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Posts posted by BunjiKugashira.9754

  1. @Linken.6345 said:

    @Carcharoth Lucian.1378 said:But how? What do they find difficult in t1?I did a couple of days ago and the mecas don't really do damages if failed. You have a lot more mecas to handle on Ark for example.Last time I did it, each of her spammable AoE did unreasonably high damage to my party members for the amount of AoE she is farting out.

    Maybe they nerfed in since I last did it (due to boycotting it until the bugs are fixed, as well as general Fractal Burnout), but those winds in her first phase should not take half the HP of anyone in T1, if she can spam 30+ of them per minute.And people tend to get sucked into the water pillar during the last phase, which has a stupidly low chance to get out, if you end up inside.

    The encounter has cheap written all over it.

    Yea you know what you can do side step the winds and walk backwards to not get sucked into water it such a hard concept to grasp mate.

    Yea you know there are noobs in T1 who have a hard time with positioning and dodging aoes? The amount of aoes in Sunqua is so high, that many players get overwhelmed and stop dodging even the most obvious fields. With just 1 healer you can carry most groups through T3 and even T4 if the instabilities aren't too bad. Doesn't matter if it's Swamp, Underwater or Arkk. You can even outheal the pirate ghosts. You can't outheal Sunqua T1.

    Yes and there is big aoes you can walk out of 95% of the time.Learn the patterns.

    I have learned the patterns and I have no problems staying alive in Sunqua. That is until the mechanics start that can't be soloed easily because I'm the last person standing with my glass cannon ele. The jumping part and the water beams are really difficult to complete when the rest of the group is dead.

    In other fractals I would just switch to my healer gear and make everyone stay alive, whether they want to or not. Sunqua doesn't give me this option even in T1.

  2. @Linken.6345 said:

    @Carcharoth Lucian.1378 said:But how? What do they find difficult in t1?I did a couple of days ago and the mecas don't really do damages if failed. You have a lot more mecas to handle on Ark for example.Last time I did it, each of her spammable AoE did unreasonably high damage to my party members for the amount of AoE she is farting out.

    Maybe they nerfed in since I last did it (due to boycotting it until the bugs are fixed, as well as general Fractal Burnout), but those winds in her first phase should not take half the HP of anyone in T1, if she can spam 30+ of them per minute.And people tend to get sucked into the water pillar during the last phase, which has a stupidly low chance to get out, if you end up inside.

    The encounter has cheap written all over it.

    Yea you know what you can do side step the winds and walk backwards to not get sucked into water it such a hard concept to grasp mate.

    Yea you know there are noobs in T1 who have a hard time with positioning and dodging aoes? The amount of aoes in Sunqua is so high, that many players get overwhelmed and stop dodging even the most obvious fields. With just 1 healer you can carry most groups through T3 and even T4 if the instabilities aren't too bad. Doesn't matter if it's Swamp, Underwater or Arkk. You can even outheal the pirate ghosts. You can't outheal Sunqua T1.

  3. @Super Hayes.6890 said:Um, you get a black lion statue and a seasonal item with each key you purchase as well as up to three random bonus items. As long as the entire content isn't rng these will not qualify as gambling technically. Take away the gauranteed items and you have an argument. This is the wrong game to worry about this issue with.

    Great, I'll open a casino and, since you get a guaranteed lollipop on each pull of the slot-machine, legally operate it as a candy shop! /s

    I don't know in which countries this legal work-around works, but I'm rather certain the Netherlands isn't one of them.

  4. All permanent items in my inventory are stored in invisible bags or shared inventory slots, so compact doesn't mess up any ordering. Temporary items (loot) start accumulating and are then salvaged, deposited or sold. After this process there sometimes items left over. For example trick or treat bags. Compact stacks those nicely at the top of the inventory until a stack is full and I put them on the tp.

  5. I don't understand how people can justify this gold cap as a gameplay mechanic. As a technical limitation? Maybe. Though in an earlier post I showed that we can easily increase the cap by a factor of 10 before hitting possible technical limitations. As a gameplay mechanic? HELL NO!

    1. The cap has been in the trading post for many years before the first item ever hit the cap. This should be a big hint that it wasn't intended as a gameplay mechanic.
    2. The value of items is not determined by the cap. If it was, we would see infusions listed for sale at or below 10k. Instead we see a heap of buy listings.
    3. ANet has always warned about trading outside the trading post. It seems counter-intuitive to force high value trades outside the tp.

    The current cap is detrimental for both buyers and sellers.For sellers: Anyone who sells his infusions at 10k is essentially getting scammed. That's like selling a new Lamborghini for 10k€ because your bank doesn't allow transactions above that limit. The difference in value goes to whoever was lucky enough to have his buy listing served. Most likely a reseller who will then proceed to sell the item outside the tp for its real value. This primarily affects new and/or inexperienced players who may get a lucky drop.

    For buyers: Trading outside the tp is risky. Ok, that's also true for sellers, but scammers trying to get easy gold are more frequent. The biggest problem is finding a seller in the first place. Buyers could of course place a buy listing on the tp. How likely is that to be served? I don't know if buy listings are served in the order they were placed or randomly. You will soon notice that this doesn't matter. There are currently (as of writing this post) 23 buy listings for the Heart of the Khan-Ur at 10kg. So far the item has been traded 0 times at this price. Source The Chak Egg Sac has 95 buy listings at 10kg and was traded a total of 1 time!

    Thanks to the gold limit 100% of all Heart of the Khan-Ur infusions that were ever traded were traded outside the trading post. Other infusions show the same pattern.

    Should items be valued above 10kg? That's debatable. Should item sales be forced outside the trading post because of a gold cap? That's a hard no.

  6. @"mtpelion.4562" said:The limit exists for a reason. That reason is likely either:

    1. Due to some economic impact on the game economy
    2. Due to a hard limit in how the Trading Post was designed or
    3. Due to a soft limit in order to save resources in processing the Trading Post

    We don't know which of these is the reason, but any requests to raise the limit would need to acknowledge and be able to counter these 3 points before it would have any chance of traction.

    Since the cap was first reached with high rarity infusions many years into GW2's life, I don't think there are economic considerations tied to it. The amount of items affected by the limit is just too low and the limit played no role for most of the game's life.

    I think there is a technical limitation that made ANet introduce this limit.100000000 = 10^8 coppers are the current limit.2147483647 ~= 2 * 10^9 is the maximum value an integer can hold.So we can realistically increase the limit by a factor of 10 before hitting another limit. Unless ANet implemented the trading post in a weird way. My guess is that someone said "we need a limit" and then someone put it arbitrarily at 10kg because "no one will ever have that amount of cash". The whole trading post was created under the assumption that there will never be something more valuable than a legendary weapon.

    There has always been inflation in this game. Remember when paying for a full set of T3 cultural armor seemed like an exorbitant price? While we don't see the kind of hyper-inflation that other MMOs plagued, we will have more and more items valued near or above the current gold limit.

  7. @Steve The Cynic.3217 said:

    @"mercury ranique.2170" said:A good thing to consider is that the GPU has to be reasomabls, but the CPU is also very important for GW2. Specifically the single cores (as GW2 runs on one core, having a huge amount of poor cores is not so well

    Dunno about that "runs on one core" thing - my i7 with eight hyperthreaded cores = 16 vCPUs often gets to 25% usage by GW2 = minimum 4 threads = 2-4 cores depending on how the threads are distributed.

    Of course
    Horizon Zero Dawn
    can fully load all 16 vCPUs...

    GW2 uses multiple cores, but it is often limited by single thread performance. Especially FPS is heavily dependent on a high single thread performance. If I remember correctly a dev once said that there is a lot going on in the main rendering thread that they can't really extract into other threads.

    I've tried playing GW2 at minimum and at maximum settings and got only a few FPS in difference and that difference was small enough to be a statistical error. Upgrading my CPU increased FPS by a lot.

  8. I've made mostly negative experiences with 3rd party anti cheat.Some of them spy a lot more on the computer than they should and send all that data to the internet.Some of them eat resources at a rate that makes Chrome look tame.Some of them simply don't detect cheaters.Some of them think you're cheating as soon as your ping goes above 300 for more than a moment.

    Good anti-cheat has to be built into the game engine itself. 3rd party solutions can never reach the performance and accuracy of a built-in system.

    • Like 1
  9. @Thaddeus.4891 said:

    @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:An easy mode should require 10 people and give no LI or any of the existing achievements. And that's where problems start. You can't give any of the existing raid rewards without devaluing them. Magnetite Shards / Gaeting Crystals would be ok as a reward since they allow raid beginners to buy ascended stuff from the vendor, but don't unlock any skins or equipment that are currently achievement locked. Since they are already awarded for unsuccessful attempts you can argue that they also should be awarded in easy mode.

    I disagree with the 10 people part. Personally, I think that the 10 people is the biggest hurdle for most people. Most guilds that are active or group of friends can make a 3-5 party of core player, making it easy to recruit 1 or 2 people from their guild or a LFG to complete the raid. But a group of friend of 10 people that will play the same night is rather rare and trying to manage to get 10 people from a guild that isn't dedicated to raid is also pretty hard. Unless you have a huge pool of people. Personally, that's what made me quit raiding. I was tired of managing the people, nobody have the same schedule, someone don't show up, need to train new people, it's exhausting. If we could do the raid with 5 people, my group of friend and me would be all over the raids and bring more people from my guild. It's easy to bring 1 new guys when you have a core or 3-4 people who know what to do. Blast me in the face with all the challenge you can bring I'll love it. Have me to manage a group of 15-20 people and jungle the disponibility of everybody to make a group of 10 and I'm out.

    I wouldn't even mind if doing the raid with 5 people would give me very little reward. It would be a good way to train new people toward the full raid.

    I put the 10 people part there because some raid encounters have mechanics that are simply impossible with 5 people. Making easy mode playable with 5 people would mean significantly altering or outright removing these mechanics from the encounter. Since the easy mode is intended to be a training mode that prepares people for the normal mode, this won't do.

  10. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @maddoctor.2738 said:By having the cap at 10k you add a risk for players that want to sell an item above 10k gold. Risk it, or sell it for less than 10k. A better solution: items shouldn't be "worth" more than 10k gold. Who even comes up with how much an item is "worth" anyway?

    An item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

    That doesn't work in this case because items that are so called "worth" more than 10k cannot be posted for that price on the trading post. So how do the sellers know someone is willing to pay more than 10k for it? They just inflate the price and profit over it. All items "worth" above 10k are a scam

    They know someone is willing to pay more than 10k for it because people post their buy offers on forums that were created to facilitate high-value trades in GW2. Just because the trading post doesn't allow buy offers higher than 10k does not mean people won't pay more than 10k.

    The only thing the 10k limit does, is force people to trade without using the trading post. The Heart of the Khan-Ur is valued at 70k - 80k from what I could find out. People are buying either through these 3rd party forums or directly from goldsellers.

  11. First of all we already have a normal mode and a hard mode. The only thing missing is an easy mode and/or a story mode. The acceptance of such modes would depend entirely on their implementation and reward structure.

    A story mode should be soloable and give no raid-specific rewards or achievements. It doesn't even have to include all mechanics (or a single player variant of them) since the goal is just to show the story.

    An easy mode should require 10 people and give no LI or any of the existing achievements. And that's where problems start. You can't give any of the existing raid rewards without devaluing them. Magnetite Shards / Gaeting Crystals would be ok as a reward since they allow raid beginners to buy ascended stuff from the vendor, but don't unlock any skins or equipment that are currently achievement locked. Since they are already awarded for unsuccessful attempts you can argue that they also should be awarded in easy mode.

    Also your poll is incredibly biased, so I had no choice but to click the option that you clearly didn't want people to click.

  12. @Teratus.2859 said:Or to quote the exact formula on the wiki.Damage taken = (Opponent's weapon strength) Opponent's Power (Opponent's skill-specific coefficient) / (your Defense + your Toughness)(Just to clarify the last bit, your defence + toughness is basically your Armour stat total so you don't need to calculate that yourself as the game already shows it to you in the hero pannel.)

    So basically you can't figure out how much damage reduction you are going to get from your gear and toughness because you don't know the other half of the math equation.. the power stat etc of whoever or whatever you are fighting against.

    Actually you can figure out how much damage reduction you are going to get from gear.The formular can be simplified to damage_taken = total_offense / total_defenseIf you double your defense you get damage_taken = total_offense / (2 total_defense) = 1/2 total_offense / total_defenseIf the formular on the wiki is correct, then doubling your armor value should cut your damage taken by half.

    Of course you can't calculate a flat damage number, but you can calculate the relative damage reduction.

    So the damage reduction is 1 - (armor at base toughness / armor at your current toughness)

    Example:A Warrior with Berserker stats has 2271 ArmorA Warrior with Soldier stats has 3231 Armor

    Damage reduction = 1 - 2271 / 3231 = 0.30 = 30%

  13. I buy about 2/3 of my gems with cash and 1/3 with gold. Things I spend gems on are:


    • Infinite gathering tools
    • Salvaging tools
    • Bank space
    • Material storage
    • etc


    • Gliders
    • Mount skins (I usually buy the skin directly and don't bother gambling. Since gambling licenses are 1/3 the price of a regular license I only use them if I actively want more than 1/3 of the skins in a given package)
    • Armor skins (At least I used to, I already have all skins I'm interested in)
    • Outfits (These are a hard sell for me because there's always a detail about them that I don't like, so I only have 2 or 3 gemstore outfits)

    I will never NEVER spend gems on Black Lion Keys.

    I recently made a character that's supposed to be a Largos. Now I'm waiting for the Largos Wings to return to the gemstore.

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