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Posts posted by Clyan.1593

  1. @lokh.2695 said:

    @lokh.2695 said:Or how about something new that does not rely on GW1? I know, it's insane to want this game to be its own game instead of "GW1 Nostalgia, The Game"

    We have hundreds of skins that are their own. 6 or 7 sets isn’t suddenly turning everything into GW1.

    But go ahead and continue claiming that the hundreds of other skins aren’t enough.

    It's not just armors or skins. And it's not ust your thread/request/suggestion either. It's everything from capes to Elona to Cantha to "we need henchmen" to "where's my landspear/scythe weapon type" to "GW1 was such great at X we need this in GW2" to "Ritualists/Dervishes/Assasins/Monks is a must in GW2"-threads to just about every second thread on the forums """""suggesting""""" that GW2 becomes GW1 again.I get it, it was a good game. I get it, many people liked it. But.This. Isn't. GW1. And if you want to play GW1, go ahead, the servers are still running and it even gets updates to this day.

    Haters gonna hate, I guess...

    GW2 already is distinctively different from GW1 due to its own story and gameplay mechanics.Plus 4 new classes and 4 new playable races. Tyria in GW2 compared to GW1 is completely transformed and feels totally different.A few skins or whatever won't change that. Neither did the heart of Maguuma or Elona and neither will Cantha.

    Also the idea of how Elona and Cantha somehow are exclusive locations to GW1 makes zero sense. Believe it or not, but GW2 plays in the same universe as GW1. We still get to see and visit new maps and places every now and then. And I'm quite sure we'll see a totally new place, maybe even a continent one day.

    The same goes for the capes. They are not inherent to GW1 and won't simply turn GW2 into its predecessor.Capes are just that: Capes.Are you not wearing them just so you can rebel against GW1 or what? XD

  2. Raids really don't take too much effort if you understand your class and play a proper build. What you have to do is go to youtube, watch a guide on how to beat the boss you want to kill and then go in with a raid training squad. You might fail a few times, but after a while it becomes natural, you will learn the encounters and what skills to take. After a while you know everything by heart.Hardest thing about it is learning the rotations, and if you have trouble with that play staff thief for power dps and condi mirage for condi dps. Or if you want to heal and support the group play druid. Tanking might be a bit more difficult - I don't know about that since i never did it.And as already mentioned above the bosses allow for an encounter to be 10 minutes max, after that the event will either wipe the squad or the boss becomes significantly stronger. So basically its 10 minutes per boss.Unlike some elitists might want to tell you, raids are not that hard. It's certainly among the hardest stuff to do in GW2, but still not hard objectively except for a few bosses like dhuum for example. You just need to understand what your role is about and then do it. To be honest I find Fractal CMs harder than most Raid bosses, because visually they are a crazy mess and the mechanics are much much faster.

    Many casual players go for Wing4 first, because that one has some really easy bosses.

    There is really no need to change the raids or add new modes for it to allow lower effort, it's already quite easy, you just have to commit to it. Also time is not an issue since you have 7 days for 25 bosses if you want to do all of them. That makes for 3-4 bosses every evening, which in total will take you about 1-1.5 hours since you also have to navigate the maps, do a few events inbetween and so on.

    When I started raiding I was intimidated aswell, but honestly all it took was a proper build, some youtube videos and a squad willing to play seriously. I learned Wing1-4 in 2 weeks and then went on to clear them every week along with learning Wing5-6 and Wing7 when it came out.

    Here's a list of easy encounters:

    Cairn (W4)Mursaat (W4)Samarog (W4)Cardinal Sabir (W7)Cardinal Adina (W7)Conjured Amalgamate (W6)Keep Construct (W3)Gorseval (W1)

  3. @lare.5129 said:

    @Clyan.1593 said:Though as long as people ask for LI and Fractal CM KP just to kill whisper of jormag or boneskinner nothing good will come from strike missions.of person not have 250+ kp or 700+ li - why random players should carry someone why not interested in pve content ? Make yours own group, or join where is no requirements.

    I have envoy and I have Fractal CM KP. That's not the issue. I can join all of these lfgs. And I frequently do.

  4. Joined 3 groups yesterday. All of them were previously set up in LFG with around 100-150 KP requirement.Turned out all of them were fake.One dude died on every boss encounter within the first 5 seconds.In another group noone was doing CC except me.There also was a guy who kept killing us with his red skull, because he simply didn't understand what to do.

    How annoying is that...!? I don't want to be a crybaby but it's grinding my gears losing so much time due to people like that.

    One group even kicked me after I called them out, saying that "I should be careful with what I say".lol?

    So is it just me or is it a real pain in the A to find a real group for Fractal CM on weekends?

  5. @Obtena.7952 said:Is this a serious complaint? Clearly OP doesn't realize that enticing people to participate in strike missions is the path for encouraging those players to attempt raiding. That's a move to SAVE raids.

    Strike missions won't save raids. If you think differently you are quite romantic and that's neat.Though as long as people ask for LI and Fractal CM KP just to kill whisper of jormag or boneskinner nothing good will come from strike missions.

  6. You can do whatever you want, I won't complain. Besides I have finished Envoy a long time ago.That said I still find high LI reqs rediculous. Asking for more than 250 LI is a total waste and is pure elitist overkill.

    I remember countless groups with high LI requirements that played like toddlers, failing at the easiest bosses and repeating the same mistakes, wasting every good player's time and good will.

    Anything above 150 LI is absolutely meaningless, but yeah. You can ask for 1 LI, 250 LI or 9999 LI, it's none of my business.

  7. @Dark Red Killian.3946 said:I would have to say after playing pvp for about a month, I have been able to get into some tournaments through lfg. I got 5 matches won already. This one won’t be too bad as long as you can set aside some time to play 3 consecutive games. The 120 ranked games aren’t bad either, but will take some time, especially playing from the beginning (if you aren’t level 20 yet). I am just playing what I can pvp wise in-between working on conflux in wvw and pve strike missions.

    So there are tournaments which you can enroll for in the PVP menu. Can you just enroll and you will get into the match?For example if I am playing in Silver and try to get into a tournament - will everyone be in silver or how exactly does this work ?

  8. Will we get a legendary amulet for PVE at some point?Because I just say it: I am a scrub in PVP and I will 100% NEVER be able to get into a tournament, let alone win one.

    And I think that applies to almost anyone else except a very small number of players.

    The reason I ask is because I basically have almost a full set of legendary equipement for my main and I would love to finish that.

  9. Isn't it like every map is stuck in a loop of the same events, and therefor stuck in a certain specific time?At least that is how I perceive it. It represents the map / location and events of a specific period in time in order to tell the story of Guild Wars 2.

    And so, it would make no sense to get rid of all the undead in Orr. They are there because Zhaitan from the perspective of the map's moment in time is still alive.At least if they got removed then every mob linked to its dragon master has to be removed as well.

  10. I can't remember when I hit T4, its such a long time ago. And when people speak of difficulty in T4 I can't even comprehend what they mean. For me running T4 is like running a normal dungeon. There is nothing special about it since as long as you understand what there is to do and how to go about it, you will just easily beat any T4 fractal without a single bit of struggle. Really, a normal T4 group just rushes through it.Instabilities? With the removal of slippery slope and the angry bird thing there is only a single instability that makes me change my gameplay: No Pain No Gain. Because it requires me to switch to violet demon monkey mode on my revenant when playing CM. That's it. All other instabilities are just... there.

    Now what I have heard is that a lot of people in T3 aren't that good and can become quite toxic too. They are about to realize that their skill and understanding has to go from casual to "post-casual", meaning you have to memorize what the best strategies in each T4 are and how to execute them, what to look out for and maybe even adjust your gear to pump out more reasonable dmg numbers so the whole thing doesnt take forever.That's why once you have reached the upper levels of T4 suddenly everything feels like a T1 - just much faster. People there have played thousands and thousands of fractals. Many of them run CMs, have optimized gear and simply know every little thing about any fractal. It's completely routinized.

  11. I think Anet is well aware of people having high interest (at least most veterans) in having cantha in GW2, and as with capes (that previously were said to be impossible due to technology based problems - yes, lol) one day they will introduce us to that continent, at least to a small part of it. It is very obvious that cantha from a financial standpoint would be immensely lucrative for Anet. Not even NCSoft can deny that. So probably one day when GW2 does really bad in terms of playercount or money they will announce something about cantha for some huge hype.

  12. In the meantime I have opened a chest every day and not gotten a single skin. I'm not surprised of course, the drop rate is incredibly low and getting a single drop on its own is to be considered insanely lucky. I couldn't care less if it was just about the skin, but the whole thing makes no sense to me:

    • The skins aren't merchandise items, so why are they in this achievement?
    • If the idea truly was to have an achievement that was hard to complete, then why doesn't it come with any title or something else that makes it a "prestige" thing?(You can wear only one helmet skin at once, so that doesn't count) EDIT: You can achieve it with 12/15 skins now, so ignore this one.
    • Why is the T-Shirt included in this achievement when you can buy it super easy from the vendor, meaning that most likely everyone will acquire it this way, since the achievement is nearly impossible to complete? EDIT: You can achieve it with 12/15 skins now, so ignore this one.
    • It's 3 skins that all look the same and since they are extremely rare one can easily see how it's supposed to be a mean of making money for ANet, but then again, why is it in an achievement? (invisible boots have the same effect and are NOT part of an achievement)
    • I can understand that somehow there is an intent to replay the map when there is something rare to get, but if you are required to play 4 metas when each new episode will replace most of the players into a new map this solution isn't very optimal. Of course you can just buy the legion keys from TP (as long as available) and open the vault, but then again that is terrible design in the means of gameplay. Killing the choya pinata over and over at least gives you something real to do and is free.

    By the way, if you want to convert gems and pay 10000g for each skin it will cost you around 1500$ at the moment. I'm not trying to make a point with this, but given this fact and the fact the achievement otherwise will most likely never be completed by 99% of the community I think the best solution for Anet would be to let everyone buy the chest for 10000g from the vendor.

  13. Yes the community is great. It has it's weak spots (usually when it comes to harder content or sometimes in pvp) as any other community, but overall it is really good, there is absolutely no question about it. I used to play Overwatch for a really long time and the main reason I went back to play Guild Wars 2 was simply because it is such a great and chill place thanks to the people playing it.

  14. @Shura.4280 said:Make sure game is running on Nvidia gpu. I don't know how it happened, after a driver update I was getting same issue, turns out game was running on integrated intel gpu lol

    You mean in the nvidia programm settings? It's already set on my graphiccard. There is a second option, but its the same. And i tried both, nothing helped.As I said, in the performance tab the graphiccard spikes up to 100% and stays there, so I assume the GPU is in use when playing GW2, they just dont seem to like each other.

    Or is there another option you are talking about?

  15. Hey, i have exactly the same problem. A brand new rig:

    Intel i7 9th gen (8 cores, 8 threads)Asus prime z370-p mainboard3.60 ghz / max 4.90 ghzWin 10 pro 64 bitNvidia rtx 208016 gb ddr4 ram1tb hdd1tb ssd500 gb ssd

    I tested on dark souls 3 aswell and everything is perfect.

    In the first few hours everything was fine, but then my pc crashed and i had to restart. That was after i installed the newest nvidia driver and newest win 10 upgrades. Restarting worked, tho i had no signal on my monitor anymore. I did a few different things (removing bios battery and so on) until it worked again. I dont know what caused the problem to be honest, however when i finally had everything running again my fps in guild wars had dropped to 14 on average in lionarch. Its terrible in other maps aswell. (Before crash it was 40-60).

    I have the same symptoms: graphiccard cpu spikes to 100% and stays there. I know that gw2 isnt optimized very well, but this results seem a bit extreme...

    Please help, im quite frustrated with this since the rig is roughly 2 days old. What was your solution?

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