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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. That would not produce 100% uptime unless you have some boon duration (40%). Back when you would use Mirage mirrors you could get 3 clones then use F4. That was a good opener but that is no longer possible.
  2. I do but it would be more effective to just que for these things.
  3. Just make an auto que tool and be done with it. It would end all the bickering. If people want to use the old tool leave it there for them.
  4. So why not suggest some balance like I did rather than just calling things poop. The skill issue is entirely the fact that this is new and people had never encountered it. I mean my initial reaction to these threads a week ago was that this build didn't exist but then I started to see it. Im sorry you died so many time but I have been able to beat this build and it wasn't that hard.
  5. This is borderline offesive why is Soulbeast poop. Weird scat fetish aside you didn't really counter anything I said.
  6. Arg why do I even bother when people resort to this. I'll remove my post since there is not really much point in this. I wanted to not have a bickering thread but meh.
  7. And I already said they should nerf it.... We are going around in circles.
  8. Again, I have been his shoes before so I know the end result. I used to have countless posts removed my Mesmer threads messing up the whole thing.
  9. Hey nerf the Boar but it isn't a Drake tail swipe that is for sure. Atleast this time around it's the players who are using the attack and not the pet. Again sorry you found a use for Sword before the change. I mean I dont even use it now so I couldn't care less what happens to it.
  10. Well the Catalyst was op for a different reason. I don't believe it was one shoting people. The OP element to this Soulbeast build is the great opener, high damage on certain skills plus damage boosts. Once they focus someone they roughly have 10 seconds of constant burst. After that they will normally try run away so they can't contest or be useful in anyway.
  11. Again you should be around your team members so they can resurrect you. They have no follow up stealth so they are stuck with either stability stacks or cleaving to finish you. Probably the easier thing to do is just focus and kill them to trigger a resurrect. If you are solo why are you trying to duel them. I mean I would say the same thing to if you saw a Zergers Warrior or Elementalist. They are not very attractive to duel and need 2v1 to pull an advantage off.
  12. Fair, the pig Maul should copy pet version which is 1,114 (0.66).
  13. Fair, it should just copy the pet Maul itself which is 1,114 (0.66). I don't use Soulbeast, I'm a Untamed main and only play Condi.
  14. Okay but that logic applies to you. Why are even comment here, you are adding nothing and just derailing the topic. Im really asking for concise way to balance this class since it currently is a learn to play issue plus it having to many synergies with stuff like Might and the multiple Mauls.
  15. You can avoid both Mauls relatively easily, it is really just the other skills that are harder.
  16. True but I find people don't rely on it to much. They tend to stay smokescale more and use random other stuff. It's definitely not as bad as when the Drakes were popular.
  17. Honestly it's not that hard to counter. You just can't be solo king and run off to 1v3 the other team since this new Soulbeast build can shut you down. I personally can dominated the Soulbeast meta on my Untamed. Probably the funniest thing is having them disengage to only be one shot.
  18. Dude be careful calling people out by name. Threads like this can be wiped if you resort to that.
  19. I mean we have been back and forwards with this on other threads. The reality is no one even touched the old Sword in any game mode. Sorry you were one of the few who used it but I believe Arena Net would suffer even more backlash if the reversed the change.
  20. Well rather that than people people say it is op as a rebuttal. Normally with these threads if I don't state I agree with some nerf first the whole thing devolves into an argument. Never had anyone tell me I should pick a side lol.
  21. Okay I will re-word this, so it is clearer since the Thread has somewhat returned to normal. This is a new build which has only been around for 2-3 weeks. Once people can formulate a counter Meta for the abusive build it will definitely not be as strong. Some Balance is warranted like the Boar Maul Coefficient when merged, the Sword Might stacks combined with traits like Strider's Strength. Prelude Lash probably needs a longer cast time so it can be interrupted. Outside this Core and Soulbeast should not be touched, especially stuff like One Wolf Pack and "Sic em"
  22. The one-shotting Soulbeast is just the flavor of the month build. If you focus a Soulbeast it is probably one of the easiest kills in the game, you can literally free resurrect off their quick death. Same logic applies to Chronomancer. We have also been dealing with these types of a builds forever on Thief, as soon as someone gets one shot by them you very quickly try get them up. I mean this is 5v5 so try to get caught out alone.
  23. You do realise the top 150 ranked players are only in Platinum in the US. It's very unlikely anyone gets into Plat these days. I might stay in it for like 5 games max a season.
  24. I agree it needs more healing buffs, but I can definitely use it. I mostly use it in Fractals at this stage. Boneskinner is more down to Feedback spam.
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