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Zily.3152's Achievements

  1. QoL: Make multi-seat chairs apply rested in chair for the rested EXP for everyone who sits in the chair, instead of just the chair owner. Currently only the owner of any chair that can seat 2 or more gets the buff, while the others get nothing while sitting in the chair (little more than nothing if you are an RP-er but the general pop, nothing).
  2. Toggles should be separate for each template instead of 1 toggle effects all. As it currently stands, if I turned my backpack off in template 1, it is also off in 2, 3, 4, etc. Instead, I think if it is possible, to be able to make it by template. As an example, the way it is now, I have to manually turn them on and off consistently for each template. Like my template 1 looks good with backpack off and orbs on, so I have to turn my backpack off and my orbs on. But my template 2 is the opposite, looks good with backpack but not orbs. Now that I swapped to 2, I have to turn the backpack on this time and orbs off because my template 1 settings carry over to template 2.
  3. I think necromancer getting a longbow for the next weapon release would be a pretty decent idea. It would be pretty funny/cool having a skill similar to guardian longbow 5 where instead of raining down light, it rains bone minions that cause poison on impact and at the end of the skill it leaves a poison field.
  4. Setting a guild as a wvw guild function did not work properly. I set one of my guilds as a WvW guild, but when the beta went live, it ignored my WvW guild preference settings and placed me on the guild I was currently representing when I logged in. I was representing my guild bank guild, and it placed me on its server, despite having a different guild set as WvW guild a day before beta went live. This can cause major frustration within the population if left like this on future runs. Please look into this and try to have a fix before the next beta.
  5. Im excited to see the questionable fixes anet does this time. Also won't be surprised if they delete scourge again just to "fix" it again just to make it broken again xD
  6. I hope so, but seeing that it hasnt been acknowledged yet (that I know of) and even the CM fractals are still broken since soto launch, I wouldn't hold my breath 😕
  7. Outside of mentioning it here in the forums, best thing to do is also make a bug report (i've done one myself standin in front of it, same issue on any alt i want to do it on). And the heroic didn't give to me on a toon that has only the 1 hp needed (and im aware of the heroic giving wvw ones, I have those done already so don't gotta mention those ones as potential interference for said heroic). Maybe heroic will work for others, but didn't for myself. Now is the wait game till anet fixes it
  8. It would be awesome and funny to get 2 new titles. 1) A "I'm poor you know" title that costs 1 copper and 2) A "I'm poor you know" title in copper color that costs 69 copper
  9. While on achievement discussion, I have another one that I would like to bring to your attention that is stuck, and it is related to the preorder bundle. Eagle Eye Weapon Collector, it will get stuck at 15/16 even if you have all 16 weapon skins. It does not register having the skin from the preorder if you consumed the item before the release of the expansion thus keeping it forever 15/16 while truly having all 16 skins. Work arounds that I have tried, and it didn't work: consuming the weapon again, fresh install, logged in from another device, and it doesn't register it. Using mine as an example in case it doesn't make sense above. With the preorder, I selected the 1h sword. The achievement tells me I am missing the 1h sword despite having it.
  10. At the rate anet is going, soon there will be no class identity, and it'll come down to what color do you want your spells to be🤣. Boon corruption will basically be nonexistent if they follow through with this update. But necro wouldn't be the first class to lose its identity. Every class doesn't need to be able to provide alac and quickness. One or the other is fine. Just make them unique enough with pros and cons so we aren't locking groups to specific classes instead of making every class do everything and force us into your favorites (your obvious favorite is guardian). Every elite spec does not need a support variant, a condi variant, and a power variant either. Keep things unique and interesting, not boring and the same with a different color of paint (which is the route you guys are currently going down) Scourge for example was in a great place without alac. It did consistent damage and it's heal variant was great for teaching new players content but if you had an experienced group. Heal Scourge was completely irrelevant. It was a very non-meta training wheel class. I can understand nerfing it a bit to make the environment more healthy, but killing classes completely isn't the answer. Your goal to nerf healscourge completely killed dps scourge. You will constantly have this issue if you keep going down this path you are on. Making every class have an alac elite spec, quickness elite spec, and every elite spec having a power, condi and support variant is going to give you balancing hell. You will always kill one version trying to nerf another. I highly encourage you actually listen to your player base who plays the game a lot. Scourge has a core design issue since your goal is 5 targets for everything. You'll need to find a way to either buff the traits on Scourge to make up the lack of shades for dps version, make Scourge shades perma giant and rework that trait so you can better balance the skills for 5-6 target or overhaul the class and make it completely lose its identity. There's not much you can really do since it is a core class issue and yall are adamant with 5 target skill only (which that in itself is fine)
  11. I think Glint should get more idle conversations and some hidden easter egg chats like Kalla and Alliances have. Most other spirits average 3 idle conversations and the elite specs have hidden chats if you get to a certain location. There is a lot that can be done!
  12. I think it would be a nice little quality of life feature if we could re-arrange the guilds, we are a part of to an order we would like them to be, not in the order we join them. It can get a little annoying leaving guild(s), just to rejoin them in an order we want, and annoying for both the one that has to leave and the one that has to re-invite the individual back. For example, let us say you are in 5 guilds, 1 - d, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - e, and 5 - b. You would like to put these in alphabetical order, but the only way you can right now is by leaving them all, and rejoining so 1 - 5 are a - e. It would be better if we had the ability to do something like click/drag function or use an arrow clicker next to the square to re-arrange them in that way. Just an idea.
  13. Can confirm. It is either a bug or a preview to 29th update. News makes it sound like today and if it is supposed to be today, it is definitely a bug
  14. For Halloween 2022 and going forward, I think it would be a wonderful idea to rename "Labyrinthine Horror" to Steve as the entire community calls him Steve. With Steam launching fairly recently, it will be many new players first time doing lab runs and renaming Labyrinthine Horror to Steve will help mitigate any confusion amongst the new player community. He has been known as Steve for many years, I think it is about time we vote/push anet to make this official!
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