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Everything posted by CafPow.1542

  1. Li = low intensity. (Like you don’t have a lot of button mashing) concerning your build: on death magic i‘d go with 3-3-2, i would like that more but even go soul reaping instead of death magic anyways. But if you wanna play with carapace for the fun, why not. Personally i prefer the 3-3-2 then so i build carapace with condis. and the „i go shroud automatically“ is never picked by me cause it always trolls me xD
  2. I think no. balthasar is better for burning. We do more bleed damage (and torment). rune of torment is pricy tho, rune of krait goes with bleed and is decent, i use it on my plaguedoc build. necro rune is pricy aswell, better ho lich-rune for a cheaper option then. edit: on second thought, there is quite some burning going in this build so balthasar might work out too. still for solo stuff and open world, the lich rune with extra vitality might be nicenice.
  3. This and with proper traits (eternal life or signet of undead) it is literally impossible to run dry on Lifeforce at least this never happens to me lol. Btw. Signet is quite good on scourge since it’s the only specialisation where signet passives are always up. don‘t pick both things tho, it will only overcap LF @op. We have basically no stab. Trail of anguish and one of the wells give a little tiny bit. for pve that’s okay and for wvw you want a stabbot somewhere. cleanse and cc is kinda everywhere. Go with „abrasive grit“ and everything that applies barrier also cleanses so you kinda keep mindlessly spamming all your skills on CD and have -high amounts of barrier -fulltime alac -condicleanse for free really foolproof but -i have to say- really fun to play. At least you have always a lot of buttons to press. remember, the punishment skills (your heal and the one with the snakesymbol) also give barrier.
  4. Yeah just use signet of undead instead of blood is power. This is way more Li then ans BiP is apita to maintain anyways. @evilcat.6817
  5. And here i am, thinking that the only reason rangers with a longbow are never going to be accepted is cause they push every enemy target out of the damage bomb and firefields with their point blank shot.
  6. What habbened? Buff bow moar. Maybe increase ramge to 3000 units?
  7. Additionally, guardians get a special emote that automatically teabags you when they get you in downed state.
  8. I guess stealth bomb is also harder to pull off cause you bomb a boonball today. Those don’t tend to explode so easy maybe.
  9. Your second argument destroys your first tho. Yes you have more balancing to do but in that case we also could delete all elite specs so it’s easier to balance? i don’t follow this argument. the third point might be an issue, okay. I just see it different: you really need alac? You can choose from a way bigger classpool and actually play the class you enjoy more instead of being forced to play class X. Personally, i enjoy classes that can adjust to everything on different specs. I don’t like the idea of being forced into that one class, i‘d rather have the possibility to get something else. /e got dps scourge really nerfed? Afaik the PC build had other traits than the alac-barrier one. the dps scourge nerf was primarily due to the booncorrup-nerf which has nothing to do with the support scourge. Both can be balanced so they are valuable tho. players wanting that scourges (or FBs) only play Support doesn’t mean that they are bad dps and it’s more of a player issue than a balancing issue imo.
  10. Not in chains no. I see golem ports but with maximum of 2-3 mesmer portals. portal bombs are rarely effective (i guess the timing is everything and lots of players like myself aren’t used to it) stealth bombs are used more with us when possible and they are easier to pull of tho. But i see the attempts.
  11. Ah the churn was this long cast on earth dagger 5 yeah i remember. I prefer the skill how it is now but i still use earth or fireoverload with my TP. Especially earth to cripple a lot of enemies feels great, churning them like that seems a fun thing. was GWEN or something like that just how a subgroup in a zerg looked like (if possible?) or where there more smaller squads?
  12. Funny enough, i see those elements until today (or at least parts of that.)
  13. Sure okay. 🙂 i would like to hear more about those other metas. This is not supposed to be a „boonball bad“ thread cause there are wnough of them. ^^
  14. Hi all i am not a wvw veteran but history is always interesting. I heard about older metas, I’m referring primarily to zergs (now it’s boonball) now i imagine there where numerous zerg metas throughout the time this game exists. And i am just very curious about it. what metas existed in the games history? How where they called, and how did they work? What was the „special thing“ there? and mostly: which one did you like and why? for some, maybe a bit of nostalgia might kick in, the reason for me is just: asking cause i wanna know. Let the thread die if you think it’s not a cool topic but i would be really glad if many people contribute here 🙂. PS: note, it’s not about „my favorite meta was less toxic than yours“ arguments. It’s just about sharing the history of this game mode.
  15. My female norn has 2 arguments that wouldn’t fit into the gandalf-fantasy. altho gandalf is a maiar so he could change his body if he wants technically….
  16. You say that like it’s some kinde of divine rule. yet it is just a sentence you pulled out of your a… fingers. what a class needs or not is up to the devs and it seems like they want support scourge to be a thing. if they decide it would be awesome if thieves can only fight by farting little pink flying pigs out of their lower back they do that and what you or i think about this is irrelevant. try it again: why shouldn’t every class have the possibilities to fill up more needs than just dps? What is a reasonable argument besides „it shouldn’t akayy“? protip: there isn’t any.
  17. But as i think about it, a shield would be cool anyways ^^ /e I’m speaking purely style-factors. Cause how cool a weapon plays is a design issue about abilities that can be awesome or can suck balls.
  18. Nah pistol coupd be awesome. Not saying it is, but it could. I like the idea. besides that, longbow or shortbow could be cool too. Yes, another ranged weapon would be cool but I’d rather appreciate sone staff-rework.
  19. As you can see, there are possibilities to tune this down… just do that and have fun with tempest?
  20. What are you talking about guys? it literally doesn’t matter how much and what kind of modifier we are dealing with or what would it be to balance modifiers around cause it is literally pointless. modifier x applies to a stat. power * x = damage cele vs zerker does change the amount of power. Changing the modifier will not change the outcome of how cele behaves in comparison to zerker.
  21. That’s his power combo. A lot of professions can do that. After that he’s out of stuff, but it’s fine cause it takes skill (lol).
  22. 50 seconds of pointlessly chasing a willy. (Could also be a thief) tell you what. Just don’t. If you see a willy / thief and you are not a willy / thief, go away. Don’t even try to fight. It’s pointless. Don’t give them content, easy.
  23. Because it’s OP!!! Nerf cele in pve! (in case it’s not clear: I’m joking) /edit necros kinda profit from vitality in a dps sense cause they can pool more LF but only theoretically cause pure berserker is better for pure dps)
  24. Why tho? Why should a class not have the ability to play support? I don’t see a reason. is it to sttong? Maybe, we can discuss that and i would tend to agree but should it be there? Imo yes.
  25. Today i made insane damage in a fractal cause of all the toughness and healingpower my uber-celegear provides. all those stats woohoo!
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