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Everything posted by Karmapolice.4193

  1. Happened again during 'The Departed' Nothing better than a disconnect during the last unskippable cutscene and then having to start the entire story mission over again that is filled with loads of unskippable dialogue and unskippable cutscenes. No other game or app has given me network problems like Guild Wars 2 does. It's ridiculous.
  2. I just got this bug. Have tried the fixes listed. Didnt work. The story mission disconnect bug has been going on for years, it would be nice for a fix to be found. This is still the only online game that gives me this much trouble. Disconnects only happen when in story missions, almost exclusively during cutscenes. All the fixes people always mention sometimes work but sometimes don't.
  3. Just wasted 40 minutes on the long, boring HoT mission 'Buried Insight' only to disconnect at the very end. Ugh, I can't sit through all that annoying Taimi and Braham again.
  4. Another outfit that's got a nice base to it, but was ruined by adding too many extra gaudy bits to it. Can I get just the pants and vest without all the extra spikes and straps and mismatched gloves and single overly large shoulder piece?
  5. Still happening, still only during long, boring story instances with long, unskippable dialogue from characters I don't care about.
  6. Disconnected from this fun mission at the very end after coming back to life. Now I have to do the entire thing over from the beginning. Checkpoints would be nice if you can't be bothered to figure out why disconnects only happen during cutscenes for the personal story.
  7. Still happening, still only during long, boring personal story instances with long, boring unskippable dialogue and cutscenes. This time it was a disconnect during Hearts and Minds. Yay, such a fun instance to play over and over!
  8. Happened again during "Frozen Out." This time after the cutscene at the very end. Because I'm forced to listen to Braham and the commander yap after the boss is dead, I never receive credit for the mission. Now I get to do it again and listen to Braham's fantastic dialogue. When do we get to kill Braham? Soon I hope.
  9. Yep, playing through the story on alts can be a nightmare because so many characters love to drone on and on and on and walk at a snail's pace while doing so. You're not writing Shakespeare, Anet, please let me skip it.
  10. Disconnected again at the very end of "Frozen Out". The boss was defeated but the mission wasn't complete because I didn't finish listening to Braham moan? Can't wait to slog through boring waves of enemies and listen to Braham whine.
  11. Yeah, I wish my character cared about their childhood friends/Krewe/Warband, etc. I'd like them to be in my guild and run the main storyline with them. Instead I have to put up with Braham and Taimi. shudder
  12. Hooray, disconnected at the very end while talking to Joko. Immediately get back in game and I'm expected to start the entire mission over from before the Balthazar fight? What a flipping joke! Why is there no grace period to relog, I was back in game in less than 5 seconds? Why are there no checkpoints? Why can't any of this dialogue be skipped? Why is it ONLY during story missions when an npc is talking that I disconnect? Why can't you reward the mission as complete as soon as I finish the last thing I need to do, instead of after 5 minutes of npc yapping after the last boss is dead? Why am I still playing this game?
  13. This has been a problem for a long time and I don't think Anet has any plans on trying to fix it. Just happened to me during Prisoners of the Dragon in HoT. I never get disconnects while playing any other aspect of the game. I almost never get disconnects playing other online games. I don't know what it is about story instances but they are very unstable. Unfortunately it always seems to happen during long instances where the npcs love to talk and walk at a snail's pace.
  14. This just happened to me. What a flippin' embarrassing mess of story instance. Why are there no checkpoints in story instances still? For a game that puts so much emphasis on its story things like this are unacceptable. Maybe if the game gave me more than half a second to react to this bug, I could've done something about this. Now I get to do the other 2 boss fights again. Hooray, those are so enjoyable.
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