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Everything posted by kiwituatara.6053

  1. Still playing around with staff. Keen to see what everyone else is coming up with. Looking for WvW builds~ Doesn't have to be meta, just have to be fun.
  2. Its fine, its just the names. The relic on rune system was a good idea but the implementation is so bad. We'll just have to wait for them to clean up and polish.
  3. Can we please change command skills back into shouts? It woulda been OP during HoT era, but the game has changed so much since then. I’m really disliking the current cele meta in WvW with conditions that are backed by 25 might. It’s getting out of hand and having extra condi cleanse options would really help.
  4. Maybe they should just make sword skills selectable like hammer is now outside of untamed, but make the skills selectable as a set and not for individual skills.
  5. Yeah my thoughts too. It doesn’t feel overpowered? It’s feels like a solid pet. But those have always been nerfed in the past
  6. How do you guys feel about the pet? I think the low cd CC and torment stacks is pretty awesome. Attacks maybe the same speed as cats? Its direct dmg is about 800ish dmg and critting for about 1200-1600 https://imgur.com/a/NBEs4Fc
  7. Yeah that’s why I’m wondering why they’d even touch staff auto. Just frustrated that it got nerfed when there is a burn pandemic in WvW. I don’t play meta builds anymore and had so much fun trying to make power Druid staff to work. It’s fine, I’ll just got back to theorycrafting. Just wanted to rant about Anet nerfing something so underused.
  8. Yes I play druid. And no, I don't want to watch cringe music videos of cherry picked fights. I play enough WvW to have a feel of what most people are playing. Vine surge was really only hitting if you're casting behind. Front facing vine surge is so avoidable. But that doesn't matter. And is increasing a target from 3 to 5 really big? Thats so situational. I want to bring focus back to staff auto. Power staff auto had a consistent highish damage but consequently had no burst skills. If they were worried about the synergy with stances, they probably should have looked into how stances work instead. I don't see anyone using staff for its beam power dmg in wvw. Most are just using it to recharge CA in a condi roam build or wvw zerg heal build.
  9. Yea vine surge is really only hitting in big zergs. Not a very good skill when roaming
  10. Solar Beam: Reduced power coefficient per strike from 0.3 to 0.25 in WvW only. Excuse me? Almost nobody was using staff as a power weapon. Nobody was complaining about power staff. Meanwhile we have burn wars 2 in WvW that didn’t get nerfed.
  11. I really want sceptre with a beam auto like staff. I’m so sick of projectile hate I’ve actually been running power staff builds so I can beam down people who bubble up. Can’t wait to sic-em one wolf pack beam people with the expansion.
  12. Can we just make sure mace mainhand has a good movement skill? Just saying this cuz mainhand dagger suckssssss. 400 range leap is slower than pressing W
  13. Make all celestial gear have a stacking brown aura in WvW. When in full celestial gear, the aura becomes an ugly dark brown. For those roamers that don't want to fight cele, they can easily avoid them. This will solve the cele balance issue without taking away the stat from wvw 😏
  14. Funnily enough, Soulbeast, the most "non-pet elite spec", needs Protective Ward the least due to having better defensive options, but SB is the only elite spec with consistent pet survivability (no pet death penalty) to run the trait with. But yeah, protective ward seems dead. I can't make a build around it at all. If anyone has got any ideas please share!
  15. Now that we've had more time to play around, how is everyone feeling about the revamp of this traitline? Anyone got any interesting builds to share? I thought the new Protective Ward would be interesting but I can't seem to make a build that utilizes it well. Edit: Looking more towards WvW builds just cuz thats my go to gamemode
  16. Can we please buff off-hand torch please? Even a small bump to 2 stacks of burn on 4th skill is fine. Wouldn't hurt to add aoe condi cleanse on torch#5 as well
  17. Anyone notice sword#3 always applies immob even when the target is not impaired?
  18. Ayyyye BM bunker when apothecary was like the very first new stat set introduced with karka island? I remember someone posting their RRR build and another guy called xsorus, both running BM regen builds
  19. Oh yeah I forget daze has a 100% cap. I got confused cuz I remember moment of clarity interacting with fear duration and you're able to get over the 100% duration cap. Thanks for the feedback. But yeah definitely has difficulties with stab spam builds. Yeah I would slot in the daze glyph too, but I'm enjoying Technobabble a lot I wish storm spirit had a higher damage multiplier. I was hoping it would be a new burst that interacted well with Moment of Clarity and Remorseless. With celestial gear it hits about 3k per slam. With full zerk it hits about 4k
  20. Build is no where near perfect but I am having lots of fun with it and the main goal is to inspire new builds for those that are better at theorycrafting. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POkAUZlFwOoDMM2JO+SWt7SO3eA-z1IY1oi/UKQC0iCIQRQODBHNL4/aBA-w Daze Durations: - Concussion Shot: 4s - Storm Spirit: 2 x 4s (this can turn into a back-to-back 8s daze) - Blood Moon: 2s - Lunar Impact: 4s - Technobabble (optional): 6s (1200 range, no cast time, no animation) http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAUZlFwOYMMM2JO+SWtzSO3eA-z5gfIFIB6VIEyKwRDAA - I have no idea if it'll work in PvP as I don't play that game mode. Edit daze duration thanks!
  21. In WvW as well? I'm always open to new builds but I haven't really played around with them in WvW. Actually, I just read through the Spirit skills again. They do seem extremely underwhelming even in PvE. The idea of active gameplay is great, but I don't see how they would work right now?
  22. Yeah, I think the changes had good intentions though. I haven't touched pve in a long time but spirits were boring to play right? Takes up slots while generating passive buffs.
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