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Mitakuye Oyasin.6159

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  1. When I play fractals with beginner most of the time we do all fractals smooth and easy, but with this boss the group dies like 5 times before we finish the boss, is not even normal, are they all bad players? No, it's just a poorly designed boss, who also gets bugged frequently especially in the storm phase, and most of the players I know newbies and experts are avoiding this fractal because it's gruelling long and hard and it's not worth the reward, just saying.
  2. I had Twilight for a long time, but I bought Sunrise yesterday from bazar for 2200 gold aprox and inmediately crafted Eternity. I typed the Anet staff and they told me they can't do nothing for me. Legendary armory gave me so many headaches, first we can't swap weapons without getting sigils removed and now I find this surprise, I would never have expected to get an Eternity bounded to my account, that's the last thing on earth I wanted, phew...
  3. Yeah that's what I did, I wish I could have read this info before. Honestly I don't care about having this sword, right now I would gift Eternity to any random player if I could, I feel like I wasted thousands of gold for nothing.
  4. Hello, I crafted Eternity combining Twilight and Sunrise (both skins previously unlocked) and even if the skin is still locked and I didn't linked Eternity to my character I still can't sell it, why is this happening?
  5. I hope you are being ironic, not only this JP is horribly poorly designed but also it's practically impossible to complete without help as Taco, guides and mesmers, and even harder to complete for those like me that have a modest PC and in some parts we get low fps and get a bit laggy, I remain convinced that Anet made a serious mistake including it in the Achievements and nothing will make change my mind about that.
  6. With all my respects are you sure that you have not mistaken the topic discussion? I'm NOT telling is unfair that a player who plays much less than other can't get as much of the good things, that's the way it should be by logic and i think this game does it pretty well at it when it comes to the wealth system balance, and it's not even necessary to spend crazy amounts of time to earn a lot of gold if you know how to move in the right places like certain meta events or fractals, I crafted 3 legendaries myself in a year despite playing a modest number of hours because I researched deeply, i watched guides and moved in the right direction when gathering the stuff required like mats and clovers for the gifts, all I'm saying is that something is wrong in this game when a player despite all his good will, intention and effort is unable to overcome a certain challenge and has no other alternative to reach that same end because an almost impossible JP got in the way, in my honest opinion it is a mistake that they included Chalice of Tears JP in the "Returning Champion" achievements firstly because the JP design leaves much to be desired, with very tricky terrains and extremely difficult to figure out the correct path without Youtube guides or TacO, second because simply this JP is a complete disappoint for casual players that just want to have some fun or relax and only leaves a trail of frustration and anger to the casual or average player, this is not about climbing and gaining experience as in fractals or getting better at beating enemies in PvP, here you find a harsh and brutal reality: a twisted, hardly enjoyable, tricky JP that the 95% of the players overcome researching carefully internet guides and with tricks, portals, mesmers, TacO and others, and there is no other alternative to achieve that same end for which you have invested many hours previously in other maps like in the LS2 'Returning Champion' achievements, now all my enthusiasm to complete all the achievements and making the effort to connect every week at least a few hours to not miss those before they finish is gone and it feels like wasted time honestly...anyway as i said before i'll take a break from this game and try this JP again forward.
  7. I have not really made this request for myself alone, I can honestly live without a legendary amulet and I was starting to assume it, and believe me I have tried YouTube guides and more and still after hours I am incapable and I haven't had any luck with the mesmers, but I speak representing many players, perhaps hundreds, who are unable to complete the puzzle, it should not be normal to resort exclusively to Mesmers or at least it's not my concept of a game accessible "for all players of any level", because in the case of legendary weapons for example there is more than one alternative, such as buying the precursor and crafting the legendary one or saving gold and buying them directly in the bazaar, but here there is no alternative and that is what seems unfair and badly designed to me, maybe I'm seeing the glass half empty on this matter but frankly it saddens me because despite finding these walls of frustration I love this game. P.D. Thanks to the ones who posted the video guide though i already tried this guide and many more, i think i'll take a break from the game and when the Ember Bay achievements come back try my luck again with this JP a 2nd time by myself and if not possible again then my last hope that are mesmers (a kind of resort that shouldn't happen because everybody should be available to do it without spending hours and hours there, but hey that's just my opinion.)
  8. You missed the point completely, I have 3 legendaries and I don't think I deserve any good reward without completing any content, can you interpret what you read?
  9. I know that there are harder JP in the game and that this game can be easy for many, but also many of us who play this game cannot afford to spend hours every day playing because we have a life outside, work, studies, etc. and we only play several hours a week, I am just saying that I find it unfair that the casual gamer who cannot afford to play 3 hours or more on a daily basis and doesn't have a great skill level has to give up certain items like the legendary amulet because it is not feasible for him/her to complete a JP of a difficulty that seems ridiculous to me. I bet that those like Ulrich.7253 who says "I'm whining" and those who laugh are precisely the ones who can spend 5 or more hours every day playing, well, congratulations to these people.
  10. Please for mercy I beg you to delete that jumping puzzle achievement from Ember Bay map that is mandatory to complete the "Returning Champion" achievements, many of us simply do not have the skill level to complete a jumping puzzle of such extreme difficulty, right now I have given up after trying for hours and I am aware that this is the case for many more players apart from me, are we condemned to not get a legendary amulet just because we can't complete a JP? It seems unfair to me 😞
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