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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. 19 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    lowering it's time by making rewards track faster pace in eotm where they could go farm it easy and quietly

    I'd love if EotM gets a use. I've so many open achievements there and nobody wants to go there and if then only when there's the 5 events weekly and they do only the usual quick stuff.

    • Like 1
  2. 25 minutes ago, Anekto.8391 said:

    I think it will be a long time till an enemy guesses what is going on with a dolly with a bubble. They might even think its just regular spaghetti code! The odds are in the thiefs favor!

    Doesn't matter. The person will attack the dolly. I start with a knock down aoe followed by a fire aoe. Dolly is then stuck in the fire aoe circle for a bit. Anyone close to it, gets it too. Then I switch to close combat with either torment aoe to my auto attack or the rotating hammers.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 20 hours ago, Anekto.8391 said:

    let me add if there werent hearts to do in core maps and it was just a walking and sightseeing simulator task it might be less pain to get a gift of exploration maybe even bordering on relaxing or enjoying.


    So true

    I have a char that has it all but the hearts xD And I cba to do the hearts 😞 It's the pain. Can't bring myself to spend my free time doing things I detest.

    13 hours ago, BigDaddyDragon.8365 said:

    Map completion is now so easy with mounts and Taco

    I don't need easy. Not that I have anything against easy. I want fun. Or at least not utterly boring.
    HoT is perfect for 100%. Almost all my chars have HoT completed. It's very rewarding. But useless for the GoE. But that's how motivation for map complete looks like.

    I mean easy and still a pain in the kitten doesn't motivate me.

    Effective paths for exploration offers the Teh Trails marker pack. But your account needs all mounts and the rewinder port device and you need to handle your griffon well. There's not much room for errors there.
    For people who want to push several chars through the world explo this may be the first choice.

    Another nice marker pack is Heart Zones. Does what it says. Shows heart zones borders. Some heart zones are just really weird. Is using Teh trails then one doesn't need the heart zones because teh trails shows its own zones for heart completion (not necessarily the entire heart zones, just task zones).


    • Like 1
  4. 20 hours ago, Anekto.8391 said:

    He specifically requested and complained about enemy interactions in wvw relativ to his getting a GoB. So i think thats the 0 player interaction solution.

    Escorting dollys in stealth is risky too. Firstly the dolly gets a buff when escorted which is visual form afar (blueish bubble) and everybody can see that. Secondly dollys are beloved targets for every coming across one. That risk can be reduced by choosing dollys close to your spawn with short ways, but you need to have a camp and a structure it can run to. That situation may not be always given.

    1 aoe and he is caught in battle and may get in panic mode xD Or frustration. At least he should be able to get away as thief.

    • Like 1
  5. On 9/25/2024 at 12:10 AM, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

    Hmmm. Herald can also have  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Facet_of_Elements running all of the time when out of combat so it is fairly easy to have perma swiftness.

    Combat is what matters to me. Out of combat is nice but there are mounts for that.
    Also that meta was before the last meta or even before that, dunno anymore. Moot to discuss outdated metas.
    (I didn't build the build, I copypasted from metabattle.)

    • Confused 1
  6. On 9/22/2024 at 7:57 AM, cryorion.9532 said:

    2. Nerf all long range pulls to 600 range and give all pull skills proper visible indicator.

    My suggestion: a large countdown from 10.

    On 9/22/2024 at 1:34 PM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    When 10 players on your side are engaged in combat, it generates blue swords that only your side can see.

    Private guild squads will hate this trick.


    • Like 1
    • Add option to oil to drop the entire thing down onto the players (and rams/siege). Ofc once you dropped the oil you cannot use it anymore.
      The effect is up to you. Surprise me.
    • Three lifts in stone mist castle to the upper level.
      Add a shopping mall in the upper level of smc - newest fashion, wvw unique, cheap because it's made by Skritt children which are easy to exploit (pay them with shiny junk)
    • All resource nodes should be moved to the map spawns of each side, so players won't waste time harvesting on the way  and commanders won't be annoyed anymore about the slackers that demand vegetables first.
    • Haha 1
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  7. 6 hours ago, Anekto.8391 said:

    You will get a Thief specific quest that says: I will offer you a Gift of Battle if you walk in permastealth next to dollies for maximum of 8 hours but he offers you to shorten the duration for every buff you equip to a total of 2 hours. Your objective is straightforward! Find a dolly practice your pve perma stealth rotation and secure it reaches its destination.

    Hm, sitting at your spawn and switching the camps left and right to you on cool down is a pve way of getting it too.
    On red borderland you can do the shrines - more pve.
    Other pve is doing centaur/skritt on alpine borderlands; hylek/the ugly-things-whose-name-i-can't-keep on ebg.

    If he detests wvw like I do world exploration it'll still get to him xD
    There's this chance to meet hostile players. Even when escorting dollys.
    Fastest dolly is the one to bay when your spawn and spawn camp is right beside it. And you best be herald because of perma speed buff and bit super speed. You don't need to escort the dolly all the way either. Test it out how far to make it count.

    And don't forget to add all wvw buffs for reward tracks you can get. Upgrade for amulet, guild buff,...

    edit: Gosh, now I wish there would be such a dull and lame way to get the GoE. Just watch tv while doing semi afk escort ^^

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

    You do realize that people have game mode preferences and real life time constraints right? Glad you love WvW, pat yourself on the back, you are not everyone, in fact not even in the majority there. 🤷‍♂️

    The nerve touching seems to go both ways.

    He has given you factual information. There is nothing else behind it.
    If GoB was tradable, then every WvW player would only farm this track. Many only use tracks that yield something at the end that you can turn into gold. Tracks no longer have any other use for WvW veterans. And if a GoB was only 10 gold, everyone would switch their tracks to the GoB track - including me and I still have 5 of them in stock. (My second account has 3 lying around, my third account has 4 lying around, even my fifth account has one even though it's not even rank 400 - so easy to get).

    GoB is so much easier and quicker to farm than a GoE.
    I think a GoE would be way, way more expensive in the tp than a GoB.

    • Like 1
  9. 18 hours ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

    2 free Mystic Clover per WvW reward track

    I'm a wvw player.
    But Anet did so many unfavourable changes, that it killed most of my fun. That's what's left of it, isn't enough to keep my spirits up for farming reward tracks.

    Usually I've everything else faster than clovers though* and I refuse to throw my coins in the mystic lotto machine for greater numbers of clovers. I buy them from Dungan every week though.

    (*gift of world exploration is an exception - i dislike exploring the world a lot)

    • Confused 3
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  10. 41 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    And I think it's not overpriced, especially in the current state of the game 300g isn't hard to get at all.

    Why are you discussing? Can't you let someone else have  a different opinion and just accept that?

    Is your opinion of higher value than any other who doesn't share it?

    • Like 1
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  11. I'd like to:

    • see the group number I'm part of in non-raster
    • have no cooldown on skill 1 warclaw
    • have no cooldown on warclaw mount in wvw (out of combat ofc)
    • see the commander tag at all times, nothing covering it
    • same with personal mark
    • have a better visual difference of group members and rest of squad but the light hue difference of blue
    • have the health bar of group members be larger than any other
    • have the sniff skill of warclaw returned to what it was before in wvw (or an option to disable the new spam i have zero interest in but covers the information that i have interest in)
    • to rez a downed ally instead of finishing a downed foe when both are in my F-skill rage at the same time
    • have the warclaw jump in wvw at least the heigh my character can jump
    • have the warclaw run up stairs in wvw at least as fast as any player by foot
    • have the cooldown timer of tactics just above the tactic in normal, plain view
    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
  12. 16 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

    A new player would see even the eighth year birthday reward and say to themselves, "that's something cool that I will never get."  I certainly want useful things every year, I don't think it is a good idea to lock rewards behind distant milestones.

    Yeah agreed.

    But a new title every now and then wouldn't hurt.
    Rainbow colored for eye kitten on 18th birthday then. 🌈

    edit: lol, how c.ancer is censored. It's a star sign too for god's sake.

    • Confused 3
  13. 19 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Using gear is the main reason players can't glide in WvW since it weighs them down and the gravity wins.

    Now that you mention it, I finally understand why the warclaw can't jump higher than three pixels in WvW. Our armor presses from above and the ground pulls from below! It's not the poor beast's fault.

    (almost wrote breast xD... they can be heavy too though)

  14. 51 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    -wall of text-

    Thanks for the list. Didn't know metas actually pay off.

    6 hour meta train is quite a challenge. ^^
    Man I remember how Grothmar Valley used to pay off well because of the keys.
    Miss Drizzlewood in that list. Thought that's the money meta still.

    How about silver wastes? Hows that per hour?

    • Confused 2
  15. On 9/22/2024 at 6:06 PM, Liewec.2896 said:

    if this was ever added it would need to be CRAZY expensive because there are some incredibly rare skins and also skins that take a lot of work to unlock

    So it'd be just for those super rare skins then because anything less wouldn't be worth the CRAZY costs.

    • Confused 1
  16. 6 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

    And here I thought you were gonna suggest a new DOG TAG, why do we have cat tags, but no dog tags?

    Petition for a dog tag design!!! 🐶 > 🐱

    Cactus tag! 🌵

    Poop tag! 💩

    The dog tag will be too similar to the cat tag. Choose something that looks unique.

    • Confused 3
  17. Speed outweighs everything else.

    In wvw I used the relic of speed on my herold and ran faster than the commander ;D
    Helped to catch up since I sometimes am a slacker chasing bags. Was before renegade meta.
    But it needs swiftness to trigger.

    I use the wayfinder relic on my pve chars that have no other way (trait/passive skill) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Relic_of_the_Wayfinder
    Can be unlocked for free in the SotO reward track (pvp/wvw).
    Works always.

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