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Everything posted by erapago.4387

  1. Hi ArenaNet, Noticing a glitch on the Norn Eagle armor. Seems like a relatively recent thing that gives my character flying squirrel armpit wings. It's super noticeable with some poses, and animations like swimming. imgur album comparing the Eagle armor to another piece of armor while wielding a rifle: https://imgur.com/a/c3gOmEL
  2. Before the Steam release comes out, there's got to be a way to explain to new players why they're seeing a completely different Lion's Arch in the personal story.
  3. This is my monitor. Yes, the game is clearer at night when there's no ambient light. This shouldn't, however, be necessary, and no, I don't think this is the only way to make it work. The textures themselves can be set to have different (reasonable) brightness values instead of relying on fixing things in post.
  4. So, I've come back to the game after a 5 year hiatus and I'm having a grand old time... when it's day-time in-game. But when it's night, or it's a dark zone... I can barely see anything. Ember Bay's been the worst so far, since the environment itself is pretty dark and it's always night time. Please don't make me play with post processing on just so I can see what's ahead of me. It's ridiculous that proper environmental brightness and the ability to actually see your environment is a setting, isn't it? Post-processing off folks, how was your experience in Ember Bay? How'd you get around this? PP + light adaption on (I can see!) PP + light adaption off (where am I!?)
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