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Vasdamas Anklast.1607

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  1. I honestly don't get it, what else was I supposed to say? Was I supposed to agree with you and act like an NPC by default? Why does pet skill matter? Aren't we talking about SB's merge skill? It's not only weaker, but it doesn't play as well with the rest of the loadout compared to Revenant, which, from a game design point of view, MATTERS and is probably the very reason why they made it instant in the first place. The only time I ever felt pressured by it was when a very good sb played it with glass stats. Oh and yeah, UA is also pretty kitten great at making people waste their dodges, thanks to its animation too. If it doesn't make any sense, then read my post again. I am mostly a roamer and I fight thieves A LOT, and so far UA has better chances of countering thieves's (and not just them) attempts to OOC than smoke scale's merge skill ever did, and I suspect that's because they may be working a bit differently, so at times UA has an advantage. Or maybe I am just used to being D/P daycare central and have good muscle memory for fighting thieves, being the Ultimate Revered that I am. Actually, scratch that. Swords is still my favorite pick after GS. I actually enjoy swords a lot and, at times, feel they are op the way I play them. Not any worse than Willbender's swords that's for sure. A weapon capable of delieving pressure, that offers both mobility and survivability. It's the best thing ever god kitten.
  2. Well, at least Hammer's 4 still does that while being one of the best options for fighting 5>2 spam and DE specs. Then there is Nomad's Advance. If you manage to use it before the thief enters stealth again, there is a very high chance you'll eat a chunk of their face. I grew to hate Herald with passion over the years since HoT, so I can't relate. I liked Rev, but I never liked that elite spec, it has always been a noob stomper/+1 spec, and fighting other dueling specs that have at least some competence was always annoying. And we both know once stealth is given to rev it's all over for some rev haters lmao Weaker base damage and somewhat lower coefficient. UA is still strong with right conditions (with more potential than SB too) and the delay it has still allows you to port with cocky thieves and other shadowstepping kitten wagons of hit and run specs in pvp/wvw. Actually, I don't even remember pulling the same stuff on SB that I do with sword's 3 on my rev, so the delay may actually good in some situations lol Can't have both without people crying for revenant's nerfs again. UA could be instant and less buggy. S4 could have an animation reduction. S2 could have wider arc, and the second S5 attack could be slightly faster, but lots of things were put there as bandaids for "overperforming" class. Are you willing to sacrifice other things in order to make sword stronger though? EDIT: Also if sword's port had longer range it'd absolutely be poggers for mobility and outplays with Y axis in this game lmao
  3. Smoke assault is a much weaker version of UA though.
  4. Sword 2 used to track targets in stealth back then, it was kinda fun. Still, sword 3 is okay the way it is now, the only thing that I wish that it was less buggy.
  5. I see a blue baboon getting killed, I leave a heart.
  6. "Due" aha, yeah, until a bunch of muppets with cele specs come over and think it's fun to duel them and then just start getting on people's nerves when rejected. So just swinging weapons at each other for eternity is OK in your opinion? Lmao alright. Last time I took advantage of these "MeChAnIcS" my fight was 40 mins long and the guy who was fighting me jumped off a cliff. Which is kinda weird, considering his goal was to waste people's time anyway, but I guess it only works one way.
  7. I don't care about spears and I don't do PvE. Doesn't seem like they are fixing problems for small and big scale wvw either.
  8. Hmm, I had this happen for the first time in years recently and thought it was just me.
  9. Not sure what's enjoyable about fighting a spec that just stands in one place, spams aegis with reflects and still has enough sustain to eat everything while standing there? It needs a complete rework, it's not a respectable spec and if you make it "viable" again it's just going to be another harbringer but power.
  10. Somebody should just upload it on youtube with a bunch of GW2 tags then. Those effective managers only seem to care when things go viral.
  11. Or maybe I just like exposing shitters like this:
  12. Depends on your skill lvl and class. And yeah I'd recommend maining SPB, Bladesworn is kinda meh and I doubt it'll ever be strong because the way it's supposed to be played is just stupid boring. Edit: for cele you'd need Berserker.
  13. I was always wondering what's the philosophy behind dueling mesmer specs. They chain evades, then stealth and just oneshot you with either power or conditions after that. Somebody got comfortable with revenant being +1 herald slave.
  14. Nope, not that. I'll just show you ingame I guess.
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