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Posts posted by BunjiKugashira.9754

  1. I believe there are some toys that are bugged: They can set a person's counter to 0 with a single hit.I had this happen to me last year (again a player who did this repeatedly to everyone even after he had his daily), so I stopped participating in public brawls. Nowadays I only brawl with guild mates in our guild hall or some other instance. No more brawling in open world = no more trolls.

  2. @kajoken.1630 said:

    @kajoken.1630 said:If you're on an organized map don't use any trinkets and switch to a different kind of gear if possible. I'm using Magi armor and SB for this.

    I was mostly looking to only swap out the weapon. This means I can use a low-dps shortbow on most mobs and can weapon-swap to a high-dps weapon for the bosses.

    Yeah, for that I have a zerker staff in the 2nd weapon set. If it's running smooth you only need a stronger weapon for Steve, since the other two get ignored.

    This year all bosses give a stacking magic find buff. So I'm looking for maps that do all bosses.

    The problem is that my low-dps weapon doesn't deal enough damage to tag mobs. I don't get any loot, not even on loot doors. There has to be some kind of breaking-point that you have to pass in order to get loot since simply tagging isn't enough.

  3. Helloween has started and that means farming the labyrinth. As thieves seem to always get the most loot, I decided to take my thief to the lab this year. I immediately noticed my shortbow dealing too much damage for others to get their hits in. As a solution I took a lvl 2 character to the PvP lobby and bought a white short bow. Now I'm no longer preventing other players from getting their hits in, but I'm also not getting any loot myself. Being in the squad and in the only subgroup of that squad did not help either. I did not get any loot as long as I was using that white low-lvl bow.

    My question is: What is the minimum damage I should go for in order to get loot? I don't want to hit the mobs too hard since everyone should get a hit in, but I also don't want to miss out on any loot.

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  4. I believe it's time for a new game engine. One that works more modular and can more easily be upgraded to work with new and upcoming technical innovations. GW2 is getting old and more and more laggy. ANet only set GW1 to maintainance mode once they realized that the current engine would not support their plans and began work on GW2. We're now in a similar situation where the Team is pushing the engine's limits and it shows more and more. The only question is whether ANet has the energy, money and inspiration for a GW3.

    One thing is for certain though: PvE ganking has no place in any Guild Wars game.

  5. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:Honestly ascended equipment is so easy to get, especially as a raider, that it doesn't really matter. Just go for the armor that you like the skin of.

    Except for when they eventually add legendary armory meaning you’ll only ever need a single legendary armor set for each weight. It removes the need to have many ascended sets for many builds across many characters.

    Only if you apply that armor to more than 5 sets. That's assuming you craft all ascended armor pieces and don't get any dropped in fractals or raids. Otherwise ascended is cheaper. So when the armory is finally released, you need enough characters that need one or more new armor sets to need more than 5 sets. I'd bet at that point most of your characters are already equipped fully ascended. Unless you're constantly making new characters, you now have a legendary armor and no reason to use it.

  6. Honestly I find them a chore. There are always 1-3 PvE dailies I don't want to do. Sometimes there are only 3 instead of 4 PvE dailies in total (activity is not a PvE daily). This forces me into either PvP or WvW. Sometimes WvW dailies are fast and easy, sometimes enemy players think it's funny to grieve players waiting for the Veteran creatures.

    Often, after I've completed my dailies, I lack time and/or motivation to play the content I really wanted to play.

    Monthlies didn't have this problem. You could complete the various categories whenever you felt like it and they were set up broader, often filling without specifically doing monthlies at all.

  7. Piercing Shards and Flow like Water alone are a 21% damage boost. You'd have to either scale down damage and healing to the point that there's no benefit in taking a 4th trait line or nerf ele in general. The effect of this change would be that ele builds either don't use it because the damage penalty isn't worth it or all ele builds use it because there's a net gain. There's no in-between and this change wouldn't open up any new and interesting ways to play ele.

    I'd rather take a new weapon and elite spec.

  8. Maybe there will be further expansions in the future, however they would be different than the current expansions to a degree that calling them expansions in the GW2 sense becomes questionable.

    Reasons for more expansions:

    • Money
    • Huge package of content draws in new and inactive players for some time
    • There is a lot of unexplored area

    Reasons against more expansions

    • "End of Dragons" implies that the next expansion might conclude the whole dragon story line, concluding GW2's overarching story
    • With Cantha the last major area from GW1 will be explored, leaving us (with a few exceptions) only with loreless, unestablished areas
    • 3 is a good number for the amount of elite specializations - not too limiting, yet not too much overlap between specializations
    • The game is undeniably getting old - both in graphics, game mechanics and server capacity - and can no longer use newer hardware efficiently
    • The story has enough loose ends to keep us busy with living seasons for a few years

    Do I think there will ever be a GW3?Honestly I don't think so. Just like there will never be a WoW2. Both games will fade slowly and one day be forgotten before turning off the servers. GW2 at release was wild, sadly I don't think we will see the same amount of hype for a MMO again.

  9. The problem is that "afk" farmers aren't really afk. I remember the engineer farm at lake doric. Turrets self-destruct after 5 minutes. Yet engineers always had their turrets up. They even put different turrets in different spots, so there was some walking involved. So a timer of 60-120 minutes would do nothing.

    What I would like to see (simply because it would be funny) is if a person kills a certain number of mobs without moving at all and doesn't move for at least a minute, they spawn a champion (that doesn't drop loot). Doesn't matter where a new afk farm spot pops up, afk farmers would destroy the farm spot themselves.

  10. @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:Rework "Outnumbered" to provide a unique debuff to the server(s) that are causing Outnumbered. The server with the greater numbers will lose their downed state while the Outnumbered server will retain it.

    Do you want people to tell you to get off the map? Because that's how you get people to tell you to get off the map.

  11. Dry Top

    Dividing the map into segments that can only be accessed through a narrow tunnel in the cellar of a house or a small vine bridge may have worked well for the story, but it's just awful for playing on the map normally. Mounts have improved the situation a bit since you can now fly over many of the obstacles that made traversing these bottlenecks mandatory, but the bad impression has been there for years and won't go away that easily. I know there are waypoints, however a map that can only be traversed by waypointing may as well be multiple maps.

  12. I like the fact that every mount has its niche and I get to use all of them. Some more than others, but still... It would be bad to make the Warclaw compete directly with the other PvE mounts.

    That being said, I would like the Warclaw to provide a stronger version of its AoE speed-boost in PvE. Something like 50 people perma superspeed at 600 range. It wouldn't make the Warclaw compete with the other mounts for solo traveling, but it could have a serious spot in PvE squads and meta events.

  13. @Turkeyspit.3965 said:

    @Bast.7253 said:Flying otter spirit from the new enrichment seems like it could be made into a suitable skimmer skin.

    I think with the news that Skimmer gets to swim underwater, a Seahorse skin seems to be on people's minds. Not sure how they could work that onto the skimmer's rig though.

    We already have shark models ingame for both land and sea, and a Hovershark that can also submerge sounds just like something those crazy Inquest would develop for Tyrian domination.

    A Hovershark that can also submerge sounds like the concept for Sharknado 3 (or 4? 5?, I don't know how many there are).

    I don't know how well those suggestions would fit the general shape of the skimmer. On the other hand the Colibri doesn't fit the shape of the skimmer either. Using that precedent anything with two finns/flippers/wings and a tail works.

  14. This is the first time I see this kind of bug. You said that other players can see the bug too, so it doesn't seem like a client-sided bug. I doubt repairing your client would do anything.

    Your best bet is contacting Support (link at top / bottom of the page) with the screenshot and ask them for another total makeover kit. Hopefully this makes the bug go away.

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