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Everything posted by Hallow.7368

  1. I think it's quite funny that you quote my response to someone who is not you then go "you didn't read my post" lmfao Reading the word "aegist" (not real) made me want to puke. I simply called you old because you called me an infant. Don't dish it out if you can't take it. While this isn't a bad idea what happens to a virt using dagger? Are the shatters then intended to double proc the blade effect and the flurry up to 2 times per f1/f2? But imagine if you just spitballed this suggestion to begin with instead of starting up the whole what is and is not your job rubbage!
  2. See this is great feedback. Too bad it'll get drowned out by people making worthless posts that help no one and the likely low visitation that these subs gets due to that. I agree with pretty much all of these but for every constructive comment on this forum there are certain individuals who just go around and trash all over virt because it isn't what THEY wanted from it. It does sound like they already have a lot on their plate for the summer patch such as shadowarts reworks, some changes for the annoying stab engi stuff, spirits reworks, banner reworks etc. But there is always hope. One thing they probably should do is try to make a class representative system. There's one in ESO and while that game is run probably by the singular worst company to ever exist it works moderately well.
  3. I'm talking more in the recent months. Specifically from the betas to now. I think the first thread I clicked onto on this forums had people complaining that virt needed to be completely reworked from the ground up because it's elite skill in a beta test had a bugged hitbox. If I'm a dev and I come into these forums to look for suggestions and that's the first thing I see and it's useless junk why would I come back or care about the posts? Especially when then for the next 4 months it's still just endless complaints with no constructive feedback that's actually useful and whatever is good just ends up getting drowned out by all the useless kitten? The way people in this sub act feed into the problem by making extra worthless noise then go "oh it won't matter they won't see it anyways" then why are you posting?? It just increases the odds that they WON'T see anything good.
  4. Nobody is forcing you to do their job. The thing is that however much they might look at the forums probably gets reduced to even less time when every post they click on is useless and provides no inkling as to what said person would like to happen to class. Just constant whining.
  5. This could possibly be doable in the same way that that pet attributes are nerfed on druid on the first trait that unlocks profession mechanics.
  6. So your solution is to say "buff x" and then say it's not your job to come up with solutions? Wow! Never in my life would I think devolving my feedback would yield more results! PSA for the GW2 boomer responding to me.. employees change. They seemingly have a direction now. I believe mightyteapot said they've also gone through a leadership change as well. So either post something constructive or quit the game or whatever else, but no feedback just wastes everyone's time.
  7. You do you. Plenty of other people like it. While there are definitely issues to be sorted out I love it thematically and I also like the other mesmer specs. Just because it's part of your class doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to like it though. I respect your opinion though since you aren't hardcore raging on the forums for everything about it to be completely changed.
  8. I don't remember this? I remember them saying they wanted WvW to be a corner stone of the game, but that has little to do with EoD. Hoping that WvW restructuring is going well, but I feel fairly certain that they never said it would be a focal point of the expansion.
  9. How would they even do this? This isn't constructive in any way because you aren't telling them how they could effectively do this. Changing a core weapon specifically on an elite spec would get messy and confusing later down the road balance wise I imagine. If they buff staff in general then mirage becomes an issue again. There's no clean solution to this. The best option was probably tying condi virt to the blades effect like they did so that they could also just use dagger. Condi vert isn't even too terrible either. Sure it's not outstanding nor is it as good as power but it's not completely awful. If you want to use staff mes there's always mirage, but outside of that I can't really think of any way to make staff better for virt without making mirage op again.
  10. I think they do for all but ls2. My IBS pack is 160 gems despite me getting them all for free except the prologue, but for whatever reason my LS2 doesn't seem to be despite me getting one of those for free.
  11. They did not come out with the expansion so they are not included in the costs. They spent time and money on making the living world seasons AND they're free if you play during the time frame that came out AND they gave them away each week during the return event leading up to EoD. So essentially they've already given them away for free multiple times and you missed out and then complain that you then have to pay for them? Uh ok.
  12. I think your question is answered simply by the fact that you seem to think anyone with a differing opinion than you is a shill or a troll. Sucks to suck but some people enjoy the spec. Maybe one day you'll realize that the world doesn't revolve around you nor does the spec need to fit your requirements just because you main mesmer.
  13. Too bad it knocked pchrono completely off of discretize's build page and therefore is now the only mesmer build on their build page .. 🙂 feel free to disagree it's not like it changes that it's the classes only proper power spec and that it's not nearly as bad as you seem to think.
  14. Yea maybe pre EoD.. did you see the nerfs that came with the expansion? Epidemic nerfed, dps scourge shield output nerfed by 55%, self sustain on classes gutted (good change), firebrand virtue refresh passive only restores 1 page instead of whole tome etc. It's likely nerfs on overloaded classes will continue. People suspected this long before EoD even released because there's a reason that like 80% of the EoD specs can't hold a candle to PoF and some HoT ones.
  15. I never said you did. The guy I responded to said it has no boon output to which I said this class did not need a third alac spec or a second quickness spec. And I mean welcome to the world of weaver I guess? My first main and what got me addicted to this game was a pchrono. I still love pchrono and it's what I got my first ascended weapon for. To me virt feels fantastic. Quite squishy in solo content due to no clones, but to be fair I'm also in full berserkers with 3 damage traitlines. Virt could use maybe a little tuning but those classes you're talking about are pretty much just overpowered and that's all there is to it. The espec does not need any kind of redesign or new features though. There's supposedly a huge balance patch coming in the summer, so until then we don't know what direction anet have in mind. For all anyone knows virt's dps could be their ideal balance point for a pure dps and they'll hard nerf a bunch of other classes like they did with self sustain and some of scourge and firebrand for EoD launch.
  16. For what? Alac? Rev has always been better especially after the countless nerfs to staff mirage. discretize has never acknowledged or even put out a build for mirage in fractals. technically you can bring whatever you want and the fractal is still clearable but mirage is like average at best considering the other alac option and the other condi options.
  17. Like what? Mesmer severely lacked a good fractal build. Here we have virt. pchrono was the only really ok option but it's a power spec with ramp up times that are longer than some of the condi specs in the game.
  18. That's good. Not liking it =/= bad. They gave basically every other new spec access to alac/quickness and mesmer already has 2 specs with alac and one of them has quickness too, it doesn't need another. It NEEDED this proper power spec. There are plenty of spots for pure dps specs in the game.
  19. Just wondering. I use the faster cd on jade bot revive and have been trying the tier 2 of the leather scavenger. I feel like I get a good amount of bags from the scavenger but the actual value of those bags does not seem very enticing.
  20. I've tried some cele tempest builds but I don't really damage tempest variant playstyle wise. Channeling overloads has never felt great to me. I'm sure the builds perform fine but ele specifically has a fairly high learning curve because they're lowest armor lowest health in the game and their defensive utility while acceptable isn't outstanding as where mesmer while not having great defensive utility summons illusions that will draw aggro and can pretty easily be spammed out and necro has its summons + great defensive utility. Personally I feel like if you want to run a ele build weaver is probably better. There's a snowcrows guy who made a video where he swears by trailblazer weaver and said that weaver in general is just better than tempest for soloing content. Can't remember his name but I could try to find the video.
  21. Then you should probably make that clear. You said minion scourge did not feel fun to you which heavily indicates that fun is a large factor in your decision. There is seemingly going to be huge changes coming this summer which again makes this a really hard question to answer because it's not going to stay the same for long. Right now though? Of the 3 cloth armor classes necro is far and away the most broken (scourge specifically). Catalyst might be good I'm not really too sure. I know in the betas people were putting out broken amounts of dps on that class which made soloing good because as long as you're good at positioning and dodging you could just obliterate things very quickly. I have a feeling that dps got nerfed on release though to what I'm not sure. Mesmer is ok staff mirage is good at soloing because of clones good self boons range and some other things. Do note that damage scourge got nerfed quite a bit on EoD launch. It's base shielding is like 55% or something lower than before but it got massive increases to the healing power scalings on it's shields. I'd still probably put both reaper and and scourge above ele/mes because of minions with reaper getting tanky in shroud and scourge still gets a solid amount of shielding.
  22. I'd suggest playing what sounds fun for you. At first I thought I was going to love untamed, but for me having 6 buttons on a pet while having to swap in and out of your unleashed and having basically 3 different sets of abilities was just not for me. But I LOVE mechanist. Soloing is more of a skill you acquire though. While Necro is a lot easier to do it on if you aren't good.. someone who is good at ele or mesmer. And besides that you won't be having fun anyways if you don't enjoy the class. You've essentially asked an impossible question because nobody here is you. I've made tons of characters and even deleted quite a few whether that was because I needed to make space for a new class I want to try and I decided I disliked the other one already or because I decided I dislike their race. The only class I have never played is warrior and while I can't say I won't ever try it since bladesworn looks actually somewhat interesting I always knew it was the least likely one I'd ever play.
  23. No one really wanted nerfs for the encounter just safety nets so that one person messing up greens didn't waste like a 1/7th of the timer on its own each time. I personally think the best way to fix that would of just been to pause the boss timer when the first person got back until the full 2 minutes was up, but that might of required more code than just saying it makes it sound like or even rebuilding that part of the encounter from scratch. I'm glad you guys payed attention though and were modest with the changes! 90 second less time wasted sounds fantastic. The only thing that seems like it maybe went a bit too far was the exposed debuff being tripled. This might not be as big as it sounds but it sounds like a fairly large buff to player dps.
  24. How are you providing perm fury without experimental turrets? While I think the class is very good I don't think it is "meta changing". Heal scourge can pump out just as much if not more shields while also constantly peeling people off the ground, firebrand and renegade are both still overpowered, druid is already going to provide 25 might when they're taken for spirits. Also damage reduction is not additive because herald was reaching 100% reduction so they nerfed it like 6 months ago or something. I might be wrong but stab every 32 seconds isn't fantastic either.
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