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Everything posted by Hallow.7368

  1. Wow haha I was tired and pressed 3 4 and 5 instead of 2 3 and 4! Wow crazy haha! Better put me in a mental asylum! Haha! Let's stop pretending like this is fact and not just you and some other people opinion though. For the millionth time class was not designed just for you and you do not have to like! 🙂 Do you honestly think anyone cares what espec you decide to play? Not a single living person cares if you don't play virt and play mirage instead or hell even if you swap classes. No one! Those blade traits also apply to every dagger auto, 2 and 3. As well as every tick of rain of swords, thousand cuts etc etc. The espec is not poorly designed you simply just do not like it and want to force that opinion on everyone else! They CLEARLY intended for blades to be the core mechanic for condi virt as it let's dagger and all of the psionic skills to double as condi skills! I don't know how much more blatantly in your face it needs to be that they probably didn't intend for you to use core condi weapons because every other condi Mesmer build is practically identical to each other and they wanted virt to be something different! So suck it up and stop crying about it! For every one of you in this echo chamber subforum who hate it there plenty of other people who do like it or at least admit that while it may not be to their taste that it is fine and that there are other people in this game who play mesmer besides them! The only things it really needs are QoL changes to the shatters such as no cast times, not having to be looking at your target and maybe some cool down reductions for the shatters on sharpening sorrow because condi virt generates way more blades than they could ever use and sharpening sorrow sucks anyways because the damage on phantasmal blade vastly out performs 150 expertise especially since focus and offhand sword are out performing torch and pistol on condi virt since their phantasms have lower cooldowns and apply a lot of bleed stacks!
  2. Blades, you know.. the modifier on dagger abilities and GS 2 3 and 4? The modifier that makes the abilities directly interact with half your traits (applying vuln and if traited bleeds on crits). It's what allows dagger to be both simultaneously a condi and power weapon. I will admit on spec being binary, but it is not bad design because you don't like it or because your build doesn't work on it. Mirage and chrono still exist if virt isn't to your liking.
  3. How is it arbitrary for "winds of chaos" "phase retreat" "phantasmal warlock" "chaos armor" "chaos storm" "ether bolt" "illusionary counter" and "confusing images" to have literally nothing to do with a blade? If we go along with your thought process behind this why aren't we just bringing all mesmers to raids and fractals so that we can portal dhuum and co. to mars to die of asphyxiation and we don't have to risk fighting him?
  4. Then at this point they should just delete the condi variant and double down on power like you said and just be done with it, but then guess what? The week after that happens different people will complain that they want to play condi and it's not fair that they can't play condi virt because they like virt and not mirage. Or if they buff staff and it then overtakes dagger other people will complain that they don't like staff and want to use dagger but staff is lower effort and higher dps (exactly what happened with mirage btw just with axe instead of dagger). You've said that kitten about thief dagger like 4 times now and it still doesn't make sense. Like at all. Not only is thief a completely different class but it's weapons don't rely on a gimmick to do damage. If there is a design failure it occurred when they made core mesmer need clones to auto to damage on their condi builds and virt only highlights the fact that it is there. As long as that is in place it will forever continue to impact the options for changing up how the class mechanic works cause anything that's different from core will need band aid fixes that are only active during that elite spec.
  5. That's fair on the dagger part. Two things I'm interested in though.. if you need to disengage as you put it why does your ability to contest/capture a node matter when your goal is to back out of the fight? Secondly why does the dps of your backbar matter when it's exclusively for defensive situations? Should there not be an opportunity cost when you need to play defensively? If you're having problems staying alive I can't imagine having stealth access would ever be a negative aspect. The most popular thief builds center on their stealth which in turn makes them way more durable than a thief should ever be allowed to be and just by running that one elite you can get up to 9 seconds (with PU if you're using chaos) from one skill. Like what are you losing out on by making this change? Thousand cuts on a condi build? Signet?
  6. Condi is just a side build for virt to begin with, so the fact that it has one at all is nice. And when someone suggests a solution to you you just go "nah u don't understand so don't talk" without explaining anything. Surely you can take mass invis to deal with your "disengage" problem. And none of that has anything to do with the fact that dagger is still ranged.
  7. But "throwing" a blade modifier onto a staff does not make sense. They obviously had the goal of making the class heavily focused on blades and I'd say that's a success. I just don't get the fuss. You have a very meta option to play staff mesmer in content via staff mirage why does every sub spec need to be able to use every single weapon? If anything chrono and mirage should be more like virt in that they specialize in a certain weapon group. This whole argument stems from "I can't play whatever build I want on any traits that I want and have it all be viable". Asking them to make every single weapon viable on every single elite spec across the board for every single class is just not realistic. By competitive do you mean spvp? Have you tried swapping utility skills? I only do a little bit of spvp, but you could do mimic with blink, mass invis etc. But I don't really understand the whole range thing. Dagger is the same range as staff.
  8. No? I'm talking about the modifier on the weapon skills. These proc the bleed from jagged mind and the vuln from deadly blades. Not "clone" generation. And I wouldn't call it an oversight. All they had to do in that example was throw the modifier onto those weapons like they did GS and it would work with them, but it wouldn't make sense thematically for those weapons to be blades. And I mean they are viable. For open world. Just no where near optimal. So I guess depending on your viewpoint it could look bad? But from where I'm looking it's nothing more than keeping the meta builds consistent with the spec's thematic.
  9. Well except for the fact that not everything needs to be able to be able to build anything and everything all the time. With virt they clearly invested heavily into the concept of blades and that doesn't really leave room for much else weapon wise. Maybe they could've done something? But that ship has sailed. I doubt they will rework or add any new functionality to virt for quite a while and frankly it doesn't need it. Some QoL and it's good to go. Idk why you are trying to hamfist anet into making your build viable just because when plenty of others are just fine with dagger and are using the condi build that's already pretty decent. Again even if they buff staff for virt it has ZERO abilities that are blades and will not interact with half of your traits anyways.
  10. ? Virtuoso FOCUSES on the blade modifier. Staves do NOT have blades. It's likely a design decision and just because you think so does not mean it's a bade one. Virt ADDS to GS because that is how it's meant to be played.
  11. Ok? Do whatever the kitten you want I don't really care. You're sitting here talking like you thought about it down to the tiniest detail yet are pugging. But like what kind of players are you playing with? Pre EoD meta quickbrand and renegade would just fart out their important boons by pressing buttons on cooldown and right now you get perma alac, fury, regen, vigor and 25 might just by standing near heal mech's pet and them just pressing 2, 3 f3 and i believe barrier signet on cd and quickness harbinger brings perma quickness by swapping 2 traits then all you have to do is just stand near them while they do dps in full vipers. It's not really something that's able to be messed up.
  12. If you're playing fractals that aren't complete the pushover levels you're probably going to have 25 might and perm fury quickness and alac from quickbrand with renegade or another quickness build with support mech
  13. Actually your player just replaces the clone for the leap. That can't really be translated over to not having clones to auto for condis.
  14. Probably because condi virt IS the build deviation since the main focus of the class is power? Once again I'm going to reiterate that while it would be interesting I don't think it will happen nor am I upset over that. I don't care if it's "godly" or not dagger is unique and fun. Virt is built around the concept of blades (the modifier on abilities) so having a staff build compete with dagger or even beat it out would be counterintuitive. A staff virtuoso would essentially just be a watered down version of staff mirage which is already a watered down version of normal condi mirage. Even if they buff the weapons for virt staff STILL will not interact with your traits that apply an effect when you hit with a blade such as jagged mind and deadly blades and your bleed application will be a lot less since staff mostly applies torment and confusion meaning you don't get nearly as much value out of bloodsong for blade generation and damage increase. That's not because of a "design failure" or "half baked spec" either. It was entirely intentional that they wanted the spec's predominant builds to be based around the blade modifier because it is THE blade spec. Mirage is ready and waiting if you want that playstyle, but I just can't picture a future where they buff staff for virtuoso specifically.
  15. The flavor text on Vision that is shown on the wiki strongly suggests that the human gods might be very angry about us killing balthazar especially Lyssa. I can't imagine they're very content that people are running around who have been able to slay a god and 6 elder dragons nor that the humans are very happy that their gods up and left when they needed them the most.
  16. ? In case it wasn't obvious.. I was quoting the names of other forums threads in this sub that are all just useless white noise that no one needs to see. "virt isn't what i wanted it to be so im going going to boycott EoD!!! >:(!!" If you're going to not do something then just don't do it why does everyone here need to know? It's like they know it will have no impact because tons of other people already bought EoD and are enjoying themselves whether that be due to the new specs or the new content so they just wanna be extra vocal about it as if anet would care that one dude on the forums said they won't buy EoD.
  17. Yea man for sure not agreeing with majority of toxic players and being annoyed by the constant spam of people whining about virtuoso = being a shill heard it here first. This forum is one of the most close minded group of people I have ever seen. PLEASE block me.
  18. ? Unironically dumb. The only person trolling is you
  19. It's a very real possibility that they might just want us to use dagger and not scepter or staff. I'm not saying that it's a good idea, but it's a real possibility since virt is mainly meant to be a power spec and condi is more of an off build for diversity to begin with.
  20. Chrono also requires a large ramp to achieve it's damage regardless of whether it's burst or not which is why it's never been a major player in the fractals meta despite really high damage. Also the guy who writes the snowcrows builds for mesmer is benching 40k on power virt and some other guy has 34k on condi virt. Obviously probably a bit lower in actual content due to mechanics and such but virt is anything but bad.
  21. I don't think I've ever seen a company work like that to be fair though. Obviously this would be really nice, but it would be really time consuming and from a business perspective you probably don't want to be paying people to literally just sit on the forums. I doubt many people would want that job either given the animosity and how mentally draining it would be to deal with all the time. I think people really need to take a page out of your book and learn that their opinions aren't the only ones that matter. Anet has their own goals for elite specs, balancing and etc and when those clash with some player's anet is likely just going to stick with theirs. If I would have to guess they probably are spread pretty thin considering how delayed EoD was from initial release and the fact that they only really got time to put out information on some things that were changing with EoD (such as luck) really close to release. A dev on reddit actually went into all the math and stuff they did when the mystic coin changes were announced and that alone let me know that changes that are "simple" aren't really simple there's usually lots more to it than you see on the patchnotes.
  22. Probably because it's not half finished and isn't poorly designed. Other people enjoy it, you don't. You seem to be the problem. Besides weren't you one of the people demanding they rebuild it from the ground up on the first beta? Hardly constructive.
  23. That's a fair point except that I wouldn't call 600 range melee. Either way though when are you not in melee? You're pretty much perma stacked in melee in all content because of boons and healing and if you mean pvp then the only time this matters is vs other ranged because melees are going to gap close on you regardless. But it's not like this is something new. There are 2 traits in firearms (guns) for engi that require you to be within 300 range.
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