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Everything posted by Razadune.9260

  1. I had a great time with Virtuoso and would definitely play it as my main character if it were available on live. The #3 Unstable Bladestorm skill was the only major drawback I had, because its AOE seems huge and it's difficult to keep it from drawing in extra enemies that you don't want to an encounter. It seems very indiscriminate for a skill with such a long range to it. I played a human female and her class-specific voice line triggers seemed too frequent, too. I like them, but they seem like they're going off too often. The only other worry I have for Virtuoso is that there's no good way to deal with break bars. Psychic Force works, but has a bit too long of a cooldown to be good for it.
  2. He tells the commander that he's going to regrow his hair at the end of LWS4 on the airship back to Lion's Arch.
  3. If you want another build, try a condition build with either Renegade or Herald, legendary demon stance, mace/axe, and runes of torment. I like it with celestial gear, but just viper's is fine really since the healing almost always makes up for the loss of defense anyway. Gearing up is very expensive, but I would say that anyone who has tried it would say that it is far and away the strongest solo character you can build.
  4. FSR requires DirectX 11, 12, or Vulcan; it's even made pretty clear on GPUOpen that those are what it supports. It's not impossible a player would hack together a version that worked with DX9 in some way, like dx912pxy, but it would be unsupported in the same way. No developer is going to try and cram it into their older DX9 game via open license when it's not officially supported, and there's no reason for AMD to try and make it work with DX9 themselves, so it's not going to happen. ArenaNet aren't going to use the open license to try and make FSR work in GW2 in any official capacity, even if it were technically possible.
  5. Google the word "pharaoh" and look at the images, particularly the ones in ancient hieroglyphs. You're basically saying that the main issue with the pharaoh outfit... is that it actually looks like a pharaoh's outfit.
  6. No, they saw up to a 20% increase, and then only in a certain application that specifically supports resizable BAR. You are not getting a massive performance increase in GW2 because of resizable BAR because GW2 doesn't even make use of it. I have a 3700x on an Aorus x570 Elite with an RTX 3080. In 4k GW2 hits ~50% GPU utilization, it's never enough to even really heat up my video card and overall utilization is low enough that it's not stressing hardware to a point where any significant impact would be seen by just a switch in frame buffer latency. GW2 does work fine with resizable BAR enabled, but it isn't really using it anyway. No crashing or any other strange behavior to report with it.
  7. I'm using a pretty similar system, with the only difference being that I have a 3080 instead of a 3070. It runs fine, I'm not getting massive frame dips or anything noteworthy and I play in 4k. Turn the Character Model Limit and Quality down to Medium, and I'm running fine even in extremely large events like Tequatl or Auric Basin where other people are talking about the game being a slideshow. It runs better with the dx912pxy wrapper, but that broke for me about a month ago and I can't run the game with it installed without it crashing anymore for whatever reason.
  8. Riiiight. You can always easily identify people who say stuff like this on the forums in game; they're the ones laying face down in the dirt refusing to rez at the nearest waypoint while yelling for others to pick them up as the people around them clear the actual objectives. Everyone gets dropped in this game sometimes, no matter what their mastery level or experience is.
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