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Posts posted by Clyan.1593

  1. @"Danikat.8537" said:Two things:

    1. You can swap between builds in the templates without having to open the menu by setting a keybinding for each one, but you can't do that with ones in storage.
    2. Storage is shared between all characters on your account and limited to 24 slots maximum. Depending on how many characters you have that might be more than enough or not even 1 each.
    1. So it's only because of "keybinding"? I mean if you do not keybind it you have like 2 or 3 additional buttons to click.
    2. I get it. So in order to save traits/skill templates I have to pay money... I mean I get that the whole thing is just for confenience, but still this seems a little extreme.
  2. @Konig Des Todes.2086 said:This is a mystery kept a mystery for the sake of building a world that feels more expansive than it actually is, and it isn't the only such mystery. The point of these types of mysteries is to make the game world feel expansive with less work. It isn't "having a mystery for the sake of having a mystery". It's "having a mystery for the sake of instilling a sense of breadth where there is none."

    And given how long the Wizard's Tower has captivated people, making people wonder what's inside, since 2005, I'd say that it has done its job and at this point entering it and solving that mystery is inevitably going to be a disappointment.

    First of all: thank you for your expansive answer.

    I see how the wizards tower is used as a vehicle to transport a certain message or immersion. This of course works; its within the nature of a mystery to make people wonder, imagining and craft theories. We are a curious species, and so the wizards tower has done its job, i agree. What irritates me though, is that the tower and its lore with the release of gw2 and later on with zommoros raid instance was expanded. If it really is just there to be a mystery, then they could have left the tower as it was. This inconsistency is what makes me feel that is is supposed to be more than just a vehicle.

    @Konig Des Todes.2086 said:No, it is not clear. It is implied, yes, but barely so, and with intention, but implication of any degree does not create certainty. There are several routes ArenaNet could take that would involve Balthazar not getting help from Lyssa, or even not having any benefiting relationship with Lyssa (for example, I once offered a joke tinfoil hat theory of Kormir being the culprit, not Lyssa, in which after elaboration it actually has solid footing).

    That said, ArenaNet did say that "the god plot is not over yet and we will return one day". Obviously they have heard that a lot of players are tired of Elona / human-centric plots so for now we're doing a norn-and-charr-centric plot. After this, we might return to the God Plot one day.

    If people didn't go "I'm soooo tired of Elona and human lore!" perpetually throughout Season 4, I feel that Season 5 would have been on this plot thread and the Gods.

    If i remember correctly balthazar curses all the gods except lyssa. And so i take it as pretty much confirmed that lyssa in some way or form did support him unlike the other gods. My guild leader supposed to me, that lyssa probably didnt oppose him, but left with the other gods nonetheless. Unlike the others she didnt judge and put him in chains, but gave him the mirror to let him procceed in his plans and leave him to his own destiny / fate. Of course this is just a theory, but considering lyssas "twin" nature i find this idea not bad for the time being.However i support going to the god story one day heavily and i am happy to hear, they do not want to leave it like this.

    @Konig Des Todes.2086 said:The entire point of setting it up as a closed up city was to avoid using it in plots... I wouldn't call this an open plot thread, but rather, a plot thread used to close plots that could be reopened. A plot curtain, if you will.

    Dwarves, however, are 100% a closed plot thread. They turned to stone, they went underground to fight Primordus, they lost and now Primordus' destroyers have begun surfacing. It was even in the premise of Edge of Destiny novel. Not much to hear about a dead race. And what legacy they left behind we have uncovered - it's called Thunderhead Peaks. As far as ArenaNet's plot threads are concerned, this was is actually - for once - tied nightly in a bow and finished. The only thing that remains would be finding the rubble of dwarven battles in the depths or maybe a tiny miniscule handful of survivors (totaling in single digits) in the same situation as Rhoban.

    I see, so the dwarfs are extinct? With a few exceptions? Like ogden? I thought they cannot die since stone unlike a body out of blood and flesh doesnt "die" when being torn apart. Isnt there a dwarfen head somewhere in game, still alive and talking, which confirmes the dwarfs to be still alive in some form or capacity?

    @Konig Des Todes.2086 said:All we have is our explanation for why we can't go there. Like Dominion of Winds, this is more a thread used to close plots for the time being. We haven't gone there yet because - for one reason or another - ArenaNet decided to take all Elder Dragons and have them inhabit Central Tyria except two (and one came to Central Tyria - Jormag - while the other is a real lose plot thread).

    Yes this whole thing is wrapped up perfectly so that it is completely unnecessary to ever go there. I still hope bubbles or a new storyline will lead us there. I know the echowald isnt out of stone anymore, and the jade sea gas turned back into liquid, at least i heard so, but maybe shing jea island and a bit of kaineng city would be enough for a little excursion. A man can dream...

    @Konig Des Todes.2086 said:So these are actual plot threads that need resolving. Malyck was slated for Heart of Thorns but dropped due to time constraints and narrative flow. But in April 2018, Matthew Medina was writing up a return for him. Unfortunately, Medina was part of the layoffs and we don't know if someone picked that up.

    As for E, Randulf is incorrect in saying ArenaNet confirmed that was a dropped plot - he is likely thinking of the Krytan Locket which was a confirmed dropped plot (apparently it was to lead into a sub-plot where we were supposed to find some hidden heir to the throne or something; I guess they didn't want to kill Jennah off just to send us on a wild goose chase or something). E was never confirmed nor denied dropped; we did get hints into who E was during The Head of the Snake, but that being the best opportunity to delve into who E is, E has ended up falling into the the realm of "a mystery left for making the game world seem more expansive than is written out".

    I talked with my guild leader about E aswell, and he simply explained that it's lady camilla einshorn. E short for einshorn. If you go to the wiki you can read through quite a lot of information that cofirms this to a very heavy degree. I didnt talk to the npc myself yet, but will do soon. Maybe you can get a bit deeper into that, as one of the big lore masters of the game.

    Who was Palawa Joko and where did he come from?: I mean his early lore, the origin story basically. They just killed him off, answering nothing.They answered this in Halloween. Talk to Veteran Brigadier General Kernel in Fort Marriner, Lion's Arch.


    Joko was the son of an Elonian diplomat and apprenticed necromancer who was slightly older than Oswald Thorn - Joko being a late teenager when Oswald was a ten-or-so year old, by the sounds of it. How he became a lich is not fully answered, but we got two heavy hints back in GW1: the
    (hinting at similar magic as what made Khilbron) and


    I don't think we need to know every bit of Joko's history to consider it a finished plot thread. While it'd be nice to confirm that one last question in the spoiler of which was the case (either or both or neither and if so what), it isn't really necessary.

    Thank you. This pretty much answers my question. With the "diary" from joko combined it draws a more or less good picture of what has happened to him and how he became the lich.

  3. @Randulf.7614 said:The Wizard's Tower is meant to be left open. The whole point of it is the mystery. If they were to delve into it (as they have hinted at previously) any mystique would be destroyed. Some things are better left to the imagination. Sometimes it can be better just to look up and wonder. The Tower is one of those things. If they sadly decide to bring it out of its mystery, it will be a raid I am pretty certain.

    You know that mysterious evil dude sitting in his chair, petting his black cat, never revealing his face? Or the glowing suitcase from Pulp Fiction? In the tradition of story telling even mysteries have to serve a purpose. Just haveing a mystery for the sake of it doesn't work and is bad story telling by defintion. So even if that might be the final word of the devs it is still huge wasted potential.

    @Randulf.7614 said:Lyssa and Balthazar I think we can all agree on was an odd set up which went nowhere and seems now to be dropped.

    Maybe. I personally believe it could have gone somewhere for sure. But nonetheless, creating lore and then dropping it before it is concluded is not only unprofessional but also very dissatisfying. However we don't know for sure. They still can bring it up again I suppose.

    @Randulf.7614 said:E. They all but confirmed this was dropped. It's the problem when they rotate new writers in who have different ideas for the direction of the game and the story evolves away in a new direction. E may return, but I think that's dropped along with all the other S2 open threads. E sums up GW2's narrative really. A random idea, which went nowhere, sorta came back, went nowhere and all because of a whimisical approach to storytelling

    Again, unprofessional and dissatisfying. But we all have to deal with it, i guess.

    @Randulf.7614 said:Malyck was partially written and ideas still float around, but they haven't found a way or the time to put it back in since it was cut since it no longer relates to the main story. I suspect we will get a short web story and that will close it off.

    I have heard rumours about that. I wish they would put these stuff IN the game, and not just write some text and put it somewhere on a website. I have never understood this sentiment and I never will.

    @Randulf.7614 said:Joko I think they answered last Halloween and you can go back to it again this year. I am happy to be corrected, but I think we've got all we are going to get on him now.

    Oh I didn't know that. I usually check the Wiki for lore, but I cannot find this "answer" anywhere. Can you provide a link or a hint where to look for it maybe?

    @Randulf.7614 said:Cantha is unlikely to ever happen. It's not really an open plot since Cantha hasn't figured in GW2. The potential exists and there are plenty of ways to deal with a story there, but I'm not seeing Cantha becoming a part of the game now.

    Yes, the community has come to term with this mentality concerning cantha, or at least it seems so. But really, you can say that about anything. Before the path of fire expansion someone could have said the same about Balthazar's or any of the God's involvement in the story. I didn't see Balthazar becoming a part of the game, but it still happened. That's the wonderful thing with story telling, nothing really is impossible, however some thing might be more difficult to set up in a satisfying way than others.Whatever the reasons may be for Cantha not to be released, with all the nostalgia surrounding it one would think the finencial potential is there without doubt. But I might be wrong about that.

  4. ... And it seems to me they're adding more and more of them. I'm not super deep into lore, so forgive me if i get something wrong, but I want to list a few things that come to my mind:

    The wizards tower: Since we have only very few hints to what is going on inside of the tower with the addition of a little lore from GW1 this one can possibly be weaved into GW2 at any point. Things are more or less wide open, but still, after so much passed time, we haven't gotten anything from it.

    Lyssa and Balthazar: It seems like this one just is brushed over, has it ever been mentioned again? Balthazar CLEARLY received help from Lyssa and I would like to know why and what exactly this story is about.

    The Dwarfs and the Tengu: No, I'm not asking for a new playable race, I would just love to hear or see something about these. Considering the Tengu I mean the dominion of winds specifically. It just strikes me as something very odd to set up the lore of a closed up city and then just never using it for any plot. No?

    Cantha: Yeh yeh, I know, there is a big schism among the community about this. Some want it, some others want something else. Though, if we can have Tyria and Elona, then we certainly can have Cantha aswell. I know there are some greater problems with this. Anet might be interested in it, but for some reason can't do it. But let's be honest: Cantha is ruled by a tyrannic Emperor. Isn't that a good starting point for us to get involved?

    Who is E?: Was this mistery ever resolved?

    What happened to Malyck?: Isn't it already overdue explaining this?

    Who was Palawa Joko and where did he come from?: I mean his early lore, the origin story basically. They just killed him off, answering nothing.

    There certainly are more things, but right now these are the ones that come to my mind. I have no problem with a few things being mysterious and so on, it serves a purpose. But when there are more and more question adding up I think it rather hurts the immersion. What is your opinion about this?

  5. Funnily enough i do have treasure hunter and some other super rare achievements aswell. I am not one of those player who shy back from doing grindy stuff, including gw1 titles, yet since i already spend 40 hours on average weekly on this game i try to take shortcuts by converting gems when it helps me being a bit more efficient.

    I just say this one is out of proportion since it includes 3 skins that all look the same, racial skins on top of that, very low rng and do not fit into the category the achievement is about at all. I dont see why this has to be. The items simply could be removed from the achievement, nothing about the rng, the artificially blown up value or anything else has to change. I dont see why this would upset ANYONE except anet, who seem interested in keeping the price high for achievement hunters. Which is absolutely unnecessary.

  6. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @Ayrilana.1396 said:The achievement doesn’t need to be adjusted as it’s not required to complete the meta achievement.

    So everything outside of meta achievements can be totally wack because that's how you look at it.

    Not every achievement needs to be quickly obtainable as if it’s some sort of participation reward.

    See this is the main issue with people like you on EVERY gaming forum. People who do not read what the OP initially wrote and still wantto participate in the discussion littering the thread with confusing statements.But not only that, also the fact that you clearly are unable to differentiate two completely different things:There are achivements that take long and those that don't. This one is neither of them. So don't compare it to such.This achievement is luck based, so time really isn't a calculable factor in it. You could try for 3 days and achieve it. Or you could try for a 1000 years and still miss it.

    So yeah, I agree, not every achievement needs to be quickly obtainable as if it’s some sort of participation reward. But let's drag out this stance a little further and get rid of more things that "aren't needed". I have no problem with that. As long as I can track and measure my work towards a goal. With this achivement I can't do that. It just sits there, telling me to be lucky.

    On other threads people ask you to git gud. Here you ask me to git lucky.

    No. I read what you wrote. I disagree with it and gave my reason why.

    No you didn't. I explained how envoy herald, hom 50/50, fractal goddess and GWAMM are long term achievements that could be achieved by literally anyone who was willing to work hard and consistenly towards it, and yet you try to explain to me that "Not every achievement needs to be quickly obtainable as if it’s some sort of participation reward". Clearly you have NOT read what I wrote. Or you have a really short memory. Or you do not understand at all what I want. I'm not asking for a quick achievement. I ask for one that isn't based on RNG.

    So now go on and tell me which achievements are based on the same low rng as this one, rendering a single item as expensive as 8000g. I'll wait.

    I did read your post. You made an argument that there shouldn’t be any achievements tied to RNG but that solely your opinion. It’s not a hard set rule that there shouldn’t be any.

    Anet has done this several times before with the fractal salvage one and a few of the rare exotic collections. We have other expensive collections such as those for Legendaries which you’ve mentioned. This achievement is on the higher end of those but there’s no rule against this.

    All of the rewards can be obtained elsewhere. The only exception being the few AP. So why must this achievement be completed by you? If they added a way to purchase the helm skins for 100K map currency each, would you still complain?

    Now you are just evasive.

    100k are 400 stacks of map currency btw, a really rubbish attempt to form an argument, but for the sake of it:At least 400 stacks is realistic - it's measurable. RNG simply is luck. Technically even if chances were 1:2 you could lose every time.But I wouldn't complain about it then, because obviously it wouldn't be an issue.

    The point of that was to give you a non RNG way to obtain it without devaluing it as a drop.

    In my post, I included an edit with some grindy achievements. You could easily grind gold and purchase the skins before completing either of those achievements. It may even be possible to do the same before some of the rank titles in GW1.

    Again, I asked you to name an achievement that has a comparable RNG to it rendering a single Item 8000g.Those you mentioned are either not on TP or far below 8000g.

    There isn’t one but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. You’ve failed to provide any reason why it shouldn’t be in the game other than it just shouldn’t.

    And if i want it or not doesn't matter, but what becomes more obvious is that you don't give an effing kitten about it yourself and so it becomes questionable if your view on this has any weight. I too can kitten on something i don't care about. And so, no I don't "need" the achievement. But that doesn't make it legitimate. I for my part can acknowledge that.

    I do care about completing the achievement as I open the vault daily. It just doesn’t matter enough to me to farm map completions anymore.

    It might just be an opinion - of course. But so it's a matter of which opinion has more reason to it. And i think it is obvious that tying achievements to rng is a D-move.

    That last part is clearly your opinion.

    I am aware of the possibility to farm gold and therefor buy the skins from tp, not only that, i could go and convert gems too if i wanted to. You again have totally missed the issue. Yes i see the item is on tp and i can buy it if i wanted to. But the price is absurd, so i wont do that. The price is artificially set up by its low drop rate. But again: that is not the issue here. I hope you finally understood that now. The problem is that such a low rng item is tied into an achievement, called merchandise collector, even tho the item itself isnt a merchandise item, because neither can you buy it from a merc nor is it tied to the metal legion event.

    I gave several reasons for why this should not exist in that form already, you just disagree and seem to believe that i have therefor failed. But it isnt my job to change your opinion and it isnt my problem that you went so far into this that now you cannot step down and acknowledge how wrong you are.

    Instead you need to hide behind the all known "thats just your opinion" stance, a real classic.I suppose where there are no facts to conclude something one has to form an opinion. And that is what i did. That doesnt mean i am wrong and it certainly doesnt mean you are right.

    Achieving something should not be bound to luck. Because thats not an achievement. Its just luck. One can put no effort in it and succeed, someone else can sacrifice everything and gain nothing. And that isnt an opinion.

    And so you direct me to spent gold on it if i dont want to put up with the rng, even going so far to compare gw1 titles to the amount of time needed to obtain the gold needed for these items, which further proves how desperate you are in trying to prove something that hasnt ever been an issue at all.

    This item should be removed from the achievement. Like it or not.

  7. @Rasimir.6239 said:

    @Ayrilana.1396 said:The achievement doesn’t need to be adjusted as it’s not required to complete the meta achievement.

    So everything outside of meta achievements can be totally wack because that's how you look at it.Yes. Some people enjoy that kind of achievement, so I see no reason why ANet can't throw in one every few years.

    I dont remember an achievement with such a low rng chance. Confetti infu isnt an achievement.And the insect weapons were just heavily grindy, because the rng for the fossilized insects was reasonably high / balanced.So which achievements are you talking about?

    @Rasimir.6239 said:

    @Clyan.1593 said:You seem not to understand. I don't want the T-Shirt. I want the achievement to be doable without rng luck.You can. All you need is patience and gold. Once you have 30k gold to put up three buy offers of 10k each on the trading post, I suspect there's really not all that much patience required any more.

    Well yes, obviously I can just spend real money on gems or be patient enough for the needed amount of 30k gold to be accumulated on my account. Beside this being a absolutely grotesque suggestion you seem to forget that in the meantime there are other things i would like to spend gold on aswell. So really if I am not one of those people who play the TP instead of the game I can just wait until i turn into dust for that gold to stack up.

    @Rasimir.6239 said:

    @Clyan.1593 said:And what for? 5 AP and a T-Shirt skin...I'm sure there's a player somewhere that would love to say "I did this super rare drop achievement, and all I got is a t-shirt". Somebody at ANet must have a weird sense of humor ;) .

    No you aren't sure on that because you simply cannot know.Let me draw a by far more probable scenario in which the only person in a trillion dimensions who took it upon him or herself to beat the RNG and obtain all three skins manually after years of the daily and shallow task of double clicking an item finally achieved this goal and now suddenly screams in endless sorrow towards the sky asking the countless multiverses for forgiveness. You find that not very believable? Well then don't make even more unbelievable assumptions.

  8. @Ayrilana.1396 said:The achievement doesn’t need to be adjusted as it’s not required to complete the meta achievement.

    So everything outside of meta achievements can be totally wack because that's how you look at it.

    @Ayrilana.1396 said:The Charr helm skins belong in that collection just as much as any of the others.

    Did you ever play "odd one out"? I suppose not.

    @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:^Also, I have the T-shirt, and did neither the collection, nor bought it from the vendor. (WvW easy PvE-centric Dailies are your friend.)

    You seem not to understand. I don't want the T-Shirt. I want the achievement to be doable without rng luck.

  9. @Hynax.9536 said:

    @"Clyan.1593" said:So, what could be done: Simply remove the Khan-Ur skins out of that achievement. Thanks.

    You could reduce all your post to only this last phrase. I agree to remove those skins from the collection, but they should stay with a very low RNG drop chance cus i believe "rarities" like this is what motivates some players (like me) to revisit old maps and do unrewarding metas.

    Yes i could, but then someone else pops up and wants me to clarify / explain why and so on. So i posted this wall of text to explain why this achivement is baloney.

  10. The Khan-Ur skins.Yes, it's plural, because it's 3 separate skins even though they all look the same...

    In the meantime they doubled the drop rate and guess what, when I checked yesterday you could buy one box (meaning one skin) for around 8000g. I think it has dropped for 3000g already again by now, not sure though. Still it's like 2 to 3 times a legendary...

    Now let's just assume for a second all of this is acceptable. Then still why are those skins bound into the Merchandise Collector achievement?It has NOTHING to do with "mechandise"...!?It's not Part of the Metal Legion event. Not in the slightest.

    Any achievement, really ANY HARD achievement can be done by hard work within a more or less conceivable amount of time. Envoy Herald, 50/50 HOM, Fractal Goddess, GWAMM, the most time consuming achievements / titles all can be obtained if only you are willing to work hard and consistently on them. But here is this lose mini achievement, making zero sense, being tied to nothing more than a single LS episode and it comes with some absurd RNG and / or a heavy financial investment.

    And what for? 5 AP and a T-Shirt skin...

    And for those who want to say: But you can buy the T-Shirt skin with chilis! - Well yes, you can. And guess why you can do that.It's like making a straw man argument: Hey you don't need that achievement, you can buy the skin anyway.It's basically just there to distract from the fact that this achievement is a kitty kitten.

    So, what could be done: Simply remove the Khan-Ur skins out of that achievement. Thanks.

  11. I try not to complain too much, but this particular thing gets me.That skin is also part of an achievement. It last sold for 2000 g on the TP.

    I understand ANet somehow has to create artificial goldsinks, but this combination of skins / achievement / super rare RNG is just bad.Yes, I want that skin, and either I'll get it through luck or by spending as much gold as a legendary weapon can cost. Kinda absurd.

    • Entangle for seekers (VG, in combo with glyph of tides), spirits (Gorse), Wargs (escort), Rigom (Sama)
    • Longbow skills and glyph of tides for both Samarog (Rigom) and SH Golems
    • Spotter for overall increased damage
    • Moment of clarity trait for the Eyes (Statues)
    • Spirits (teleportation is a good thing btw)
    • Staff 3, probably best mobility skill in game, and if you fly into sama slam, sabetha flame pools and so on it really is YOUR fault, because EVERYTHING either is telegraphed or can be anticipated
    • Pushing at KC with Staff
    • Pets for cc, rooting or pulls (on Trio, Qadim elementals)
    • great potential for condi removal (celestial 2, signet of renewal, healing spring)
    • great potential for hard and soft cc (celestial 3 and 5, staff 4, storm spirit, frost spirit, glyph of tides, electric wyvern)
    • For BK at deimos you can go GS and use 4 for an additional panic block when not covered by chrono

    Feel free to add whatever I have forgotten.So to me it seems you have misunderstood Druid, it's not just a heal and boon bot, it's a highly supplementary class for raiding mechanics.

  12. I have not seen the stream, but I assure you that raids are not difficult with a few exceptions. You can basically do all current boss encounters within a single day, even within a few hours. The guilds in the stream probably were doing advanced strats and also challenge motes which of course have an increased chance of failure. If you do normal modes and play standard PUG strats the raids are actually ridiculously easy.

    If there is something hard about raids then it is to memorize your DPS rotation and reading up the mechanics for each boss. MOST people could do raids in GW2 if only they were serious enough about it.

    For example yesterday I was raiding from 9 to 12 PM, gaining 14 LI = 14 bosses. With a bit of luck in getting a good squad you can be even faster.

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