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Everything posted by erapago.4387

  1. You forgot Desert Highlands. Don't worry, so did ArenaNet.
  2. This map need bounties and for someone pride to give it another pass to get rid of all the clipping.
  3. Store rotation person's been asleep at the wheel. We had the same mount packs in the store for 4 months back in late summer/fall.
  4. Yeah, I'm sure that'll happen buddy. Just like the storm of class action lawsuits businesses got when they dropped support for Windows XP (which GW2 also dropped last year, to no commotion at all).
  5. I can't get over how oversaturated this is. Amnoon looks radioactive and there's just SO MUCH detail lost with these crushed blacks. If you're going to force it, please make it better first.
  6. Thanks for reminding me how terrible and oversaturated your colour grading is, ArenaNet. I'm sitting here by the mystic forge in Armistice Bastion, everything's orange and the blacks are completely crushed.
  7. I don't like anything except rewards. Give me the rewards.
  8. https://www.gw2style.com/search.php?searchname=tyrael&searchdesc=&searchowner=&world=-1&race=-1&gender=-1&color=-1&dye=-1&armor=-1&armorslot0=-1&armorslot2=-1&armorslot4=-1&armorslot1=-1&armorslot3=-1&armorslot5=-1&dosearch=1&sortcol=3&sortdir=0&ipp=100&index=1&displaytype=2
  9. Hizen created both the Cavalier and Assassin's build. Assassin is better.
  10. It's never too sooner for the trigger finger doomers!
  11. I know damage an numbers are important. But what I really want is for hammers to not sound like I'm finger flicking a wine glass.
  12. The mace trait was replaced with a hammer trait that only impacts maces? What? Edit: Oh, I can't read. It's Friday, goodbye folks!
  13. So, back in the August studio update, we heard about sales coming alongside the freebies (yay, thanks for those!). But when are these sales going to happen, exactly? I'm comparing the 2022 anniversary sales to every year prior and... this doesn't seem traditional.
  14. Last thing the game needs is ray tracing. It needs better performance and better post processing.
  15. Hard to tell. The studio update blog post mentioned we'd be getting a free mount skin and "a wide range of Gem Store sales to celebrate the anniversary" but the sale rotation this month seemed... normal? Like what'd we'd get any other week.
  16. I chose the Frostsoul skyscale and deeply regret it! Don't recommend. 🙂 The dye channels really aren't what I was expecting and the crystal/frost doesn't take colours very well.
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