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Posts posted by BunjiKugashira.9754

  1. @Strider Pj.2193 said:

    @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:So, tell me if I got this right:You've been spawn-camping in WvW too much and now PvE players won't join the map for their dailies anymore. Now you're looking for a different way to get easy kills because actually fighting other WvW players is too hard for you.

    PvE players are not equipped for PvP and don't have much if any experience fighting other players. There's a reason for that and if you think about it hard enough I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.

    I've played a game with "Open World PvP" once. At that time I didn't know that "Open World PvP" = Grieving lower lvl players the moment they dare to try and level in an area that's appropriate for them with no option to prevent getting PKed. I guess I was imagining something more like consentual duels and GvG taking place in the open world. It was truly awful. If you somehow like gameplay like that, then why don't you play games like that? Oh, I forgot. The other players in those games are PvP players as well and PvE players are avoiding them like the pest, so there's a distinct lack of easy targets. I wonder why?

    I guess I don’t understand your post..

    If someone didn’t want to be involved, why would they choose the instanced content the OP mentioned?

    Can you help me understand the motivation and reasoning behind your comparing apples to oranges?

    He mentioned Jormag as an example. Claw of Jormag (commonly referred to as just Jormag) is not instanced, so I can only assume that by "instance" he meant the map-instance of the frostgorge sound. Other instances include, to my understanding, raid and dungeon instances.

    Later in the conversation:

    @"Zabi Zabi.3561" said:Is this discussion some sort of "out of season April fools joke?"

    if you wanna kill other players then do PvP, leave the PvE people alone. They chose guild wars 2 because they didn't wanna deal with WoW's PK bullcrap.

    This is why I love guild wars 2, you have options.

    No. If you read the premise it's a special instance whereby it's pk. Players can choose not to go there but forego the incentive. :)

    So, increased PvE rewards to go with the risk of PK.

    Opt in, without someone running around like in some games where people spam duel requests.

    He also said in other comments

    @Sovereign.1093 said:

    @"Antycypator.9874" said:As an "only PvE player", I agree, but if you die as a PK, you lose your entire EQ (your killer gets everything) and your character gets banned for a week.

    @.@ it is a wholesome idea within the confines of wvw rules.

    Only that we can invade instances of highly pve players for them to pve there is because 3 x or more loot. For pk, well, we serve the dragon wee.

    Seriously though it must be explored

    @Sovereign.1093 said:Imagine a certain instance where the loot is 3 x etc and good drops and you can pk players.

    It'll be fun. Raid the instance of ppl killing jormag for example


    @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:I'm not against 1v1 dueling, with restrictions to areas. But as other's noted, to do this right requires a lot of work. (Specified duel areas, a way to change the skill ruleset used based on an area rather than a whole map, etc.

    We have so many higher priorities that I can't see us ever actually getting to this in the foreseeable future. Especially as we already have the means for players to create their own 1v1's via custom arenas.

    That all means “no” to bringing pvp to open world pve areas.

    :3 not yet you mean. We have Such good pve zones.

    “ requires a lot of work.”

    “ We have so many higher priorities that I can't see us ever actually getting to this in the foreseeable future.”

    No is no. The majority of people pve in the game don’t want it either.

    Enjoy wvw while this game is still online.

    :3 one can dream of raiding players stacking on jormag or tq. :3

    which sounds very much like grieving PvE players in their PvE maps.

    Let's entertain for a moment the concept of an instance that's a copy of a PvE map. All PvE maps remain untouched and this instance is added with 3x the loot of the map its based on and with 2 or more factions that are at war with each other. I actually wouldn't mind that, but do you seriously believe that these maps would be populated by PvE players so you can grieve "PvE players in a PvE rich environment"? 3x the loot is not enough incentive for PvE players to risk having their day ruined. It is enough incentive to complain about how the new game mode destroys the economy though.

    That hypothetical game mode would be primarily populated by PvP players and hybrids.

  2. @Strider Pj.2193 said:

    @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:So, tell me if I got this right:You've been spawn-camping in WvW too much and now PvE players won't join the map for their dailies anymore. Now you're looking for a different way to get easy kills because actually fighting other WvW players is too hard for you.

    PvE players are not equipped for PvP and don't have much if any experience fighting other players. There's a reason for that and if you think about it hard enough I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.

    I've played a game with "Open World PvP" once. At that time I didn't know that "Open World PvP" = Grieving lower lvl players the moment they dare to try and level in an area that's appropriate for them with no option to prevent getting PKed. I guess I was imagining something more like consentual duels and GvG taking place in the open world. It was truly awful. If you somehow like gameplay like that, then why don't you play games like that? Oh, I forgot. The other players in those games are PvP players as well and PvE players are avoiding them like the pest, so there's a distinct lack of easy targets. I wonder why?

    I guess I don’t understand your post..

    If someone didn’t want to be involved, why would they choose the instanced content the OP mentioned?

    Can you help me understand the motivation and reasoning behind your comparing apples to oranges?

    He mentioned Jormag as an example. Claw of Jormag (commonly referred to as just Jormag) is not instanced, so I can only assume that by "instance" he meant the map-instance of the frostgorge sound. Other instances include, to my understanding, raid and dungeon instances.

  3. So, tell me if I got this right:You've been spawn-camping in WvW too much and now PvE players won't join the map for their dailies anymore. Now you're looking for a different way to get easy kills because actually fighting other WvW players is too hard for you.

    PvE players are not equipped for PvP and don't have much if any experience fighting other players. There's a reason for that and if you think about it hard enough I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.

    I've played a game with "Open World PvP" once. At that time I didn't know that "Open World PvP" = Grieving lower lvl players the moment they dare to try and level in an area that's appropriate for them with no option to prevent getting PKed. I guess I was imagining something more like consentual duels and GvG taking place in the open world. It was truly awful. If you somehow like gameplay like that, then why don't you play games like that? Oh, I forgot. The other players in those games are PvP players as well and PvE players are avoiding them like the pest, so there's a distinct lack of easy targets. I wonder why?

  4. With the patch-cycles you get from a console release that's a hard no from me. At least cross-play would mean that PC releases get delayed, bundled into bigger patches and bugs often persist until the next scheduled patch.

    Without cross-play the PC version could end up being a kind of public beta for the console version. At that point I don't think even cross-platform save would be possible because it would mean being able to take items from the PC economy to the console economy before they are patched into the console economy. So unless the console community is big enough to cope on their own, the console port would be dead on arrival.

  5. I also think daredevil is your best bet. Invisibility allows you to harvest and re-mount repeatedly without bothering with mobs. Even if you do get into combat, shortbow 5 and the daredevil long dash allow you to move as fast as you would while mounted and break combat quickly.

  6. @Linken.6345 said:

    @"Hannelore.8153" said:Blocking should:
    • Remove the person from following you (called a "softblock", on social media platforms).
    • Prevent you from being added again.
    • Hide your location and status in the world from them by all means, e.g guild panel.
    • Hide their messages, auto-deny party & squad requests, etc.
    • Hide their character model entirely, and hide your character model from them.
    • Mute all sounds coming from them and mute all sounds coming from you, for them.

    Basically they just should stop existing to your client, and you should stop existing to theirs. Server-side, non-negotiable.

    Even when there's a third party involved (e.g you both get added to the same squad by someone else), it should show a shadow portrait like it does when the player isn't on the map, and Blocked Player for their name, and hide their health etc.

    And how would you pug raids with this feture if commander hav either of you blocked and you cant support the one you got blocked?

    The same thing I would already do if someone I have on my blocklist appears in the squad:For raid squads:I ask the commander to kick that person together with the reason that person is on my blocklist.If the commander decides to keep the person, I leave.

    So far this has never happened because my block list isn't that full and I doubt any of those cretins play the game good enough to raid.

    For WvW and open world squads:You can easily be in the same squad and not support each other. 50 people is quite a lot. Just make sure you don't end up in the same sub-group.

  7. @GummyBearSummoner.7941 said:I believe there’s a option setting to mute other player instruments & minis noises like the Super adventure box ones

    The problem with that feature is that I don't want to mute all players. Most players use their instruments to play nice music and it's always fun / interesting hearing someone play and then checking out where the music comes from. I only want to block the players who abuse their instruments.

  8. @Dan.9304 said:

    @"Kodama.6453" said:You spelled Sylvari as Sylvia.... Dude, come on.

    And I think they have the most interesting lore, since they were actually created as dragon minions for mordremoth, but got "purified" by Ventari's influence.

    its a made up word.

    So is Charr, Asura, Norn and even Human (that one was made up a bit earlier than GW2). Yet you wrote their names correctly but didn't bother to write Sylvari correctly. Is there perhaps some bias against the race? I know a lot of people were unhappy about HoT focusing heavily on Sylvari lore. Some people hold an even older grudge against Traherne for suddenly intruding into their personal story. Still, a good poll is designed as neutral as possible and letting your bias show is bad practice.

  9. I'm note sure whether to be happy or sad. On one hand I really wanted some Sylvari centric mount skins. On the other hand I already have the Primal Spirit for Jackal and was hoping for a Fern Hound if it has to be a Jackal skin.

    I'm hoping we will see more existing creatures repurposed into mount skins in the future.

  10. @Swagger.1459 said:

    @"Ahnlok.3897" said:So we all gave up on Anet then, just like how they handle wvw.

    No, it’s already been explained to us for years and years...

    “ Armor sets are one of (if not actually) the most time expensive things we make for GW2. Each set has an incredible amount of detail and customization, and then has to be fit to very disparate rigs.”

    Each individual piece of armor needs to be created to fit 5 races X 2 genders... Now to go back over just 1 outfit means the devs would have have to make 6 new pieces of armor X 5 races X 2 genders. That ends up being 60 models needing to be made... And it’s not that Anet can’t do it, it’s just not worth the massive amount of time and money to do so.

    For Charr and Asura both males and females use the same models. So that's 2 races x 1 gender. Silvari, Norn and Humans use the same body models, just differently stretched. That's 1 race x 2 genders. The total amount of models needed is 4. Auto-stretching has been around in games for decades. You usually adapt a model to the biggest and smallest body type and 99% of the time the other body types fall into line nicely. So each armor has to be modeled 4 times and adapted to 8 bodies.

    Why doesn't this matter? Because the same is true for outfits. This isn't part of the reason why armor is more work to create than outfits. If you want to go along the "more work" route, you should focus on armor weights. An armor set can only be worn by a single weight-class while an outfit can be worn by all 3.

    The only difference between armor and outfits is that armor is split into separate parts. These splits are done along predefined lines to ensure that each piece can be mixed with every other piece. During the design process the designer has to keep in mind that gloves can only go up to this point before they enter the area that is reserved for the chest piece. The border between chest piece and trousers is even more trouble because that line is different for each armor weight. Having these predefined cuts enables us to mix and match armor freely, however it also severely limits what a designer can do. And THAT's the reason why outfits come as a single piece and will never allow mixing with other outfits.

  11. @Cuks.8241 said:

    @Turkeyspit.3965 said:I don't have a key bound to dismount, I just use the 1 skill key. This works fine for every mount except the Warclaw, which for some reason, tends to bug out so even after pressing the 1 key, I remain mounted.

    I don't think this is a bug. This happens when 1 is on cool down. I think only warclaw can have 1 on CD after dismount/mount, all other mounts refresh with mounting or the CD is really short.

    Mine is also Warclaw bug. It's been here since the start and saw lot's of feedback but it is still here. Warclaw stay the default mount when you leave WvW. I have all other mounts bound on a separate key, only Warclaw for WvW and Jackal for PVE on my default. It used to happen seldom but now it happens like all the time on my WvW characters. Someone found out what is the cause of this?

    This happens when you leave WvW while mounted. If you dismount before leaving WvW your default mount isn't changed to the warclaw.

  12. Guild Wars 2 doesn't have ads. Are you talking about ads on a Google Chrome Tab that you've opened on a separate screen or are you really seeing ads IN Guild Wars 2?

    If it's the former I'd advise installing an adblocker. There are several good adblockers in the chrome web store (despide being called a store the addons are all free). Personally I'd recommend Adguard.

    If it's the later and you really have ads in GW2, you've caught yourself some adware. That's more or less malicious software designed to show ads to you whenever you use your PC. An Antivirus program might be able to remove the adware, but more often than not the adware isn't recognized as such by the AV-program.

    Edit: I'd recommend formatting your PC's hard drive and installing Windows fresh. If you have visible adware on your PC, who knows how many invisible programs you have. Worst case scenario you have a keylogger installed and someone is stealing your passwords. After you've cleared your PC you should also change your passwords.

  13. GW2 has a mechanic to prevent players from abusing terrain in order to kill mobs without risk. The mechanic is basically: If there is no path the mob can walk to the player, then reset the mob, heal it to 100% and make it walk back to its original position. This mechanic worked reasonably well with the base game, however with the addition of more ranged mobs and especially with the addition of snipers since PoF, it is no longer up to date. I believe this needs a rework.

  14. @Infusion.7149 said:Only did one play through of No quarter, but if you pick not to drop the grenade thing in the vent does it change the outcome for that part?

    Bangar's stated vision of one Charr is more akin to a lie if you think about it, I wouldn't consider Frost Legion to be real charr any more than Sons of Svanir are Norn.

    I actually picked that option and for some reason the bomb was dropped in anyway. I didn't quite catch if it was Rytlock who dropped it or what happened. There was nothing in my chat log that would indicate who dropped the bomb.

  15. There was a graphics glitch in GW2 that allowed players to display both weapon sets at once if I remember correctly. That time it felt like a lot of players enjoyed this "feature". @coso.9173 I remember that skyrim mod and pretty much always had it in my mod-list.

    One thing we should answer beforehand is whether legendary weapons, that are equipped in the second slot, should display their auras and footsteps. Since they would be visible on the character I think they should. This would allow players to stack the visual effects of up to 4 legendary weapons. Well, I guess if I want to shine like a christmas tree, auras already make that possible.

  16. The most important thing to keep in mind is that it's impossible to permanently screw up a character. At some point you will unlock all skills and traits, you can always get different equipment for a reasonable price and there's no reason to worry about finding the perfect race for your profession. So feel free to experiment!

    Since you mentioned crafting: Crafting is really complex and confusing at times. I don't think anyone knows all the recipes. If you want to know how to craft something or what you can use an item for, just look it up on the wiki. You can reach it by typing /wiki in chat.

    Another thing that might be relevant if you are lucky enough to get an ascended weapon or armor piece (for example from defeating Tequatl) is that you can change the stats on ascended armor and weapons. If you don't like the stats, just change them. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stat_changing

    If you aren't that lucky, don't bother with ascended for now. The personal story provides enough equipment while leveling up. Once you're lvl 80 you can buy some cheap exotic armor from the trading post and start gathering currency on the living season maps to buy trinkets. If you find someone with a fully equipped home instance, try to harvest everything in that instance once a day. You can usually find such a person by joining a guild.

  17. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:I don't think that no-mount-zones and no-gliding-zones are the way to go. Even now they often stretch out into the non-jp world and being thrown off your mount for no good reason is obnoxious.

    A better solution would be to add a jp-starter at the beginning of every jp.
    • As long as you have the buff, you can't use mounts or the glider
    • You need the buff in order to open the chest
    • The buff gets automatically removed if you leave the jp area

    This completely removes the need for no-mount-zones and no-glider-zones.If ANet wants people to complete the jp for the daily chest, the daily achievement can be tied to looting the jp chest.

    Again, why? Players can complete jumping puzzles without mount/glider today. Right now. It is a choice and that choice in no way impacts how others choose to complete JPs just as choosing to use mount/glider in no way affects players' abilities to complete JPs without them.

    For the same reason you don't just walk to the final chest in a dungeon with the boss being optional. It would in no way impact how others choose to complete the dungeon. It would just allow players who don't feel like actually doing the dungeon skip right to the rewards. Just like how players who don't feel like doing the jp can skip right to the rewards now.

  18. I don't think that no-mount-zones and no-gliding-zones are the way to go. Even now they often stretch out into the non-jp world and being thrown off your mount for no good reason is obnoxious.

    A better solution would be to add a jp-starter at the beginning of every jp.

    • As long as you have the buff, you can't use mounts or the glider
    • You need the buff in order to open the chest
    • The buff gets automatically removed if you leave the jp area

    This completely removes the need for no-mount-zones and no-glider-zones.If ANet wants people to complete the jp for the daily chest, the daily achievement can be tied to looting the jp chest.

  19. @Teratus.2859 said:

    @kiwituatara.6053 said:Getting pets for the first time is fun. But doing it 8 times for each pet is just a chore. Account bound pets would be fine and you still have to do the “quest” once on your first ranger. Maybe if they made future pets harder to obtain but make them account bound. More fun less chore.

    That would have the same problem as masteries and achievements then.Can only do them once and never again.

    That's the main reason im against the account unlock thing for them and would prefer something like the Menagerie from Gw1.A good chunk of us completed the pet quest years ago and if they were account bound we'd never be able to do it again which is part of the fun of playing a Ranger for some people.

    In GW1 my main was a ranger and I really loved collecting pets and filling the Menagerie. For some reason ranger never clicked with me in GW2. If there ever is a menagerie in GW2 I might give the profession another try.

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