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Posts posted by mirage.8046

  1. On 6/17/2024 at 11:19 PM, draxynnic.3719 said:


    As someone who was around back then, though, I don't think the situation then reflects the situation now. Reaper exists now. Necromancer currently has (not counting offhands) two power-oriented melee weapons, two power-oriented ranged weapons, two condi-oriented ranged weapons, one ranged hybrid, and exactly zero melee condi weapons. There's a gap in that lineup, and it's not a dire need for a third power melee weapon. Better to fix existing weapons than to simply try to replace them, while giving condi an option outside of the sceptre/pistol/staff holy trinity.

    With spear as is, when it's released, there are going to be literally double the options for power (greatsword, sword, spear, axe, sword, hybrid staff) as there are for condi (sceptre, pistol, hybrid staff), outside of reaper chill shenanigans. That's getting pretty lopsided, especially on a profession where 2/3 elite specs are mostly built for condition damage (yes, there's a trait set for power harbinger, but 'power harbinger' is always going to be at least somewhat hybrid since harbinger shroud always has damaging conditions associated with it).

    Oh I totally agree it's better to fix existing weapons than to introduce new ones that would replace them. I would nominate daggers to be slightly buffed on the condi side. Hybrid damage is cool and all but condi reaper makes the best use of main-hand dagger IMO. It's also core necro's only terrestrial weapon with that melee AA. Poor daggers need to be buffed, man.

    I think spear may be an alternative for a faster power melee style than what greatsword can do. Greatsword however hits like a truck so spear has to compete similarly or else it won't be used. In addition, we don't know what cast times will be like or what the flow will be like until the beta, so no judgment on the spear from me rn.

    Yeah, power harbinger unironically inflicts almost every condition in the game except slow and taunt (unless you corrupt quickness on enemies). Not many power builds can inflict many conditions on that level. 

  2. neither devouring cut nor voracious dive works properly underwater.

    skill 3 awkwardly leaps to your target, so it's too slow and unviable to use as a gap closer. you could just dash effectively with trident 3 or swim to your target.
    skill 4 infamously doesn't exist in the game, despite hovering over the tooltip that describes voracious dive's function. instead, it plays gathering plague when you use the skill.

    the only proof I know is that voracious dive was actually fixed last year in the betas for weaponmaster training and the new weapons. the bugfix however has not been pushed to the live server. 

    these two issues have existed since EOD launch. :|

    • Like 2
  3. when I see alac tempest or quick catalyst, I realize how spoiled and easy quickness Herald has with supplying boons and having 600 radii. Tempest has to channel long overloads for alacrity pulses, and if interrupted, everyone misses out on the remaining pulses obviously. Getting stability elsewhere is crucial for channeling overloads (I don't take the swiftness + stability trait because my build can't afford to take that). Catalyst has to pay attention to its tiny energy bar that's so insulting to all Catalyst players IMO. 

    I don't mind having to build for the synergy or supply tons of boons. It irks me when the inconsistency of support builds isn't applied to all of them for no reason. It doesn't help that tempest has to twist its arms for sacrificing healing with auras for alacrity on overloads. One can tie the two together to make Tempest more natural to supply both. Alac aura tempest is by far one of my favorite supports to play, though. Everything flows like water ngl. (Run tempestuous aria + lucid singularity + powerful aura and you'll see what I mean.)

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    A melee condi weapon would potentially mean that if they feel the need to tone down condi builds, they have the option to nerf the ranged weapons and present the option to choose between full range or max DPS. The alternative would be just slapping a damage reduction, if needed, without there being another option to take.

    Power mesmer, and virtuoso in general, has a similar issue due to mesmer sword being balanced as a defensive weapon.

    Bringing nerfs to existing weapons, ranged or melee, to make room for the new role only shifts the power onto that new weapon. DPS would drop a bit on the ranged weapons I guess.

    As for my thoughts on existing weapons: Power necro wasn't hot until reaper came along. I was never around in the 2012-2015 era, but I'm sure players made it work what with wells, mh dagger, focus or warhorn, and shroud.

    Heck, not even power harb which was branded to be a hybrid espec did not succeed well in PvE. Prior to SoTo, power harb lacked cleave and relied heavily on its shroud. Main-hand dagger felt like a poor substitute for greatsword. Staff and focus were all you had for power. Warhorn was kept for CC emergencies.

    WvW and PvP had different success rates though. Power scourge did not exist outside WvW zergs either. It took weaponmaster training + dual swords to popularize power harbinger, yikes.

    I'm glad power necro has gotten more choices for power, especially power melee. Condi necro has fared well in recent years, and SOTO has enabled many more condi builds than the old, slow core weapons. The same holds for power necro because axe, focus, warhorn, and daggers are outdated and old-fashioned. Staff is great though. How ironic a lot of the weapons are 'dead' in a class that focuses on death and revivals.

  5. The tooltip is still outdated on top of that, mind you. :P I actually like the condi cleanse on spite, as it would offer a lot of sustain in WvW where everyone and their granny have many boons. It may not sound like a lot of sustain, but in the long run, your idea would see a lot of condis being stripped, especially if the trait is paired with relic of antitoxin.

    My take on this trait?
    Gain resolution for each boon you corrupt or remove. Entering shroud strips boons, grants you resolution each hit, and cripples foes. I'd keep the bonus boons removed on foes below 50% HP.

    While you have resolution, it siphons health and you remove a boon from an enemy (5s cooldown on stripping a boon).

  6. On 6/13/2024 at 7:45 AM, draxynnic.3719 said:

    I'm saying that it wasn't actually planned out, it's just something that happened, and that might explain why it, well, feels like something that's jury-rigged out of disparate parts all doing their own thing that happens to have a certain result rather than having been designed as an alacrity provider. After all, willbender was originally supposed to be the really selfish guardian elite spec.

    That doesn't fit what I've heard, mostly because the hammer itself is doing most of what it's doing primarily through autoattacks, and using skill 2 in order to get back into combat after an F2 (or to trigger Karakosa). What I've heard is that it's one of the easier heal builds to learn, the problem is that it can't heal as much as most so it falls off in fights where you really do want all the healing you can get.

    This. Alac willbender was initially for it and itself only. Eventually the devs decided on group alac willbender being a thing. That's draxynnic's point. Even I know this because I was around during EoD betas. 
    This isn't about the devs not knowing how to design elite specs; this is the case of development. Another great example of this: the devs also decided whether Specter should give alacrity or quickness, so they added both options to it in the betas, then after beta 1, they picked alacrity as its special role. Though, ironically, to this day, Endless Night still provides quickness in WvW and PvP, but Shadestep has alacrity in PvE.

    What's really quirky about willbender is not the alacrity application per hit, but that you're tied to virtues' battle presence trait, regardless of condi, heal, or power roles. F2 has nothing to do with this either. You can work around the mobility. I do feel that alacrity willbender bounces around a lot like alac mirage, so I get the annoyance. You can't tell me that you're not randomly teleporting and creating clones as an alacrity mirage just like alacrity willbender is using f2 virtue to dash and using physical skills. 

    At this rate you're better off asking for redesigning Phoenix Protocol because Idk where else alacrity would go and fit so smoothly into the espec.

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  7. 1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    I disagree on the 'done to death' bit, on the basis that there are a lot of ways to add a bit of it, but not a way to really specialise in it. Elementalist is always flipping between at least two attunements, while for engineer, it's very easy to have a bit of electricity in there, but hard to really focus on it. Hammer holosmith is probably the closest at the moment, and spear probably will be soon enough when it's introduced, but that's obviously mixing with the hologram theme of holosmith, and possibly more importantly... it's still basically a melee build skinned over with a few electricity-based graphics. There are obviously ways to do scrapper and mechanist with electricity as well, but similar issues apply.

    The electricity/lightning theme, in fantasy and sometimes in science fiction, is more normally associated with throwing lightning bolts and electricity arcs at range - but the playstyle associated with that seems to be something that ArenaNet has been actively avoiding. Elementalist? Staff and pistol air are notoriously bad, and sceptre air has proven to be one of the most boring interpretations of the concept I've ever seen (running weaver for dual skills, especially Plasma Beam, does help but only so much) feeling more like a continuous laser with an electricity skin rather than a lightning-themed playstyle. Engineer's electricity-themed ranged options are basically pistol's Static Shot, Static Discharge, the shield throw (which is another case of having an electricity skin rather than really feeling like part of an electricity playstyle) and Orbital Strike. The closest is, ironically, mesmer - the purple lightning might be something other than lightning according to the fluff but it comes close in look and feel - although that's obviously mixed with mesmer stuff.

    And part of my disappointment here is that having a second electricity-themed melee weapon just adds to the paradox of electricity simultaneously having been done to death while still not having been done right, and by making the "done to death" side of that paradox even stronger it makes the other side less likely to be resolved. I wasn't expecting spear to be a ranged lightning weapon - I was hoping for spear to be something similar to what you're thinking - but "melee electricity" is the thing I absolutely least wanted to see because it makes the chance of getting a proper lightning playstyle further down the line less likely. It's probably going to be more electricity-themed than hammer is (from what I've heard, hammer was originally more explosives-oriented, shifting it to electricity was something that happened relatively late in development) but it's still just another melee weapon.

    So I can be harsh or overly critical about things. It's just that holosmith did this theme the best. We charge up energy to do more damage inside photon forge, even. Hammer holo is what I use in PvE and WvW yeah. It's the absolute closest you'll get to the electricity style until spear's release. Anet has done so badly on ranged lightning playstyles. I'm not sure if it's because they don't like it or had boring interpretations. Don't even get me started with the elementalist's flop pistol, staff, or boring scepter. Not even Weaver makes scepter stand out more on the electricity front. Confusion, burns, blinds, vuln, weakness, superspeed, and the like are what I would love to see on a lightning-focused weapon.

    I'm not sure why a melee lightning spear is now going to compete with melee hammer either! I don't wanna say it's uninspired to do a 4th melee weapon, but there have been 3 already, what does the 4th one add apart from theme and playstyle? I do agree that this route makes a cool proper lightning playstyle less likely in the future.

  8. if you wanna open up a can of worms, having a support weapon on necro would be not great to balance around scourge. it used to be easier to control balancing weapons when they were limited to their respective elite specs. now that weaponmaster training has enabled all weapons to be used, that's gone out of the window.

    scourge does fine without a support-focused weapon. what actually needs to happen is blood magic traits being reworked and dagger, warhorn, and staff getting serious changes. not much needs to be done.

    warhorn could pulse healing and swiftness, have blast finishers. staff may need some boons like might, vigor, or fury. resistance would be so rad though, especially if it goes to warhorn lol. main-hand dagger and off-hand dagger are lost causes especially with the changes to boon corruption. now's a good time to relook at core weapons instead of shoving a support weapon onto necromancer. 

  9. 1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    suspect what they're thinking here is to create a general-purpose melee DPS option, since hammer is somewhat defensive in nature, sword is generally regarded as holo-specific, and mace is support-ish. But seriously. Engineer hasn't had a new ranged option that isn't deploying support fields since release. I'm getting bored of rifle and sick of grenades.

    And at the risk of getting egg on my face when elespear is revealed (although I'd take that) why is it that all the good electricity-themed weapons are always melee?

    Spear is the air attunement weapon of engineer's weapons. /s I was really hoping for something like explosions or burns or dangerous AOEs. Electricity has already been done to death too! 

    As for range? Pick your poison: melee, mid-range, or long-range. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Genesis.8572 said:

    As with all spears, I'm curious which E-Specs it will work best with. This at least gives the Bladesworn a solid (mid-)range option when not in its gunsaber modes. It would be nice if this worked with Spellbreakers, at least for the thematic connection of the Sunspears, but that remains to be seen. 

    I know they tried making longbow and rifle work by adding 'explosions' function to some of their skills, but longbow does it better unironically because it has 5 ammo skills and 2 of those skills are explosions. Rifle DOES have 6 ammos, but only 1 skill has the explosion function. I guess rifle butt compensates for getting more ammo in return and having hard CC. They should revisit both weapons before making spear supersede them. :|

  11. 16 hours ago, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

    To be fair I've seen some warrior mains opine about how real warriors don't do ranged combat and even others claim Condi dps is un-warrior like. 

    Ngl this sounds like the same warriors who would suggest changing to another class for ranged combat, even if that is an extreme opinion. Condi DPS un-warrior like??? Did Tyria freeze over????

  12. All jokes aside, Idk why it may take the spear to fulfill that mid-range weapon that neither longbow nor rifle is sufficient for playing in the same range. Oh wait the warrior community dislikes said weapons. Longbow at least works on condi berserker. It performs okay on power bladesworn, but it's low on the preference list for the build. (Not only does arcing arrow do most of the damage, but that skill and smoldering arrow have explosions, and they have 2 and 3 charges respectively so they synergize with bladesworn's traits.)

  13. Having a fractal that encourages ranged play isn't horrible, but having to camp it because this fractal is melee-unfriendly is a terrible reason to go range. Unless you wanna die to Eparch's whirlwind attacks, you're asking for death. 

    The spongy health is disgusting, and that trend is continuing with the new fractal designs. At least this fractal doesn't have long phases before the boss on regular mode. Idk about CM though. I hate this fractal so much more than even Mai Trin t4. Besides the cons, I don't mind encouraging bringing boon corrupts, boon strips, or boon theft. You do not want Eparch grabbing boons from your allies, so supports need to be careful with Eparch having Envy. I learnt that the hard way playing my power quick harbinger. Regret is also so annoying unless you're playing with non-projectile ranged skills... Thankfully anet lets you take care of Eparch's buffs by taking yellow, blue, or purple orbs.

    Wanna know the salt in the wound? A bug makes Eparch not reset its health after a group does /gg, unlike Twilight Oasis's final boss or going straight to Captain Crowe on Siren's Reef. Hopefully, Anet will look into that.

  14. 2 hours ago, Vooksa.2941 said:

    I'm aware that [Blood Bank] doesn't currently do those things, my point was that if it DID count as barrier in the eyes of Scourge, or even Relic of the Scourge, it'd still be self-only. Having to slot Blood Magic and [Blood Bank] to benefit from Scourge barrier effects once every 10s is not the most heinous design sin that exists in this game.

    Also, [Feed From Corruption] doesn't grant alacrity to allies, because you only apply alacrity to the targets you grant barrier to. Scourge needing group barrier for group alacrity is another reason I'm not thrilled with it's flexibility, but again, if we got some kind of secondary/offhand shield, that could apply barrier in an AoE, it'd be a great alternative to torch generating group might. We might even still get a group-barrier skill on one of the last two spear skills, but I find that unlikely, and Power Scourge is kind of a joke in the PVE space at the moment.

    Ahh I'm sorry, I misunderstood you and myself even. Oopsie. If all that barrier counted for scourge, it would definitely be for the scourge. Honestly, alac scourge isn't flexible with its slots or traits. Now I wish 'feed from corruption' affected allies, but it is what it is. Anet totally messed up the potential. It irritates me that the anti-synergy was done on purpose. 

    I don't see a rework happening even though they said would look into scourge again if alacrity scourge proved to be too much. Power scourge is good for WvW, just not in PvE. Who knows whether spear will give group barrier. What are the odds of necro's new weapons giving boons that aren't might or regeneration?

    • Like 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Vooksa.2941 said:

    Pardon, but: yeah, so?

    • Mechanist provides alacrity on barrier and passively applying barrier every 3 seconds, using two traits. Herald provides enough group quickness for permanent uptime with no concentration by spending enough energy/s, using a single trait. Harbinger itself provides permanent quickness while it's in shroud, for 3s every 3s.
    • As of March, Elementalist's Air [One With Air] grants reduced superspeed in PVP specifically when [Fresh Air] is also equipped. Necro's own Soul Reaping [Dhuumfire] is split to have different stats for if you're playing Scourge and for Harbinger.
    • [Blood Bank] only grants the Necro barrier, not allies, so the condi cleanse, might, and alacrity/vigor is solo-only.
    • Are you really telling me that [Blood Bank] barrier can't be made to allow on-barrier benefits to trigger once every 10 seconds? And needs to have zero meaningful interaction with the game's premier barrier specialist??

    no, blood bank doesn't grant condi cleanse, might, nor alacrity/vigor. blood bank doesn't interact with any of scourge's traits. I think it's because of the fact that scourge would generate tons of barrier while regenerating health. it would be too OP or have to have an internal cooldown, and anet would likely add the latter in WvW and PvP. 

    what does happen is that necro's boonrips and boon corrupts grant barrier to the scourge, but alacrity to allies. this is why feed from corruption is a lot stronger than what one would think even taking it over sandstorm shroud. even the lesser spinal shiver trait will grant solo barrier + group alacrity if you strike a foe at 50% HP with boons. 

    a hot topic I think is that scourge's support traits are out of place. desert empowerment should've been on sand savant. WHY is the scourge reduced to 180 radius to grant alac compared to other supports? both quick and alac supports aren't even hindered with a 180 radius. that's inconsistent and beyond annoying. you NEED to be in 180 radius to grant alac on all of your shade skills, but 300 radius for things like boon corrupts or boon strips. anet messed up on alac scourge, but they could revisit it.

  16. 9 hours ago, kiroho.4738 said:

    I think this will be changed into knockdown or pull after the beta (at least for PvE)
    AoE knockback was never popular in PvE as it directly works against the general pull-together behavior.
    A pull or knockdown would support this behavior and still fit the skill.

    I know anet has gotten rid of both knockdowns AND knockbacks, even the former has been replaced with crippled like on soulbeast's takedown. Who knows whether it'll change? Knockbacks are great when you want to play at range or get enemies off you. Admittedly, I think if the symbol didn't involve weakness, the knockback would make sense more than a knockdown or pull. In the case of WvW, you can still be aggressive with knockbacks by teleporting or dashing to your enemy even when they thought they had some breathing room. 

    • Confused 2
  17. Ranger obviously nothing has to do with 'range.' It's an ignorant argument to emphasize ranger's ranged capabilities. They are like hunters, pet owners, master of the forest, a protector of a national park. Read a book. 

    What ranger could benefit from is either non-ranged skills or more sources of the unblockable buff to override projectile reflects. I'm not gonna say ranger will ever get weapons like scepter, trident, or rifle to bypass it, but there aren't many melee weapons left either. Off-hand sword is the last one yet to be added. While ranger has flexibility with its range and melee weapons, it isn't necessarily any better than what other classes have.

    What will Untamed's ambush be for terrestrial spear, though, interestingly enough? Im hoping a ground-targeted leap that creates a shockwave.

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  18. Ranger and guardian's spears are spot on thematically. Truly harking back to Paragon I guess. Ranger's spear is gonna be sick with the rogue playstyle weaving in and out of stealth. 

    Methinks these 3 are power or hybrid, especially guardian's and necro's. I like the mobility necro will get hehe, because being able to shadowstep frequently will be useful to trigger relic of Peitha. And knocking back people on guard spear is gonna be so funny hahaha! It sounds like an offensive support weapon, kinda rare for guardian to get both of those worlds on a weapon.

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  19. Spear sounds just as cool as what I initially wanted, but hey, this looks to be a quirky fun weapon for WvW! It's not like ranger could've gotten something dumb like rifle or pistol. Focus could've been interesting though. Melee is cool as long as there is something unique and brings its own playstyle. 

    I'm interested in using relic of unseen invasion with this weapon for the memes coupled with smokescale. Lots of lots superspeed and some stealth. <3

  20. There'd need to be reworks to harbinger. I don't think that's gonna happen unless anet relooks at traits and shroud. Bolstering Brew could just be merged with Twisted Medicine though. There's no point in making it compete with scourge ngl. Like Scourge, Harbinger has terrible stability output, especially the boon dps variant. At least power harb has stability every 10s when entering shroud! I feel like Harbinger was designed to be an offensive support, well a life-sucking support that drains its health for boons. It's not a reactive defensive elite spec at all that has barriers, stun breaks, or panic buttons. Mass revivals, cleanses, barriers, and a teleport make scourge way more useful than harbinger at preventing damage in the first place.

  21. 15 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Well, hammer at least has the excuse that it was designed on the expectation that weavers would never be using it, and pistol is really just messed up in general rather than being messed up for weaver: the problem with the dual skills is basically the same problem as the general skills, except that the bullet mechanic is made even more of a pain to deal with.

    I rarely ever see weavers pick up hammer anyway yeah. I was talking about the pistol's uninspired lame dual skills which is a double whammy for how bad pistol is in general. You'd think there'd be better condition variety and cooler skills, rather than solely firing elemental-specific bullets and consuming them for effects. I'm mildly scared what they'll do for spear, man.

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  22. On 6/5/2024 at 1:59 AM, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Except that's literally the difference between boon DPS and boon heal. You're not expected to do the same DPS as full DPS, to be sure, but you need to be throwing out a decent amount of damage or the group would be better off with another healer instead. Or, y'know, a boondps that does do a decent amount of damage.

    well, of course, I'm not saying boon DPS should not have extremely weak damage. boons are primary, and damage is secondary. most boon DPS supports hover around 15%-44% boon duration. it depends on how well the player can manage their uptime and if the concentration is enough to maintain permanent uptime on boons. you can work around those usually. on another tangent: my problem with Catalyst is that it has three traits that emphasize on boons, but one of them affects your jade spheres, but the other doubles the effectiveness of EE (i.e., more concentration for quick catalyst), something that requires forgoing sphere specialist.

  23. I had a sinking feeling that a class was gonna have a ranged spear (though I predicted a midrange spear on warrior). Jajajajaja. Ele spear does sound very interesting. Weaver is the one I hope who gets good dual-attuned spear skills, because they messed up so much on pistol and hammer for Weaver. -_- 

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