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Everything posted by Faolain.2374

  1. Honestly at this point I can’t tell if you’re just trolling. You literally replied to my first post saying you use scorpion wire, then further go on to talk about what you do in zergs, so I assume you do indeed play this scorpion wire thief build in zergs, which when the zerg meta is considered, no scorpion wire thief is not a proper build there. I could argue and say you are not building for the game mode either, since you are basically picking the scraps in groups of people actually building for the game mode, with stuff like 1). Thief in a zerg and 2). scorpion wire in a situation where there’s permanent stability and permanent reflects? Since I have continuously mentioned in literally all my posts in this thread, I highlight how cc is an issue in smaller scales and not bigger scales....for example you don’t see thieves using scorpion wire in zergs (apart from in cases of exaggerated and deluded sense of effectiveness) yet when it’s a big group vs. A much smaller group, multiple thieves changing to that one skill becomes extremely problematic, let alone when someone decides to full cc on something like warrior/scrapper/chrono/reaper/dh/weaver etc. Like I said in my original post, people changing to full cc builds specifically to stun lock entire groups, who they are already outnumbering by quite a lot, is not healthy gameplay.
  2. One person using Scorpion wire is hardly dismantling a zerg. It sounds like more suicide risk for you than effective for your zerg. Last I checked thief wasn’t meta in zergs anyway? Frankly you’re just pulling single targets into your zerg to gank, which is basically the issue in smallscale, but not an issue or even effective in bigger scales? 10 people all dedicated to it, in a scale which naturally has less counters for it makes it really cancer. You say everyone is using it, but is there an actual build in the zerg meta specifically the stun lock? Most likely not since firebrand exists, and for a pretty good reason. Is there a single solo roaming build which specifically tries to stun lock? most likely not since it’d lack damage.The play style of full cc builds is specifically to gank groups which aren’t big enough to have enough stab to withstand it, (which I guess links back to stab nerfs someone mentioned above) which then forces groups to run with more firebrands just so they can play the game. For how easy this playstyle is, it’s quite disgusting how effective it can be, especially when already outnumbering.
  3. I mean I understand some of these skills like Scorpion Wire/Spectral Gasp being used by roamers, but i feel you're missing my point. Since these are not "proper" builds I listed, I doubt anyone is actually running these builds in zergs because as others have mentioned many times, zergs basically have perma stability. People are using these builds specifically to troll and gank. Sure there are variants of chrono, spb and necro being used in that scale but none are full cc builds, surely they are just ineffective builds vs. so many firebrands? I'm talking about builds being made specifically to abuse how stupid cc is in the lower scales, while also outnumbering. Even in a 2vs1, you can have someone running a full cc build who will completely stun lock you, while the other person autos and they will eventually kill you. Personally I think CC skills should only be utility skills and removed from all weapon skills. This way only builds specifically made to cc can do so. Its stupid that support firebrand, support tempest or anything can add to the cc lock with zero investment into that playstyle other than having a cc skill(s) on a weapon which wasn't even chosen for that purpose. Although it doesn't really solve the overall cc issue in smaller scales, I think it'd bring a massive change in the amount of cc, since people would specifically have to invest into that playstyle.
  4. It’s more so that this is how big groups cheese much smaller groups that they can’t actually fight. I’d say that since the stab change ( which wasn’t even that drastic?) there are people playing builds specifically to stun lock smaller groups since these kind of builds would be near useless in equal numbered/outnumbered fights. When you’re fighting 5v10+ and suddenly you see people playing sketchy builds like full tank, full cc scrapper with absolutely zero damage, multiple thieves running scorpion wire, necro running spectral grasp/ring, minstrel spell breakers running rampage+stomp+kick+bulls rush and ofc chrono, you might as well just take your hands off the keyboard. This is my experience on EU and has been for a while now on near every server. These special players running full cc builds while outnumbering are the ones basically killing roaming, there is basically no counter to it unless you take some form of support otherwise you just can’t move/press buttons. Just to specify, these are not support builds, these are builds specifically to tank the damage and just spam cc. It baffles me that people hate the fact that roaming groups now take firebrands, but the people complaining about boon ball are the exact reason why people play boon ball. There are absolutely zero ways to play when you have 10+ roamers ganking with the builds above.
  5. I mean there is a noticeable difference between the intentional interaction of one player blasting another players field and a random light field in a blob. I don’t think entire borders standing in a single spot, buttons smashing and randomly causing aoe effects because of it was as intentional as people think.
  6. People seem to forget what the zerglings’ reaction would be to nerfing this with a cooldown... unless something gets reworked, nerfs to durations/damage/support result in stacking the build even more. Scourge for example. The shade skills are god awful, the targets per shade are god awful but all number nerfs do is result in more people playing the nerfed build to make up for the loss in damage/corrupts in zergs, but the same nerfs basically eliminated it from wvw outside of blob fights. If you put a cooldown on Purity, zergs would just run more scrappers to make up the difference. Personally I think the scourge trait Feed From Corruption is equally as busted a Purity of Purpose and both should be removed completely. So what I’m basically saying is, all this boon ball complaining, is not a result of singular builds or traits, its the extent of which they are being stacked, which no number of nerfs is ever gonna solve. You could legit stack 50 minion mancers and there would be something which stands out to be nerf worthy, but the result is the build itself is weak. The game should not be balanced for these blob fights as number nerfs related to this way of playing affect all aspects of the game mode and I don’t think that’s fair for people that enjoy smallscale. If people wanna play blob vs. blob then they should just accept that boon ball will always be the norm at that scale because it certainly isn’t the case in any other scale.
  7. Are we even playing the same game? because for second night in a row i've seen their night commander actually waypoint their entire 50 squad, as soon as my 30 squad has come to defend the objective, like actually turn around and waypoint before the fight started. Its clearly called out of linked in chat because they all port together
  8. Meanwhile 30+ gandara players defended their nc for 4 hours earlier, then one hour later their night commander logged on to flip empty keeps all night with a different 40+ people and this is with a server organised boycott lmao. How can you even complain about numbers when you have 30 people defending a camp? The problem with gandara is that if they aren't massively outnumbering or able to cloud, they wp from fights and start complaining about fights that are easily winnable for a server which isn't 90% ranger. Instead of blobbing single roamers, you could have taken that 30+ squad to another map and actually done something both fun and useful for the server. The whole "boycotting to become open again" kills me everytime, because you are an overpopulated server, actively trying to become more overpopulated so that you can what? continue to waypoint from 50vs50 fights? Golem rush with 60 players instead of 50? guarantee that every gank on gbl is at least 10 vs. 1 whenever you leave spawn instead of 7vs1? Any serious player/guild would have left gandara years ago, and when you do eventually open up you're gonna attract the exact same people that are there now, which will not benefit gandara in the slightest
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