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Everything posted by vegetableknife.4561

  1. Shatter Storm Trait Removes Bladesong Harmony animation of daggers shooting out Sharpening Sorrow trait removes Bladesong Sorrow ability to inflict confusion status
  2. I just started playing a few months ago so the majority of what I've seen on the forums isn't necessarily positive. Was there a time when sPvP was "good" and people generally enjoyed it and the meta at the time? Like, were there pvp guilds around or something.
  3. Fairly new as well, in Gold and trying to climb too. In my opinion, it literally doesn't matter what you play or how good you are in Gold rank. The only thing that matters is your random team. You can know how to play your character perfectly, do your job, and if your team is bad they will get farmed, not capture points, and lose the game no matter what you do. Conversely, you can be clumsy and learning, but if you're on a good team then they will win despite your plays. That's why I feel games at this rank are based on streaks. If you queue up and you win, immediately queue again and hopefully you get the same people. If you lose, get off the game and do literally anything else for a few hours.
  4. Ez Monk is such a good bot though! He easily kills unskilled/new players lol.
  5. I teleport away->switch to torch to invis-> find somewhere else to fight lol Or if they are deadeye using the mirror heal is kind of fun, you can tell when they are gonna shoot you because you have a big bullseye on you.
  6. Update: I made it to Gold!Fought through all the bots/afkers and most of all, learned2play to climb over 300 points from bronze to gold lol.Having a mindset of not caring that much and just trying to get better definitely helped.
  7. Thanks everyone. Was super frustrated but changed my build to chrono with greatsword. Now I just put a bunch of Wells down where the bots are fighting the other bots to support them while I do a lot of damage from a distance. When I wrote the first post I lost enough to go down to bronze tier, now I'm back up to silver II. Learning how to make sure my bots won really helped.
  8. I picked this game up two weeks ago and had fun learning some classes. Decided to do placement matches for ranked pvp (not knowing about all the problems-bots/afk/etc). And earned silver. I've been actually trying to move up and win games but every game is filled with the aforementioned bots/afkers (I have reported when I can and have screenshots etc). I don't know exactly what to do, it doesn't matter if I have the most kills/damage/try and outcap the bots, or go the support route and have crazy healing numbers, I still lose. Its getting frustrating because I want to progress, but people just say to forget about it and just queue for the rewards and don't take it seriously.
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