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Posts posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. 5 hours ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

    For those talking about repairing not giving participation:  Note that IF a structure is under attack, and you repair a wall, you will get defense credit for the ‘defend event’ thus giving you participation.  

    Your world will not end..

    I don't think it's gonna work that way.  Repairing doesn't contribute anything, so you won't get event credit.  I may be wrong, still a dumb change unless they remove siege damage participation at the same time.

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  2. Downstate - boonball zerg breaks into keep inner, stands there farming bags until the defender gives up.  The fight was 30-50 guild vs 10-20 pugs.  They take keep when defender realizes boon sharing is broken.


    No downstate - boonball zerg breaks into keep inner, and gets picked off 1 by 1 because the defender has a short runback.  The boonball gets a reasonable amount of kills, but it isn't a bag farm cause even pugs can cloud them down.  Skill actually matters in this fight.


    Forums - people complaining they need downstate to press 1 and win every fight vs outnumbered servers.

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  3. It changes nothing about wvw.  The only thing that will be different, using myself as an example, is that I will no longer be on TC, I will be on "New Name" (whatever they call the place I get stuck).


    Players stacking - unchanged.

    Players refusing to fight unless they outnumber their opponents - unchanged.

    Blob guilds avoiding each other cause they only want to fight pugs - unchanged.

    Guilds avoiding each other because the fastest way to get loot/wxp is to ktrain or fight 10 guys with 50 - unchanged.

    Players transferring because another comp'd guild played during their playtime - unchanged.

    Your entire third papered overnight because every SEA player chose the same alliance (server) - unchanged.

    Comp'd groups refusing to fight each other - unchanged.


    Anet said that alliances won't fix anything about wvw.  Yet, we're gonna do it, cause why not.  It's been "Soon" for the last 4 years.


    The good news is they are removing participation for anything related to defense.

    The better news is that you can still AFK on a treb all week and earn pips.

    • Confused 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:


    You know, after the last three weeks of having to deal with a kitten ktrain boon blobs every night, I'm coming to terms on how much wvw has turned to kitten with these groups, and agreement with any whacky conditions to add to them. The only problem with this suggestion is they'll still just sit in the lords room farming pugs, cause that's really what they're after, farming easy players who can't touch them.

    I suggested they just remove player drops as a solution in another thread, but, as the blobs farming outnumbered servers is Anet's idea of fun in wvw, they will likely just increase drops the larger the number advantage the blob has.

    • Like 1
  5. On 10/22/2021 at 6:48 PM, Terrier.8732 said:

    Or, like back in the day, commanders who come to defend a structure could stay for 1 minute and get the zerg to repair before moving on. The unrepaired wall issue is a player issue that allows afk'ers to exploit it.

    Yet, they aren't planning on removing the participation for the auto treb guy who is AFK all day trebbing the towers from SMC.  It's two sides of the same coin.  If they remove the timer reset period from repairing, then they need to remove the timer reset period for doing siege damage.


    This change has nothing to do with "unintended gameplay" and everything to do with the fact Anet does not want people defending...at all.  Every change, every nerf, favors the ktrain blobs.


    They should just add a commander option that says if you have more than 25 people on tag, or outnumber your defenders by more than 20 (which is almost every zerg), you can just walk through walls because why waste that many people's time or siege.

    • Like 4
  6. On 10/15/2021 at 7:37 AM, Androx.8572 said:

    Dudes. World VERSUS World means kill or die. 

    It is designed to be that way.

    The day most players understand this rule , this game mode will truly become competitive and these kind of threads will stop going.

    A complain of this nature only exposes that the player is not suited for the pressure going on Today.

    Why cry about politeness? , go to PvE , Lmao.

    Dont have a good set? , go to PvP , Lmao.

    I belive these complains are wrong for this Game Mode.



    WvW won't ever be competitive.  The reason is that you will always have tons of players who think skill is fighting 50 vs 20 (or doors).  They will continue to server stack because anet encourages it.  The fastest way to get rank and loot is to blob down outnumbered servers.  And, when faced with equal size/comp'd blobs, people just hide on another map or transfer to an easier tier where no other blob is in their blobs playtime.

    • Like 1
  7. 19 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

    I posted this on another thread as well of the video tour.

    This sort of troll behaviour is just getting ridiculous.




    And, we have been dealing with, and reporting, this player for nearly 8 years now.

    Week in, week out.  Almost always the same thing.

  8. You guys are trying to put logic into this, and nothing they do involves logic.

    Treb bot = participation all day

    Outnumbered players just trying to stave off extinction = no repair participation


    Be careful what you wish for.  Cause, they will end up deciding that it's unfair that you get an extra pip playing the week before when a new person can't get it, and remove it altogether.

    • Haha 1
  9. Yeah, the launch of fractals was that it was a new dungeon type.

    Then, it got called by it's own name...fractals.

    Then, to make fractals more appealing, they nerfed all dungeon loot into non-existence.

    Then, to make fractals even MORE appealing, they made fractals rain ascended gear like every other game mode gets the junk drops.


    In the end, no dungeons.

    (Dungeons were better content)

    • Like 7
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  10. The tickets are earned in segments/reward tiers.  From wood through diamond.  Each tier has a number of pips that need to be earned to get the tickets from that tier.  

    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skirmish_reward_track good reference.


    So, the first tier is wood, and requires 100 total pips to complete.  You currently get 17 skirmish tickets completing the wood tier.

    You earn pips based on warscore, your rank, and an additional +1 pip if you completed the wood tier the week before.  Also, you get +5 pips by being outnumbered.

    The pips are earned once every 5 minutes.  So, if you are in last place during the current 5 minutes, completed wood the previous week, and are bronze rank, you would earn 5 pips every 5 minutes.


    Anet is going to increase the pips based on warscore by +1 and increase the pips earned by ranks (including no rank) by +1.  But, even with the new changes, you will still only earn 17 skirmish tickets, because the tickets are not being increased, just how fast you can earn them, up to the 365 weekly cap, which means finishing every tier through diamond. 


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  11. With full zerk stats, the hardest I can hit is for 14k against a full zerk deadeye.  I can do 12k vs tempests, and roughly 8-10k on average (vs full zerk).  Backstab still hits me harder than that average as full minstrel.  I can't even count using both hands the number of other "instant deaths" that have happened to me from nearly every other class.  Every class has a <1 second kill combo, and some of those do upwards of 25k damage, even when I'm in my full minstrel set (which exceeds my total health) which is my normal play build.  There are condition builds that do more damage in the first second than grenade barrage does.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Faccina.5091 said:

    My necro when chilled/crippled go at walking speed and in combat is so slow that i cant run away even with wurm and swiftness but now that i'm with my brand new ranger all the necros that i see around can outrun me just by running,  wtf i slow down cuz i hit them and they just run away ?

    All with the speed runes +66% ? How do they crit 3k+ anyway then ?

    If you can record your fights.  While speed runes can definitely make players quick, rewatch fights where you just get left behind.  A lot of times, you will see that the enemy moved as if their character was skipping like a rock on water.  It's a third party program that is not allowed, but anet refuses to handle.  So, like 20% of the population seems to be using it.

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  13. 22 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Cele is a blank slate. It is what you make it out to be.

    I can build a Cele warrior with over 4k power with periods of 100% crit rate and well over 200% crit damage for instance. Is it all super powerful? No.

    The additional stats help make a few builds work better, but honestly in the scheme of things this is not something to worry about.

    Minstrel blobs are more of a problem because of the Feb2020 damage nerfs and not the stats specifically.

    Celestial only works for a few classes atm.  When the new ele spec is released, it will be 100 shades of broken.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    They should just make all the tactics passive and triggered on certain conditions.

    Airship, Chilling fog, triggered when the lord is aggroed.

    Minor supply drop, triggered when supply gets under 25% of total.

    Invulnerable fortification, EWP, Banners, triggered when a wall or gate(inner for keeps) gets to 25%

    Usual cooldowns.

    Now if you're thinking but Xenesis! they can still troll aggro the lords with aoes or trebs in some towers!... who cares! invul is the most used tactic on towers and it'll be on wall or gate damage not lords, chilling fog is garbage best they use it early so they don't get to use it for alacrity in the lord fight, airship is smc only and best used on lord fights.

    There, done, troll talk over, forget about pulling tactics and move on with your gaming.

    Anet...make it so.

  15. I have been playing WvW since launch, it's mostly all I do in game.  I don't know if this is new, but today I learned that the invulnerable tactic for keeps/towers, does NOT work at Lowlands (green) keep watergate.  This has to be a bug or an oversight, the tactic works on those gates at both red and blue keep.

  16. Go play, or watch a video of, chloromancers in Rift.  You can tell this is where the got the idea for druid, and then basically made it crap in comparison.  They didn't want the trinity in the game, cause "everyone can do everything (despite not being able to)", and then they made raid content that required primary healers.  Honestly, I would rather they just delete the current druid, and take the design they stole from Rift.

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  17. The castle is for large blobs/groups to kill solos/outnumbered and for free takes on the 6 closest towers.  When they are low on numbers, they can just repair walls for participation and hide behind siege and the guild aura buff.  When their blob is around, they use it to take everything around it with no effort, since it takes no time or effort to treb everything into oblivion.


    Nowadays, the bigger servers hold smc and nothing else, because they want the free, easy loot for killing 30 with 70 when the 30 look to see if anyone is home, AND, they want to lose the match to stay fighting smaller servers to repeat the loot farming.

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