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Posts posted by BunjiKugashira.9754

  1. @Naxos.2503 said:If they dont revamp Guild halls to be desirable, then yes. Otherwise no, some housing functions could easily be implemented into Guild halls, up to and including bed furniture, and usable furniture, we have examples of that already. The problem is that they're too few to be housing related, and guild halls do not function as the hub they should be.

    Guild halls not funktioning as the hub they should be is another mayor problem. Last sunday I went exploring the jumping puzzles in our guild hall with some other guildmates. We're halfway through the JP when one player leaves the GH and the instance is closed. Then we were back at the teleporter and no longer in the JP.

  2. @Fuchu.3946 said:We have player houses (home instance) and guild houses (guild halls); Let's focus on that shall we ? I would love for home instances to have more free stuff, right now, I never go in, I made a garden plot with chef, but its totally useless as I can't buy seeds that is behind a paywall; then we got those chests from HoT but you hardly need to go home instance for that, you can just go to the maps and find them just as easely. So for now, I'm always on the lookout for cash heavy players that upgraded everything in the home instance with gems...

    You can't decorate (or change besides adding nodes and cats) the home ini and the guild halls don't have any cozy houses that would make sense to decorate as such.Imo the first step towards housing would be adding a GH decoration that is actually a house. You can place the house anywhere in the GH and decorate its interior with tables, chairs, beds, etc.

  3. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    @LaFurion.3167 said:We need in my opinion (I havnt even gotten past level 40 fractal) at least another 50 levels and more maps for fractals. We need something similar to mythic dungeons in wow that can be pushed to the limits, challenge players, and reward them accordingly. I'm not saying make gw2 like wow, but kitten... the same 100 level fractals since release.... so boring.

    This is not true. We have had new fractals frequently (the newest one being Siren's Reef). New fractals usually replace one of the fractals that appear twice in a bracket. We currently have 20 different fractals with room for 5 more. I wouldn't want ANet rushing those 5 fractals either, since there's bound to be interesting content in the future that's worth creating a fractal about. I can't really comment on having another 50 levels (that's 2 difficulty tiers) as I'm just starting to get into T4.

    Siren's Reef was released on January 8th, 2019. That's given todays date, 1 year and 4 months ago, give or take some days.

    I hope the irony of your post is not lost on you. Or maybe you have a different definition of frequent. That's possible too.

    That's a lot more frequently than no changes at all since release like OP claimed.

    Oh absolutely, and many people also forget to factor in that many of the fractals had reworks which come close to entirely new fractals.

    Yet still, nearly 1.5 years for 1 fractal is in no way frequent (it will actually be even more by the time the actual next fractal releases). Even before that, new fractal releases were on average 1 per year at best.

    Well, I'm sure the next expansion will give us some lore that is worth exploring in a fractal or two. Many fractals deal with historic events, which makes sense lorewise.Technically 1 fractal per year is a frequency, so I guess you can call it frequent?

  4. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    @LaFurion.3167 said:We need in my opinion (I havnt even gotten past level 40 fractal) at least another 50 levels and more maps for fractals. We need something similar to mythic dungeons in wow that can be pushed to the limits, challenge players, and reward them accordingly. I'm not saying make gw2 like wow, but kitten... the same 100 level fractals since release.... so boring.

    This is not true. We have had new fractals frequently (the newest one being Siren's Reef). New fractals usually replace one of the fractals that appear twice in a bracket. We currently have 20 different fractals with room for 5 more. I wouldn't want ANet rushing those 5 fractals either, since there's bound to be interesting content in the future that's worth creating a fractal about. I can't really comment on having another 50 levels (that's 2 difficulty tiers) as I'm just starting to get into T4.

    Siren's Reef was released on January 8th, 2019. That's given todays date, 1 year and 4 months ago, give or take some days.

    I hope the irony of your post is not lost on you. Or maybe you have a different definition of frequent. That's possible too.

    That's a lot more frequently than no changes at all since release like OP claimed.

  5. @Notsoperky.4291 said:Queue on every map at rest? When/where did that last happen?

    On my server (abaddon) this happens every Friday. People love playing directly after reset. The rest of the week there is hardly any queue (except when we're paired with another high-population server like now).

    I don't even think that this problem will go away with alliances. It's just that right after reset two or three times as many people want to play WvW than at any other time of the week. The reset happens during Friday evening peak-hours, so you have hundreds of players press the button to storm WvW the very second the new maps are up.

    One solution could be to increase the map cap during the hours following reset. Though I don't think the WvW maps could handle more than the current cap.Another solution could be moving the reset to a less-populated timeslot. I don't think the players who like playing at reset would be happy with this.

  6. While all my characters are equipped full ascended, I don't think ascended should give any more of a boost than it currently does. The preferred way of getting stronger in GW2 has always been player skill with gear playing only a secondary role. Open world content being balanced around exotic gear is something I fully support. Making the gap between exotic and ascended too big would invalidate a lot of content.

  7. @LaFurion.3167 said:We need in my opinion (I havnt even gotten past level 40 fractal) at least another 50 levels and more maps for fractals. We need something similar to mythic dungeons in wow that can be pushed to the limits, challenge players, and reward them accordingly. I'm not saying make gw2 like wow, but kitten... the same 100 level fractals since release.... so boring.

    This is not true. We have had new fractals frequently (the newest one being Siren's Reef). New fractals usually replace one of the fractals that appear twice in a bracket. We currently have 20 different fractals with room for 5 more. I wouldn't want ANet rushing those 5 fractals either, since there's bound to be interesting content in the future that's worth creating a fractal about. I can't really comment on having another 50 levels (that's 2 difficulty tiers) as I'm just starting to get into T4.

  8. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @Voltekka.2375 said:Try Serpent's Ire.

    Not anymore since players complained and complained enough that Anet caves and nerfed it. Funny though since all it required was for players to use their CC skills. I guess that was asking too much.

    I’m sure if just as many players complained about TT, Anet would surely nerf it as well.

    Imo the biggest problem with Serpent's Ire was that it is required for other content instead of being its own thing. TT can be as difficult as it is because you don't need to win that event in order to progress with any other achievement or collection. The complaints about SI really started to pick up when the event was required for the Redeeming IG-6417 Collection.

    Difficult content should stay encapsuled as its own thing and only be required for its own specific rewards. Imagine the outcry if there was a new mount and the 3rd collection required a specific raid boss...

  9. ArenaNet has always refrained from endorsing specific programs, so it is highly unlikely that you will get an official statement like "TacO is allowed".

    We can only go by the third party software guidelines and ArenaNet's actions against specific programs in the past. The most notable being BGDM, which got banned for including gear-checks. Users were given a fair warning and enough time to uninstall the addon.

    Reshade and TacO are among the most popular addons for GW2, so it is reasonable to assume that ArenaNet is ok with them.

  10. I feel like GW2 currently has a lack of medium-rare drops that are somewhat exciting.I remember in GW1 we would all get excited the moment someone dropped a glob of ectoplasm, an obsidian shard or a rare weapon. We would congratulate each other in chat and share drops if someone had abyssmal luck. The closest GW2 ever got to this was Orichalcum and Ancient Wood Nodes where we would inform each other about their location and sometimes make huge detours just to get that node. Since these resources had their rarity significantly nerfed since PoF, that aspect is lost.

    The only drops that excite people on a semi-regular occasion are ascended armor and weapon drops now. You can sometimes see people ping their ascended drops at Tequatl or Triple Trouble and I feel that this excitement is part of what draws people back to these events.

    Infusions and invisible boots are really too rare to excite anyone. I know a lot of people are still trying their luck, but it carries more an atmosphere of resignation and desperation than excitement.

  11. @Super Fuzz.4980 said:

    @Super Fuzz.4980 said:Thank you for your response! I am still confused about this. When I go to buy ascended armour with my marks from either the PVP or WvW vendor - it's not called Zojja's armour, in PVP for example it is called 'Ardent' and you can select stats. Do I need to buy a recipe that I can use my marks for?

    No you just select the stats you want on it, for zojja its main power minor ferocity and minor precision

    Ah okay, so 'Zojja's armour' has exactly the same values in Beserker stats as the ascended armor I can buy in WvW/PvP with selected beserker stats?

    Exactly. Every ascended or legendary armor with Berserker stats has exactly the same stats and armor rating. It doesn't matter if it's called Zojja, Envoy, Ardent or whatever.

  12. I only enter WvW to do my PvE dailies, since the "WvW" dailies often involve more PvE than the PvE dailies themselves.

    • Kill a few guards
    • Kill one NPC and stand in a circle
    • Just stand in a circle
    • Kill a camp full of NPCs and stand in a circle, then do the same for another camp
    • Wait for one Veteran NPC to spawn and kill it

    Also the potion I get from the dailies prevent me from having to play WvW when I want to have something from a new reward track.So make the mount extra fast and sturdy, so I can get away from the gankers that camp around the enemy base and feel like they're the greatest, toughest guys around when they kill a PvE player that didn't even fight back.

    Or improve the PvE dailies and remove the need to enter WvW for certain things.

  13. @Laevateinn.6289 said:The Super Adventure Festival will activate in mid-April this year, instead of overlapping with April 1st. The Super Adventure Box originally started as an April Fools' Day joke, but it's expanded into a real festival over time. Since we usually do a little something for April Fools' Day anyway, having that minor holiday overlapping Super Adventure Festival caused a yearly headache to ship both events simultaneously or temporarily turned off. This year we're going to give the Super Adventure Festival some space from the 1st to let it and April Fools' stand independently.

    Does someone have a precise date? I would like to take a few days of my holidays for this.

  14. This doesn't sound like a problem with GW2, but let's see if we can help you nonetheless.

    Since you said the problem occurs not just with GW2, but other games aswell: Are you able to access Websites as normal while the problem is there? Is the problem constant or does it only happen periodically?

    Have you tried restarting your router?

    Edit:Can you visit this website https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201862998-Troubleshooting-Connectivity-Issues and try the traceroute part? It would help to know where exactly the connection is cut off.

  15. For leveling there is absolutely no issue. Play the profession you want.In endgame PvE content the ranger often fills the role of a healer. In 5-man content bringing more than 1 healer is usually detremental, so one of you would have to play dps. While it is possible to play ranger as dps, many professions come with their own unique buffs, so if you bring 2 rangers, you still only get the ranger buffs. If you bring another profession, you get the ranger buffs and that profession's buffs. As @Infusion.7149 mentioned, Warrior and Guardian are both excellent company for a ranger, quite beginner friendly and have a solid spot in the meta.

  16. Well we know that none of the gods are native to Tyria. They come from somewhere in the mists. So I was thinking, what if every god came from somewhere else and they just met each other in the mists to start some kind of group project? We already know that every god has his/her own realm. We have seen the underworld, the fissure of woe and the realm or torment. What if these realms are actually their home worlds?

    What gave me this idea is the fact that Kormir's library slowly started reverting into the realm of torment after her departure even though Abaddon is long dead. Therefore that shape can't be influenced by Abaddon, but must be the realm's natural state. This would also explain why both Grenth and Balthasar were struggling with their own realms, since they both rose to godhood and inherited their realms after defeating a sitting god. It would seem that shaping a world to their liking, even for a god, takes a lot of effort. Which might be one of the reasons for their Tyrian group project. After playing a certain fractal, we also know that there are other beings in the mists that would qualify as gods. At least they have the power even if they are not part of the group.

    As for the question whether anyone can become a god: Well yes, but actually no.The known and confirmed method: Defeating a god and absorbing his powerWhile the result of this process is a new god, I can't really call it "becoming a god". Magic is not just some form of energy, it has specific properties and concepts attached to it. We've seen this when Zhaitan died and the other elder dragons started turning the dead into their minions. Every god has magic with special properties. Abaddon for example was the god of knowledge and water. Kormir adopted the knowledge part, put a little twist on it and became the goddes of truth. Just like Kormir put her twist on Abaddon's magic however, the reverse is also true and the magic put a little twist on Kormir. Therefore it is difficult to decide whether the human Kormir and the goddes Kormir are the same person. We still don't know what happened to Abaddon's water magic though. There might be some unknown god of water or the magic got absorbed by bubbles, who knows?

    The unconfirmed method: Absorbing almost all the magic in a given worldMy theory is that this is how the first gods came to be. If this is true however, then Aurene is on the verge of becoming a goddess. She already has more power than Balthasar in his weakened state and she can travel through the mists. She currently holds the power of 1+2/4 elder dragons, 1 fallen god (including bloodstone battery) and 1 undead lich. This method requires having a body that can contain all that magic energy. We know from the raids that humans can hold quite a lot of magic energy, however again the magic twists them as much as they twist the magic. So a human attempting godhood this way may loose his original personality along the way.

  17. Please give salvaging a slightly bigger over-encumbered buffer than opening bags. Every time I right-click on my bags and select "open all", I have to sell some stuff first before I can salvage everything. This makes especially blue and green unidentified gear bothersome to identify.

    Or make it so that unidentified gear gets automatically identified before salvaging. This would also open up 3 slots in my invisible bags.

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