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Everything posted by CafPow.1542

  1. Yeah or… i dunno. like at the moment i have to join a different discord or teamspeak for every tag i join. I don’t mind really but it’s a bit annoying to not have „that one disc/ts“ you always use. this will eventually prevent many ppl from joining and when it cones to zerg vs zerg, the one who is entirely in voice will probably win. but… yeah that’s an issue, the playerbase will have to solve eventually.
  2. Hey… i didn’t check anything but just an hour or 2 ago, i thought about exactly that. And i tried to ignore my personal feelings about WR and was under the impression that it feels… „more balanced“ if this makes any sense. so objectively…. The WR is not really bad. But we have to assume ofc, that bugs will be dealt with. now the big downside for me personally is, that a lot of people i use to play with are somwhere else, cause we have a numerous amount of guilds on our server that didn’t coordinate to the same thing. This „scattered“ „my server“… which is kinda meh. on the other side, i met a lot of new people now, a few are… let’s say toxic but most of them are cool to play with. It’s not just a downside. restructuring the world will also imply that we restructure and re-organise Communities, Guilds, Teams, Players.
  3. As i said. they all swap to fb. guardians are guardians biggest enemies. Every dragonhunter is a „not firebrand“ in the zerg. you could scale up dh‘s damage a bit for zergs if needed or whatnot but outside of damage, every valuable thing he can bring to the table, fb does too but better. Imo this has nothing to do with other specs. but anyways, initially this was about willies. And here we have the same reason why you see less dh‘s roaming. Willies just do it better. Why kitten myself on dh when i can play sillybender? I don’t. That doesn’t mean dh is super awful, that just means willie might be to strong. at least in the case of guardians class it is that i feel like.
  4. When this happens, i always rush there cause there can be great fights with a lot of bags to win. i only don’t go there when one of the keeps gets attacked simultaneously.
  5. Yeah i say fine. since turbotrapper isn’t a thing anymore… and pulling of the test of faith burst isn’t that ez pz but if you manage it, it’s strong. I feel like they are decently doing damage and can survive without being op. mostly as roamers tho, and in my opinion, the only reason you don’t see them in zergs is cause a DH could be a FB so he has to swap. I see a lot of DHs swap into FB as soon as the cloudblob starts to form itself out but the reason is not dh being weak, but fb still very good in this scenario.
  6. I like to do everything really. large well organized zergs, small clouds, roaming alone…. i come online and adapt to what is there. If there is no tag, i might tag up myself. I am happy with the things that are there, and i don’t know why i always have to have everything available asap. Cause that’s not how life works out mostly but well… besides that: „winning“ or „losing“ is very irrelevant for me. Why should i care if my server goes up or down a tier? Cause as a single player, i can barely influence that. if we lose a T3 keep i don’t get salty cause of „muh ppt“, or might just get slightly salty cause we lost a fight. but especially now during WR, i see a lot of people in teamchat getting angry because in their opinion, nobody cares for ppt, or they care to much. Or whatever reason they pull out their a**…. Then they start blaming commanders, that maybe -just like me- only tagged up cause there was nobody else around at that time and start to flip stuff because they can… it‘s really going over my head why one can be so sweaty… sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. the fun thing is, even if i lose, as long as i can play, i get all my rewards.
  7. They certainly did yes. but the behavior stayed even after askongold quit, and for gw2, … well the maguuma-bandwagon works without streamers. no doubt you have a point but i think both are essential, besides that: both Problems are a Player-made Problem and i doubt, devs can solve this entirely themself.
  8. Okay lol. Buff Guardian then. hahhahaa “noooo guardian isn’t mandatory everywhere anymore, reeeee“
  9. I don’t know if it was only streamers. It’s a „flock minded behavior“… this is a very human behavior and understandable. i just ask myself how i would deal with it properly, some of your ideas you posted seem good as far as i can understand them. But I’m just unsure about the problem overall and if it can be solved properly.
  10. I wasn’t 100% serious but now i am: the Guardian Profession is the last one in the entire Game that has reasons to complain. Across all the gamemodes, different Guardianspeccs are / where strong, always. it‘s okay for me. It’s fine. But you really don’t have to defend guardians generally or willbenders specifically.
  11. I’m kinda pro this but…. It reminds me of classic wow. They had a massive bandwagon-movement on the „good servers“. (Or what people thought be good). This resulted in hourlong Qs just to log into the game. You can kinda compare it to the maguuma-phenomenon. the Problem is, a lot of those „good servers“ are gone by now. It really is like a locust swarm. They bandwagon into the next server and destroy the next one. this is fine as long as it’s not „my server“… but how do you prevent that? Cause one day, it will be „my server“… maybe we should try to distribute wvw players once kinda equally and then block server switches entirely…? Dunno. PS: in blizzards case, the devs didn’t do a good job of servermanagement additionally but what hopes can we have that anet does it better really?
  12. I’m playing against my friends? oh so that’s why it’s so easy to win lately. Yeah makes sense. 😄
  13. You mean firebrands? no wait. aaahhh let’s just call it „guardians“ in general. Tho DHs seem to be fine since trapperrune is not a thing anymore.
  14. You are obviously wearing cele gear which is the Problem and needs to be nerfed. clearly, you should be dead too. How dare you not die to the godlike skill of this willbenderplayer by pressing 2? nerf cele!!! for all my confused emojji frens out there: this post is meant to be ironic.
  15. I like the decoration factor. maybe the intended plan was to block the inner circle for some reason? But it’s astetically appealing.
  16. Now it’s the weapons. Okay. i don’t know anymore.
  17. Yeah because you just have your 2-5 button burst where everything falls down. 9/10 fights is just burst down lol. if not, you run away. Very hard indeed. i wouldn’t say that cele needs so muc skill but i would never imagine myself to be a high-skilled gamerlegend only because i play in a certain way. That’s just silly, that’s my point. you can play very good or very bad, it can take a lot of skill or no skill at all, and all of that has nothing to do with the stats you use so don’t rub yourself cause you’re using stat XY.
  18. Exactly. I think the first part (aka me being somewhere else than my guild) is fixed as far as i can tell. but the other one is an issue for me (aka guild a is somewhere else than guild b), but thats, as we both say, is a guilds choice and anet is not to blame here.
  19. 1) don’t use shroud when „it’s full“, use it when you need it / when the rotation wants it. You can enter shroud when it’s only…. 80% full. 2) in wvw you should want a different build from open world. Better said: 2 different ones. One is for roaming and one for zergs. If you go with your pure OW build into wvw, you will have a harder time than necessary. I can only mention guildjen.com again, she has a lot of builds for roaming / zerging respectively listed and explains how you can play with it.
  20. While i think celestial is generally a good stat „for everything“ on most professions, my opinion on reaper is that one should always go for berserker or marauder/dragon. you have to go more into a condi reaper that is a bit more … complicated imo than the pure zerk-reaper (who is super straight forward). the only thing you get from cele is more defense (which is not needed for reaper in my opinion) and more boon duration (which is also not needed, you essentially have all the boons you need anyways). Basically you just nerf your damage for very little defense / boon durarion you don’t need. And to get the condis going you need to spec into it. but that’s just my opinion. 🙂
  21. Sure but if one guild is somewhere else than the other, this might be cause the guild chose to do that. I don’t know if this is the case, if yes, anet is not to blame. i just think it would be a pity but that’s the thing of the guilds to coordinate each other.
  22. I admit, after the fix it’s…. Better. But we have a bunch of guilds on our server and those are all scattered which is sad imo. besides that, it’s okay. There is only one guild on the enemie team that is outperforming everything but they are very good coordinated so that’s fair so far. They are not unbeatable. the last issue is, that i have to visit 7-8 different discords now instead of that 1 serverdiscord (or teamspeak, for some oldschoolservers ^^)… it’s an inconvenience but just a little one to be fair.
  23. Yeahh awesome. I just get minstrels gear which also gets a lot of complaints but with said gear i can’t even kill a dolyak by myself. Woohoo. tell ya what. Let’s say we nerf cele by deleting concentration (and maybe toughness or expertise or something), the oneshotter would still face the same issue cause i only have to counter the 2 second burst window.
  24. „Skillful Play“ a.k.a. Who can oneshot faster. some people… “noooo you can’t just say that fighting 2 minutes and cycling through all your abilities and timing them right and cancelling your CC to lure out dodgerolls is more skillfull than me, pressing my 2 button rofl-delete-berserker combo reeeeeeee!!!!!“ this thread got really funny.
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