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Everything posted by Hallow.7368

  1. I mean you can not believe me or whatever, but you will 100% see less people in open world in ESO than GW2. GW2 has a bunch of collections and dailies that actually reward you and they go back to old maps. ESO? I can run around stonefalls see a couple people maybe leveling or maybe someone power leveling their antiquities or whatever that system was called, but aside from completing the map for basically no reward. And I mean yeah you'll lag in any super large multi player pieces of content but a lot of it in GW2 is from old DX9 and some other things and they're working on DX11 currently which I have seen massive improvements with. Which is objectively bad. Proc sets are the only thing that keep mag classes even close to the same power level as stam. Why play magblade in pvp when stamblade is more durable, has better sustain, deals more damage AND has a better execute because of 2h. Besides that there's what like 15 or 16 sets available because even even things like seducer as spaghetti coded as procs. Let's not forget how HORRIBLE cyro server performance is either. I play Cyro for the large scale pvp so going to to non-cp campaigns means it's more likely to be dead outside of prime time. ZOS just need to fix their servers. Ball groups in cyro are also just stupid and completely out of hand. Large coordinated groups in WvW are more akin to normal zergs in ESO and are actually manageable. There's also the issue where siege in cyro outside breaking a keep is worthless. People will just purge the debuff and sit under a siege shield. 10 people on the ground should not be more effective than 5 oils against a group stacking on a ram. Most importantly though the rewards are astronomically bad. You get a bunch of gear coffers for kitten gear (most can't even be used in no proc ironically enough) and some gold. WvW is better in pretty much every aspect and anet is even working on improving it as where zos lets it stagnate. You act like these are anything compared to ESO. Falling through the ground, getting stuck, not being able to do anything that requires being out of combat for 15 minutes, quests literally NOT working and persisting like that for weeks. Class passives that don't work correctly for years, etc etc. I can kill an enemy before they even start moving towards me to attack me. You can pull half of skyreach as a low level and survive and kill them all and that's content meant for multiple characters. It's a completely different gear system. GW2 isn't constantly adding new armor set effects to their game. Maybe EoD will add a new prefix that'll become meta maybe they won't, but a major feature of the game is the fact that you don't need to replace armor. ESO has a failed hybrid of the GW2 model and a gear treadmill model. You don't get higher level gear the devs just have to power creep the final set bonus if they want it to get used it inevitably moves the power creep along. Monster sets and the orange gear (antiques? cant remember) are evidence of that. If they exist I have yet to see them as where they're everywhere in ESO. I just can't see the merit in playing a game with massive server issues, horrible trading system. horrible pvp and no main story that constantly progresses due to how they made the game.
  2. I mean yeah if you go to massively populated areas in gw2 you'll lag. Eso open world is largely dead there's simply no reason to return unless you're going on a chest farming route for a gear set. The main difference for me is that anet seems to actually be trying to improve their game as where ESO just adds new content doesn't fix anything that's broken and it's caused the game to stagnate. Go visit cyrodiil at peak time in ESO. You'll get bad fps and the game server lags so horrendously that your skills don't go off for 4 seconds after you pressed them. And the game balance in this mode never changes. You're either a broken stam class or your a kitten mag class abusing broken procs to let the game kill people for you because your class can't do it otherwise. Not only that but the game is notorious for bugs that constantly affect players. There's been a bug for like 2 years now where you'll get stuck in combat for like 15 minutes and not be able to mount. It occurs in PvE solo too for no apparent reason, but occurs most commonly in cyrodiil when you heal someone and they attack a player and then that player doesn't die. And if you think gw2 open world is trivial wait until you start one shotting enemies in ESO in the open world. And despite all that even though vet content is fairly good the gear meta for healers and tanks pretty much has never changed and people will leave your lfr group if you don't have it simply because that gear increases group dps substantially and the rest of the gear sets are irrelevant because you already heal so much just from putting everything into magicka AND most classes having self sustain that sets that increase your throughput are virtually worthless and tanks are just gonna perma block anyways so they can only really die through heals if they fail a mechanic and get one shot. Oh yeah and then there's the people who think they're playing Skyrim and constantly moan that they can't like solo trials or something. I'm not trying to say ESO isn't worth playing, but the devs don't value anyone's time or commitment and are overall just worse than arenanet and gw2, so implying that ESO is somehow better is not really true.
  3. I just ended up uninstalling all my addons. I wasn't having trouble getting into the game just whenever I activated my radial it crashed when it wasn't doing so yesterday or all day earlier today. It's not the end of the world the game feels smoother with the built in dx11 than a 3rd party tool that has to translate every dx9 call into dx12. Only reason I was still even using dx912 was because radial just doesn't support dx11 yet, but I can get by without.
  4. They must of just changed something I was fine all day and yesterday, but literally just now opening up my gw2 radial immediately crashed every time I tried it.
  5. Every iteration of necro in ESO I've known has been overpowered. Mag Necro has been one of the best and easiest dps classes in the game for a LONG time. But at the same time it matters what content you do. Every stam class is inherently better in pvp in ESO because movement speed (sprinting), dodge rolling and breaking free are pretty much the singular most important thing for that gamemode and mag while having a small stam pool also don't get anywhere near the reductions on those costs as stam builds. And every mag class is inherently better at pve because their shields are massive and mechanics tend to punish melee more severely. I've already stated I know nothing about wow betas, so idek why you brought something up like I was denying it, lol. The could be entirely the point. I recommend watching this https://youtu.be/dRUMKVeIJr8?t=198 As was pointed out in this video this seems to be the common denominator across every new elite spec. Their goal may just be to low the bar in terms of what an espec can do. Revenant and guardian being able to do 932 different things is a bit over the top. Like why bring a druid or a chrono to a fractal when renegade can do both might and alacrity while still doing good dps? Like the one dude said I hope there's a patch or two right before EoD that nerfs most of the PoF elites and going forward most elites are more like EoD. My goal wasn't to give feed back on virt it was to point out that the ceaseless whining about something they beta tested 2 1/2 months ago isn't doing anything. At the point of testing EoD would of been what? 7 months from release? What we got at that point in development is way better than what I would of ever expected. They should at the very least wait until they get to try it again which is what? Later this month? And even then it's still a while before actual release. The fact that people want the elite to be entirely reworked because of bugs or numbers or try to invalidate other peoples opinions because they "don't play the game" (aka they don't hardcore sweat the content I do so their opinion doesn't matter!!) is pitiful. And I mean yeah, definitely the "silent masses" and not the thread chock full of people who unanimously agree that they heavily enjoyed virt. I guess you didn't read any of the thread then because it's just a bunch of people who want it to be pretty much entirely reworked "because it's not good (in their gamemode)." According to who? Who said that the company almost died and how was it implied that doing a public instead of closed beta of the elites was how they were going to fix it?
  6. No actually you put words in my mouth. Read what I wrote. Never named a dev nor did I say people should blindly worship them. So I mean if you don't want me to throw out "childish insults" you shouldn't throw out blind accusations that make you look dumb because you want to argue over something you didn't read.
  7. I assume you're being sarcastic here? Because This completely contradicts that. Anyways necro in ESO was and still is bonkers overpowered after a round or two of nerfs. I don't know much about BFA SL or New World betas. ... You understand that their employees are payed on a salary right? It's not like they just don't have to work some days and therefore aren't payed for those days. If this was how it worked why are they doing all this stuff for WvW? Or making balance patches at all? It doesn't cost them anything more than they were already paying their workers anyways to iron out bugs or create tuning patches. Besides that living world stuff is free if you play while it's current. That doesn't fit this narrative either. There's a big difference between constructive criticism and what this forums does. This forum is screaming for them to rework virt because it doesn't fit their personal playstyle and favorite gamemode when there is evidence that a lot of other people WHO PAY JUST AS MUCH do enjoy it. There's one dude in this thread who even wanted them to rework the elite skill entirely because the hit registration on it was buggy. Like wow! Big surprise there! Somethings not completely 100% polished 4 months before release! That is the apology. It is public and not closed. Would you not feel bad if you delayed something you announced for late 2021 by 3 months? That alone is pretty solid proof that effort is going into the content either way.
  8. So we're assuming things from nothing now? Great. My assumption is that you are stupid. I'm not sure what you mean by "turning beta into demos" the beta was literally so that you could try it. If that's me "turning it into a demo" then consider me got? Like idk bro that's literally what all it was LOL. I'm pretty sure I'm not the one throwing a tantrum here, bud. Look around. You and your friends are massively upset over bugs in a test version of a class that's a quarter of a year from release AND because the class isn't catered to your main gamemode. You are childish. Besides that I couldn't even name a dev if my life depended on it. I read the update notes. That's it. Never said this? Like not a single time. I actually came from a game where I mained a gamemode that hadn't received an update in 3 years and still hasn't. I have no love for bad devs. From what I've seen though these devs ACTUALLY care about the game. They're revamping WvW for example even though it's more of a niche unpopular gamemode. They at least ATTEMPT to shake up the meta by revamping things like mirage (hey look this class) to give it utility through boons where before that it was worthless on all but like 2 fights in the entire game. After starting to learn code myself I have respect for the time and effort it takes to develop something and here you are acting like this is the final product with the final tuning that'll ship on in february. It's not. Tuning at the very least is very likely to change. I mean, it is? You own nothing in this game and you play under their terms and conditions. They could ban you tomorrow and deny an appeal and there'd be nothing you could do about it especially because they reserve the right to change anything they want about the terms at any time. You are this super special person you think you are and they do not owe you anything especially not dedicating the espec to your favorite gamemode. ... You clearly do not know what hyper consumerism is. Please do not repeat the words you heard your parents say acting like you know what they mean.
  9. What? Telling you that your kitten where you act entitled to dictating how the class gets developed is a fallacy? I mean it's not like I'm wrong you just refuse to view any other way than your own. Sorry bud.
  10. Yea I mean there are games where the devs literally DO ignore the player base, but this does not seem to be one of them. Are there bad things they do or change that maybe shouldn't of been done? Sure. But at the end of the day this company DOES appear to be actively trying to improve the game. The reasons these forums and probably most of the other forums feel like Anet doesn't listen to them is because for every player trying to give constructive criticism there are 30 people like Salt Mode who want them to rework the class in it's entirety because the elite skill has bugs in early beta tests. There's probably like 50 other people on here like the guys in this thread who only specifically do pvp and for whatever reason they feel like virt should be made for them and not the player base at large or what Anet's own vision for the espec is. Tuning could change, some traits could change or some skills could change, but even if they don't not every class needs to be god tier at all content. For instance I like ranger and druid, but I don't like soulbeast. Druid is not good in pvp or fractals, but if I want to PLAY druid in that content nothings stopping me. At worst I find a pve guild for fractals that doesn't care and for pvp I can just solo queue into stuff or just run around in WvW and have fun. These people are confusing something optimal with being it being useable. All specs in this game can do any content.
  11. Uh.. Yes it is? It's to add completely different gameplay to attract other types of players to a class. It's like in WoW you can dislike 2 specs from the class, but the third can be your favorite in the entire game. Except with you and other people on this forum it's "I only tolerate ur trash for MY class so how DARE you not listen to me and do what I want this class to be devs" The point of the beta was to give you a taste of what is to come as an apology for the fact that EoD was delayed like 3 months. It was a privilege. I honestly can't help but feel like the massive increase of endless incessant bitching from this hyper vocal minority of the player base makes them regret putting out a public beta of the classes 4 months prior to release.
  12. You play the game? Crazy. The people who tried virt didn't though? Weird. Pretty sure you had to be logged in to do that. How are you playing the game and they aren't? The fans want to know.
  13. Rant? What rant? I'm telling you why your crying is pointless and just annoying at this point, lol. And AGAIN it is a BETA. Why are you so butt hurt about bugs in a BETA? You understand what this term means, right? It means THEY ARE NOT READY. If they were they'd be live right now. Your "facts" are based on a week of testing 4-5 months before release when nothing has even been through QA. They gave everyone the privilege of having a glimpse at the upcoming especs and here you are moaning about bugs in a very very early beta build of the espec and claiming that this is grounds for reworking the skills and espec entirely. You either have no idea how development works and don't read anything anyone says unless it's someone else with your perspective or you're just flat out ignorant and the last thing you should be doing is calling what other people are telling you baseless, but you're right it is pointless because you refuse to view it any other way than "woe is me my class sucks and the devs don't listen to me."
  14. According to what? People clearly liked it. Sorry not sorry that you don't like it? Again it wasn't tailor made for you. They can do what they want with their class design and considering other people's responses from outside this sulk fest it's enjoyable and they've done a fairly good job. I can't see a single reason for them to change anything thematically or gameplay wise for the vocal minority in a class forum that, once again, will find anything and everything to complain about. If they change it what about the people who DO enjoy it and the people that it'll bring to mesmer? The beta was out for what? A week? No one found the optimal way to play it anyways and like I've said tuning isn't final. If you don't end up liking it I hate to tell you, but no one's making you play it. It's not like WoW where every expansion forces the changes from the expansion down your throat. You can still play chrono or mirage or reroll into a different class. Acting like the world and anet's decisions should revolve around you is dumb and doesn't get you anywhere.
  15. Then explain to me what purpose this post serves. They are complaining about the balance of a espec that is still in beta 4 months from release. I wouldn't think it needs to be said, but when something is in beta it is still highly susceptible to change. If you don't like the aesthetics thats whatever dude the game and espec isnt tailor made to you, but other people apparently do like how the class looks. He's also complaining about balance saying things like "open world enemies kill me" etc etc all that's useless noise because the tuning is likely to change.
  16. This is a class forum idk what you're expecting but I don't think there's a single class forum that isn't endlessly complaining about their class. Weaver is good right now for example, but if one were to read the elementalist forum they would only see endless threads of people saying it's not even a class at this point and that they're going to quit. Sometimes the forums have solid advice, but 9 times out of 10 it's just the vocal majority who like to pretend that they're good and everyone else is bad and that the people who like a class or espec that they deem complete garbage only play to erp or something. I think it's safe to assume that threads like this one go largely ignored by the devs.
  17. I was trying out a bunch of other classes to see if there was anything else in the game I liked, but I think pchrono is far and away the most fun with a class I've had. How is it after the may 11th changes?
  18. So do you not transfer your conditions? Or does f1 trigger the condi transfer? Because I thought only f5 did because it's you *entering" shroud
  19. I followed the opener to a T though and it's consistently leaving the bleeds on me. If this is true I'm likely doing something wrong so I'll go watch that video and try again. Thanks!
  20. I can't figure out what I'm missing. Every build I'm looking at uses master of corruption and says to open you do blood is power > plaguelands > blood is power > desert shroud to transfer conditions, but this only transfers 2 conditions and this opening generates 3. None of the builds suggest dagger offhand and it feels like when I'm testing this to learn it I end up obliterating myself because I just leave 5 stacks of bleeds on myself. I've considered trying dagger and trying to incorporate it into the rotation but it seems overkill since this only really happens on the opening or whenever blood is power lines up with plaguelands. Should I just use F2 to turn it into a boon? Not like vigors very useful, but it seems better than just letting 5 stacks of bleeds tick on myself.
  21. I don't think someone who considers themself a wow player should be trying to be negative towards other MMOs. Wow has been an endless grind simulator for 6 years now. What do they consider end game? Farming loot in a raid just for ilvl to be increased in the next patch with the new raid? Farming gear and endless grinds for slight power increases that becomes worthless in the next xpac? Oh or maybe it's the 45 minute long questline each major patch that gets time gated out 5 weeks long to get you to refresh your sub.
  22. My main is elementalist so I don't have that much experience with stuff like the mantras. Should I be rechanneling it before I fight enemies? 12 might is quite a lot of extra damage. Or should I just be using a charge to kill an enemy and not worrying about using all the charges between fights? At the end of the day thinking about it now it won't really matter because in group content I'll be spammed with might anyways and the open world is trivial, but it couldn't really hurt knowing while I level. Using the cast before fighting is kinda wonky, but the damage increase is massive.
  23. I literally said "considering" and "more than likely." It's basically just a hypothesis. Though I'd absolutely love for you to show me any survey, study, or these "breakdowns" showing that videogame demographics aren't dominated by males. Just doing a simple google search and not looking a lot into it I found this https://www.statista.com/statistics/232383/gender-split-of-us-computer-and-video-gamers/between 2006 and 2020 there was not a single instance where more females played games than males and going based on this data I would consider 2006-2011, 2013, and 2015-2020 to all be years where men dominated the population leaving only 2012 and 2014 which is 2 years of those 15 where the population was fairly similar. Also, go play valorant or overwatch for a month and tell me how many females you meet compared to guys. I know you said nothing anecdotal but thought I'd throw this in there anyhow.
  24. Really? Because whenever I hear one of my male humans say anything during a fight it sounds like he's just talking to himself and is mentally insane. Like why is "urge to kill rising" or "refreshing" in the game? When I clicked "save yourselves" for the first time on my guardian it was probably one of the most anticlimatic things I've ever experienced in a game. Male human VA just sounds bored half the time
  25. I fail to see his this is an "odd thing to be annoyed about"It's very apparent that you enjoy the story considering that wiki page on your account you have linked, so how is it "odd" to be annoyed about poor voice acting ruining my immersion?
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