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Posts posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. Watched the first video, tried it open world.  Everything the same as Muk has set up.  Yeah, it doesn't hit any harder than the quick scrapper build, in fact, it does far less due to lack of quickness. Not seeing the 8-10k autos that he is.  I'm in full legendary gear, same build, runes, sigils, yeah, seeing 4k autos with bomb.  Will give it a go for a bit longer, but mortar with quickness still seems to be much better in other builds I play.

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  2. 15 hours ago, Custodio.6134 said:

    That isn´t even really true, and a huge oversimplification of all the classes you mentioned. 

    Firebrand does ways more than just giving stab. let me correct that list for you: 

    - Firebrand: stability, resistance, resolution, reflections, stunbreaks, Blocks (Aegis), Projectile destruction, slight healing, potentially rezz (Signet of Mercy), CC (pulls/lines)
    -Scrapper: initial stability (bulwark toolbelt), cleanse, healing, stealth, CC for spikes (Hamer 5), projectile destruction, Boon-generation (Purity of Purpose, even though it got nerfed), Superspeed, Quickness
    Tempest: Aura-Support, Healing, cleansing (without converting), some (pretty unreliable) CC, Rebound 

    Additionally: Superspeed does not work when out of combat (which is the case in 90% of the scenarios when you are stealthed). because your movement-speed with swiftness is higher out of combat than the movement-speed you are set to by superspeed (Superspeed is an effect that provides a 100% increase to movement speed. Other effects that provide a bonus to movement speed (e.g. Swiftness, certain traits and signets) do not stack with superspeed; only the highest increase in movement speed will be applied.)  Superspeed only makes use of its full 100% increase while in combat.



    Sure, they all have more uses, but that isn't what people are asking for when they say I need more: insert class.

    I need more FB's in squad, they're asking for stability.  Scrappers, they are asking for cleanse.  Tempest, asking for auras.  Of course, they all do more than that, but what I listed is the reason what they are looking for.

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  3. People expect every support to do the same thing...they don't.

    Firebrand - cause stability

    Scrapper - cause cleanse and stealth

    Tempest - cause cleanse and aura


    No, they aren't equal.  The first is mandatory, the second or third are nice.  And yes, people do tend to favor the second slot to superspeed/stealth, it is what it is.


    That said, as a support scrapper main, superspeed should not even exist.  Kind of like how stealthed players should never move faster than about 80% of normal run speed while in stealth.  Game has a lot of things that need adjusting, but tempest isn't handicapped as bad as people are claiming, and auras have no counterplay other than stop attacking.  Take your pick as to how you want to support, but they aren't meant to do the same thing.

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  4. Some of the best tells I ever get are the rare time I'm on ranger in an anti-condition build.  Some condition roamers will spend an hour sending me tells on an off about how my damage is crap because they couldn't kill me like they did everyone else.  When the whole point of the build is for me to tank/troll them so they can't take the camp they want or kill the unsuspecting, who I just keep ressing.

    • Haha 1
  5. Techincally, wvw is almost always 1v1, because the superblobs avoid each other.  So usually, per map, you will have just one blob taking everything ktrain style while another is on a different map doing the same.  That way at the end of their raid, they can talk about how much loot they earned by killing doors and outnumbered defenders.

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  6. I have yet to see less than 7 tails in a fight.  Have done the fight more than 10 times, including 3 today.  Seeing 3+ CC per fight, and the boss just keeps flipping sides, 10+ times per fight.  Seeing more and more 2-3 thornhearts appear at the same time.  Have seen more than a few double whirlpools.   The mechanics are pretty simple.  The DPS check really isn't that bad, you just have to actually do damage.  Every meta seems to be 1 of 2 things that happens:  the group had too few people/or dps OR the meta falls to RNG and fails.  RNG seems to be the cause of more failures than dps as of late.

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  7. On 3/14/2022 at 5:06 AM, Izzy.2951 said:

    Called prestige, and effort.

    How is that prestige or effort?   When your meta ends up being, tail, tail, tail, tail, tail, tail, tail, tail, oh we failed...bummer.  Or, you get 1 tail, and prevail, nothing the successful group did made them better or more skilled.


    Do you see the problem here?

    This is like asking for titles for everything in the game earned before mounts or gliders were introduced, because it was just easier to do with them.  The rest of us "earned it", but new folks with mounts didn't.  /smh

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  8. On 2/17/2022 at 8:56 AM, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

    Flying mouts would make avoiding fights even easier than walls and siege, so what makes you think it would lead to more/better fights? Most likely the exact opposite would happen.

    Pretty much this.  People already stack and map hop to avoid fights, so their ktrain isn't slowed down.  Last thing we need is to just let the ktrain go straight to lord everywhere.

  9. People need to understand that wvw isn't a balanced match.

    Anet wants large groups easily winning matches.  They nerf anything that even remotely made defense possible with smaller numbers.  Even things like shield gens and downstate, fully support the larger groups.

    Ignoring Anet's choices, players want easy wins because it means fast wxp and loot.

    So, what you see in game now, is huge groups of comp'd players, only fighting when they don't have to fight one of the other huge groups of comp'd players.

    All these blobs, avoid each other so they only have to face outnumbered servers and pugs, because it's the easiest way to win.  So, they have banded together, stacked and transferred to places where no other large comp plays against them during their play hours.

    If, by mistake, another comp'd blob plays where and when they play, one of them will transfer or stay on opposite maps, so they never have to fight.  Occasionally, bored comps will try and fend off another one, but usually say "I can't get on the map with all of my blob" so they don't bother to defend.  Which is good, I guess, cause Anet has shown they don't really want people defending anyway.

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  10. People need to understand that wvw isn't a balanced match.

    Anet wants large groups easily winning matches.  They nerf anything that even remotely made defense possible with smaller numbers.  Even things like shield gens and downstate, fully support the larger groups.

    Ignoring Anet's choices, players want easy wins because it means fast wxp and loot.

    So, what you see in game now, is huge groups of comp'd players, only fighting when they don't have to fight one of the other huge groups of comp'd players.

    All these blobs, avoid each other so they only have to face outnumbered servers and pugs, because it's the easiest way to win.  So, they have banded together, stacked and transferred to places where no other large comp plays against them during their play hours.

    If, by mistake, another comp'd blob plays where and when they play, one of them will transfer or stay on opposite maps, so they never have to fight.

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  11. 10 minutes ago, Sylvia.4870 said:

         SInce the Thief is fragile, has few options as defensive weapons - dodges, evasion ,blindness, stealth, teleportation capacities, it is not strange when the Thief carefully fights any opponent. A few mistakes can spell the Thief's doom.


    Sort of though.  Most classes in an even fight, make 1 mistake and the fight is over.  Player stomped.  Thief can make 1 mistake, then another, then another, ad infinitum, and reset any time they want.  The only doom is that they had to leave, not that they died.

  12. Thief is the most forgiving class in the game.  You can make the most mistakes of any class and still just walk away from a fight.  As the above poster said, duel = it's bad form, other than that, every one expects a thief to just blow cd's and when they don't win because the other player is better, they just run away.

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