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Posts posted by mirage.8046

  1. On 7/2/2024 at 9:08 AM, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Just had to drop in and comment that it amuses me that the preview of this thread from the general professions forum is "Suggestion: Permanent BAN".

    I keep looking at it and thinking "who or what does this person want to be banned?"

    omg I also thought the same and I thought "that first part of the title makes no sense out of context!"

    • Haha 1
  2. A melee condi weapon, though that can be main-hand dagger, was a fair guess from the necro community. There are indeed a lot of condi and power weapons, yet those weapons are midrange, long-range, projectileless, or melee greatsword lol. 

    On 6/28/2024 at 3:53 PM, HearldofTime.8294 said:

    But why condi? There is literally, absolutely no reason for this weapon to have been a condi and the people who are complaining have either no logic, or its full of flaws. Scepter and Pistol have always been fine, the former doesn't use projectiles and the second has a stun. For all the years this class has been nerfed to the ground and up, its condi game has always been decent at best and below average at worst. A spear condi would not change ANYTHING.

    And for people who say 'power necro options have always been bad... so its pointless to give it another power weapon' no **** the whole concept of power necro is to bank all DPS on shroud, and in some cases the same issue is there with condi variants of reaper and harbinger. The reason Spear is a power weapon is because they KNOW our power options outside of shroud are absolute garbage, meanwhile Scepter/Pistol+torch is able to keep high numbers even as scourge.


    So stop begging and spamming.

    Melee isn't a problem with supports and other players; however, being alone, melee is so inappropriate for necro because necro can't protect itself without stability, invulnerability, evade frames, vigor, aegis, or channeled blocks. Necro will die in WvW or PvP by shadowstepping with spear 4 having nothing to fall back on. Also, it relies on hitting a target to teleport in the first place! As cool as spear sounds, it needs a big tune-up before discussing power, condi, melee, or ranged. While spear has the reset mobility function, it's gonna be hard to use it on enemies with stealth, dodges, or evade frames. Even in PvE I question spear's utility and sustain; the damage is great, but it either competes with greatsword or it won't be used. Honestly, this weapon is also trying to push main-hand dagger out of the way as well because it also has sustain and good life force gen.

    The second problem is that spear doesn't do anything else that sword or greatsword can't do beyond boon negation or resetting one of its skills. Spear makes less and less sense the more one looks at its problems. I wanna love spear, but its flaws make me not want to use it. A melee condi spear does change stuff because you can bypass the projectile blocks, and melee rewards you for more damage. If we keep the power side, take away the chill from this weapon and give us weakness or slowness to hamper enemies. I don't want a repeat greatsword.

    I'd rather buff the core weapons at this rate rather than introduce spear. Power damage can become better just by fixing the core weapons! It has many outdated bad choices barring pistol, scepter, torch, greatsword, swords, or staff. Please name me another class with many weapon choices but they're outdated, have limited utility, and do little damage.

    • Confused 1
  3. more feedback about spear in PvE:

    the power side of the spear is weak without holosmith because other engi specs don't have holosmith's damage modifiers. for other specs, the spear's power DPS is a 5k-6k DPS loss. it truly becomes a hybrid weapon in holosmith's hands.

    from a few golem tests, on power scrapper, it was benching 22k; on power holosmith, it was doing 28k. 

    add confusion on to electric artillery and maybe on devastator. the condition variety goes up in wvw and pvp with confusion so enemies aren't cleansing your main damage. devastator feels underwhelming in several aspects: as a mobility skill, its range needs to be increased to 1000 or 1200; it has no evades, and 20s is too long for a 450 dash. conduit surge and devastator would be better with evades because spear is a little squishy for a melee weapon. devastator's cooldown is way too long and the cast time needs to go down to 1/2. 

    • Like 3
  4. longbow has been another longlasting desire of mine for mesmer and elementalist. however, I don't think that's happening given that the elementalist's spear will do what a longbow could do. they even admitted the 'longbow ele' wishes on their spear test stream! :| 

    bows aren't the only focus, however, because off-hands have also been requested. who didn't want off-hand sword thief or focus revenant? a mesmer with longbow could focus on long-ranged sniping or laying down AOEs. I'm not sure about other classes like engi, thief, or rev having a longbow. Shortbow warrior would be so odd considering that could've been a mid-range main-hand pistol for warrior. also, a shortbow would conflict with the condi longbow because shortbows often apply condis. 

  5. Excited: Engineer's spear has been so fun on the PvE side. The skills definitely need tuning and adjustments, like devastator, electric artillery, and conduit surge. Its hybrid damage works pretty well on holosmith for both power and condition builds. I love it!

    Great: Mesmer's spear is also flashy and I can have fun with more melee opportunities!! 

    OK: I had hopes for necro spear to be useful, but it has a lot of flaws and bad design. It's a weapon that I can replace with dual swords. However, spear's damage is respectable despite the problems. I like the theme they did here especially. 

  6. 7 hours ago, Tofu.1865 said:

    Trust me, u want that bleed for the firearms trait and relic of fractal lol
    They should add confusion damage on Engi spear 3 though, max DPS i can reach with it is only 34k and it took 2 minutes to reach that.. for a melee weapon that is hella slow and low

    Confusion would be lovely to have on that skill. After all, conducting tons of electricity and releasing them doesn't only lead to burns; depending on intensity, electrical shocks also cause confusion. However, the question would be how many stacks of confusion on spear 3 for focused and unfocused foes?

    • Like 1
  7. Soooo spear skills do not count as blade skills. The divide between 'blade skills' and non-blade skills has grown larger as a 10% damage increase on all blade skills is huge compared to the non-blade ones. This makes dagger and greatsword even stronger than before for power virtuosos. That's not to say terrestrial spear will be bad; like uw spear, trident, axe, and swords, it doesn't synergize with infinite forge's increased damage on blade skills. 

    I would love to have synergy with the blade mechanic on other bladed weapons, but this means power virtuoso wants to play with the same dagger and greatsword with only one different off-hand depending on preference.

  8. about defiance bar damage, this is what roiling skies ought to look like whether you're targeting a focused foe or an unfocused foe.

    how roiling skies' CC should be presented

    it is becoming more ambiguous and annoying to find out what skills do exactly how much defiance bar damage. a lot of skills incorrectly add up the values or do not mention defiance bar damage at all. to many people, this would read as 732 defiance bar damage on a 15-second cooldown, when it is simply not so. soft CCs from skills also do not mention the small defiance bar damage they do either.

    cleaning up skills' tooltips to separate conditional CC effects such as on this skill would clear up a lot of ambiguity. 

    by the way, skill 2 and skill 5 are too short of leaps. skill 5 should offer a greater ranger than 450, and conduit surge plays like a 450 range dash than a 700 range dash.

  9. yah, the unblockable teleport is nice. however, melee isn't going to help the spear that has no stability, swiftness, vigor, or evade frames. you cannot use spear defensively or offensively without any protection, even if you can recharge isolate by exiting death shroud. if any enemy dodges it, welp you're out of a gap closer. might as well try to land it on a critter in PvE/WvW.

    not even I would get fixated on the life siphoning. how much life siphon you get per soul shard will determine its usefulness. life siphon doesn't help much when you're getting focused and thrown around like a ragdoll. :|


    • Like 2
  10. Distortion is your best friend when you're out of dodges, aegis, or vigor; it allows you to keep fighting or disengage even when you're stretching yourself thin in combat. while there are workarounds, no distortion makes a few fights difficult to have that extra cushion of sustain. granted I have been using blade renewal (sometimes with mimic), but it isn't the same as having on-demand distortion and being able to cast other skills. Not having 5s of invuln in PvE or 3.75s in WvW & PvP makes virtuoso unplayable.

    Thank god this ends tomorrow.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Vennyhedgie.5369 said:

    Mesmer is in a really weird spot where I feel like it's the only class where the developers draw a hard line into what weapons they want you to use. Instead of encouraging creative buildcraft, they have stupid traits that say "No, you WILL play alacrity mirage ONLY with staff. You WILL play virtuoso ONLY with the Dagger/GS". 

    If it was just the dagger I would understand, because it's the weapon the elite spec came with, similar to how Holosmith buffs sword or Untamed buffs hammer. However, the deliberate choice to include specifically greatsword and nothing else feels like a very clear case of playing favorites, and it annoys me inmensely.

    The staff mirage case is even worse when Solar outright came out and stated that he just wanted that to be a thing specifically.

    It might not even be devs playing favorites; since its conception, this felt like a huge oversight not to count other bladed weapons even when virtuoso was still in beta. I can tell this was an attempt to promote our core blade weapons, besides the elite spec exclusive dagger; then they forgot about the other bladed weapons.

    I've had problems with virtuoso, and this blade mechanic restricting weapon choices is my biggest sore spot. But it's necessary to run dagger/sword or dagger/focus because nothing else attacks as fast or works with the blade mechanic. At least pistol can be excused because its phantasm is single-targeted, attacks very quickly, and can be built for bleeding.

    We have some good weapon choices that can't even be used because they don't count as blades. Of course, not all weapons are blades and therefore don't make sense to synergize with the mechanic (shield, staff, scepter, rifle). Giving virtuoso more flexibility would go a long way to promote variety.

  12. I have been vouching for sword, axe, spear (on-land and UW), and even trident to count as blades because Virtuoso has zero reason to use anything that isn't dagger or greatsword, whether the build is for power or condi. The blade mechanic is great, but because the 4 said weapons don't count as blades, there's no reason to use them when they can't even trigger traits like Jagged Mind and Deadly Blades. It's been an inconsistent design since Virtuoso went live. 

    • Like 2
  13. 9 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    I think you've misunderstood what people are talking about - which is understandable, since it IS a bit confusing. People aren't talking about being able to stock blades for use with the shatter mechanic - anything that causes a clone to appear on a non-Virt mesmer will stack a blade.

    What people are talking about is how certain skills are treated as blades for the purpose of triggering traits, most notably Jagged Mind. The trend is that any skill that involves throwing or generating an energy blade at a distance counts - that's dagger attacks, most virtuoso shatters (obviously) and utilities, and greatsword skills 2-4 (in the case of Phantasmal Berserker, it's the projectile that you throw that counts, not anything the phantasms do, IIRC). Weapons that involve hitting the enemy with a physical blade - sword, axe, and apparently spear - however, do not. This means that condivirt is probably going to remain dagger/X and dagger/Y for the foreseeable future, since Jagged Mind is basically the reason condivirt exists.

    if spear skills even count as blades, it'd be a win of course. not only about counting as blades to trigger traits, but condi virt also cares about fast-hitting attacks and multi-hitting attacks. this is why condi virt sticks with dagger, focus, and off-hand sword because they're the best at proccing jagged mind and other traits and quickly hit; pistol does get used instead if focus 5 is hitting random enemies but not the boss. those 3 weapons are non-negotiable in general. spear on power virtuoso should be fun though.

  14. Well I like what I saw with the spear and emphasizing focused targets. I now think they shocked me with the lightning theme; I was being harsh. Spear being a melee two-handed does cover a role previously unfulfilled. There's a melee condi weapon that isn't defensive There's finally a substitute for dual pistols and main-hand mace. It's nice to have the explosion mechanic on a weapon again, since EOD with main-hand mace. :)) I can only imagine what holosmith will do with all that burning, or mechanist with something that isn't confusion after nerfs to that condition. For what it's worth, keep your eye on the doughnut, not on the hole. 

  15. Have jealous warrior mains entered the room yet?

    For legal reasons this is sarcasm.

    Spear 5 should help hit stealthed targets cuz it will continue to hunt them, and spear 4 looks nice. A fast-hitting 1200-range daze isn't something you typically see from warrior. The burst looks cool too coupled with the evade frames. Why skills change from 900 range to 1200 range is just silly and inconsistent. 

    • Like 1
  16. 4 hours ago, Gesbo.6420 said:

    We cant be sure just yet tho I doubth they will be as all blade skills are usually range. Tho the Blade description is usually added if you spec to Virt (mirror blade for example) and they never went into is so there is still hope. 27th here we come.

    there is some hope, after all, axe was updated to interact with the blade mechanic. skills 2 grants a blade if you hit an enemy, and skill 3 benefits from stocked blades despite being a melee condition weapon. even sword 3 stocks a blade if you hit your target, though all sword skills do not have the blade tooltip, let alone interact with the blade mechanic. we'll see on the 27th!

    • Confused 2
  17. Im not against it at all. Would totally promote Viktor to apply condis when you're not using Mallyx. Condi vindicator is not that great rn afaik and greatsword only has little snyergy with the chill applying torment on AA and phantom's onslaught. 

    Knowing Anet, they would still disallow chill in WvW and PvP on dodge because they already got rid of it from the GM trait, which would also mean no torment on dodge if you ran abyssal chill. 

    I would love this over the shoehorned support side that Vindicator got on release!

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 2
  18. https://i.ibb.co/5xHN5QS/addle.png

    okay, judging from cast times, this better serves as a power melee weapon that isn't greatsword. it should be nice to use on power reaper and power harbinger.

    skills that grant multiple boons such as 'save yourselves' may immediately consume the debuff if it denies 3 given boons. oh dear. 

    • Thanks 2
  19. Mmmkay I like what I am seeing with Ele's spear!! It might not have a lot of mobility but compensates for etching gigantic AOEs. I doubt it'll replace staff, especially in the utility/support department, but I hope it doesn't creep on to staff's aoe capabilities. We don't know whether the spear will have leap finishers or blast finishers, which CC effects it'll have, or other utility (superspeed, blocks, auras, evade frames). I am also cautiously optimistic about Weaver's spear's dual skills. There are still a lot of tests for spear to pass. I like that air AA throws a spear, hopefully it hits multiple targets instead of being a single-targeted AA. :o Could be an opportunity for a bouncing AA here!

    Hopefully, they revisit staff and do not accidentally make spear replace it for doing long-range damage and AOEs.

    • Confused 1
  20. On 6/15/2024 at 9:22 PM, Gud.6829 said:

    ranged power should have been a pistol offhand option for the Elementalist.  That's really the only weapon that makes sense.

    well they had that opportunity to make dual pistols for elementalist during soto. however, just because it didn't happen doesn't mean it's the only weapon that makes sense. ele players have also requested other choices like rifle, longbow, off-hand sword, or greatsword even for years. that statement means any other decisions are senseless. 

    how would ranged power even work with an off-hand pistol? pistol main-hand is condi-oriented, so your only one-handed weapon has to be scepter, as nothing else works for ranged power. I suppose there is something to be said for having a main-hand melee weapon to jump into the fray and a ranged off-hand weapon for targeting foes. That is a niche, however.

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