! you almost got me there anet! very cheeky! 🙃 now srsly, where is unplayed fix?
  8. I've targeted Sunrise the moment i knew it was a thing back 3,500 days ago, i know exactly what it takes to make legy weapons without mounts and only at core game. Don't want to comment no more on this thread since my poor expression of my ideas and thoughts about the GoB making it a fiesta of comments. I still think the implementation of GoB is poor yet I'm not going to further details.
  9. @knite.1542 Even your signature reveals the problem of obtaining GoB. i know it's hard but try to think about it, why there are so much ppl complaining about it? maybe it's truly flawed? why in so long ppl are still complaining about it? plus, why cant other game modes get GoB gaining options? would it outright kill WvW? why ppl care so much about making WvW the only way to obtain it? why ppl defend it? tribalism?... so many question, so many salt who said i wanna suggest smt? i just want to dip my brain in salt. plus, if you dont want to read it, just opt-out of this thread if it hurts you so much reading others complains. shoo, go away, be free to roam the other threads
  10. I honestly prefer to do something much more challenging PvE wise and actually play the game and not afk/kill random mobs on repeat in WvW. I'm 99% sure there are many who will do the same as me and it could also create more content for dead game modes like dungeons.
  11. Just bowing my head down upon a defected game design isn't my jam and one way to let the game designers know is to say/write something. (although i will be super surprised if any of the anet employees are cruising this place for feedback anymore. sadly looking at ranger mains)
  12. ty for trying to help me out and give/suggest me ways of obtaining this silly thing. unluckily im very very very familiar with that reward track and ways. just seeing that the new gen3 are ALSO under the umbrella of GoB terror just fried my brain out.
  13. Seems like u dont understand that why a player needs do to 99% of the legy in PvE (assuming it's a weapon) and only for this tiny tiny part of hell, he needs to step into a completely different game mode that involves PvP. WvW is still a PvP zone which you are susceptible to being jumped by a random passing player/zerg. Sure, I can understand it, letting players a gentle push towards new kind of things and mods, I totally agree. But once u tried it for the 10 GoB, it becomes a bit sh*t. there is a giant leap of difference. 1-you can get legy armor set from every game mode. 2-you dont need to do 4/5 hours of strike to get that underwhelming mount, you can go in kaineng strike for 10min and u are done. Edit- the silly turtle is a PvE mount as well. call me crazy but when in WvW you can obtain a WVW mount and when you are in a PvE mode you can obtain a PvE mount, insane no? and before i will get "legy items are also WvW and PvE content unlike the mounts". I 1000% agree, so why not spreading (like legy items) the love and places to obtain GoB to other modes and not gate-keep it in WvW?
  14. WHY on tyria we STILL need to do WvW on order to get gift of battle? Why forcing players to do a pvp game mode? Anet made MC and clovers much more spread out through the game modes on the base of "if u dont like X go do Y", why not with that horrible gift of battle? Don't give that stupid answer of "just afk for 5h" or "just go with a zerg for 4h" or "just do dailies for 15min over 1-2weeks" the game mode is not for everyone, especially player who do not have the warclaw mount and besides, don't u prefer to PLAY the game and not afk for 5h? I and others want to play game mode we ENJOY doing or at least are close to what we are doing, aka, PvE players can go do PvE stuff (OW, strikes, dead raids, fracs) and PvP players can go do PvP and WvW. It blows my mind how anet didnt addressed that horrible design of theirs, is it to force ppl to play WvW or just for saying "f the PvE players, they can go run on foot for hours and die to a random zerg hahaha" SALT 🧂 🧂 🧂 🧂 🧂 🧂
  15. Are you talking OW wise, pve, pvp, wvw? Since each of them have a very different need. For instance, In PvE perma boons on yourself arent THAT powerful considering most parties in strikes/fracs/raids are organized in a way to cover them already. Even in PvP it isnt that powerful, take a look at power Herald. And finally in OW who really cares if there is a class who dominates that field, it's not competitive aspect of the game and why not give the players a feeling of over-powerness? (never saw someone who complains about some spec being OP in OW, but saw some who complain about a class being weak ofc) And don't make me laugh talking about that abomination called "unplayed". Even at +10% static dmg increase it's still sh*t and feels bad to play and fills 0 roles in the current meta. Even in OW it's like slapping mobs with a wet noodle just waiting for them to get bored to death. (aint talking about WvW since i dont really have any exp with it)
  16. Could be bugged, like I said, it seems like this event is very very bug ridden and found it several times stuck in some step so I'm not surprised it won't spawn/start. Try hopping among maps via LFG or have some friends to help you hunt it down in the general area. (I highly doubt anet will fix this event any time soon considering their attitude towards rangers lately, aka, unplayed) Edit- I think when the event is bugged and stuck somewhere in the map, it wont self-reset itself thus making it impossible to spawn in that map until the map closes.
  17. The event starts at Kropa Village (Kropa Waypoint) and leads 3 NPCs to Temple of the Dredge. When u reach it, there will be a mushroom collection event and at the end of it a small escort toward Arianna's Perch. Half way to the Perch there will be a cool Champion Warden fight that u will need more than 5 ppl (in my experience) to defeat it, he is kinda strong. ps. Seems like the NPCs have a habit to get stuck on each of the steps, so you may want some friends to scout other maps. I remember one NPCs named Verasha (or smt close to that) which is the main NPCs that leads the event, so you can look for her.
  18. The month is following the Aztec calendar thus skipping the Gregorian calendar months! 🙃 Almost forgot to wish you a happy Bot Awareness day no.4! 🤖 Stay hydrated and avoid consuming too much salt! 😄
  19. Happy Bot Awareness day no.3! Don't forget to send your pets on them if you have any, they seems to like them very very much!
  20. please do explain the thing u call "partner", never heard about this animal
  21. Yes! Lets make bots be a contributing members of society! Maybe we should invest in more bot education and bot jobs! Bot Awareness Day No.2 🤖
  22. it's because everyone lost their minds long time ago, welcome to gw2 😄
  23. Greetings fellow PvPer, I just want to rent a bit 🙂 I'm want to organize a raise a bot awareness (for Anet) month. I'm sure most of us can deal with a 700 AP smurf from time to time on our games, but bots are a more common sight. Why games cannot be "I wonder what the builds of the enemy team are" instead of "I hope I will have less bots then the other team has"? Why Anet do not take any action against them? Do they even care? why EoD name is actually End of Development? what do Blue tastes like? Why I get nightmare each time i go to sleep about a guy with a creepy blue smiling mask that stacks condi's on me? So many questions, so many bots. Rant McRantson out.
  24. I disagree on 3. i don't want to micro my pet THAT much in at least in PvE (in PvP i don't have a lot of exp), if i attack a target i assume my pet will follow me. I don't want to find out after the boss is killed that my pet was just standing and staring at the boss. If i need to make the pet TP and use the spore bubble on a different target i will swap to the other target anyway to make the pet attack it instead. commanding your pet especially on Untamed were the attack my target is on F6 by default which is a hassle. the Ai in general seems even more wonky than the usual pet Ai (which ain't a star to begin with). On 8 it just feels bad that that u 'wasted' the bubble, nothing more.
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