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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. 1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Something like this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAQdflZwsYTMKWJO+KatLA-zVIYRU/XItmABHCVUA2OL6vgB-w

    But instead of blowing 2 utilities you blow 5 CDs for half the damage. And since Gunflame is single shot it'll just knock them off the mount, and can be dodged entirely. Volley should kill them afterwards though. So 7 CDs to do the same thing with no sustain versus 2-3 CDs with sustain still available.

    Signet Gunflame is a poor man's Sic'em Sniper. It can do it, it just has to blow twice the cooldowns and is more susceptible to blinds and dodges.


    Oh, imagine roaming without dolyak stance and being able to 100% block, but still at least you can GS run a little bit just with no way to save yourself most of the time. 


    Yeah so, Still gonna play my ranger even though I want to main warrior, just wish it didn't feel weak in comparison, buff warrior 😛 

  2. On 8/3/2021 at 4:15 PM, anduriell.6280 said:

    You have many options as other has pointed out. 

    We can not know that because you cropped the skills bar and the HP, you realize that. What about you share the full video. 


    But then if the ranger switches to GS lose all the range and need to reach you into melee.  And for 10 seconds it can not go back to pewpew. That's core game mechanics. 


    Well again, it would be easier if you included all the information in the  video  instead intentionally cropping that information out. If you are looking for help you should know better than to provide a cropped video with limited information. And the combat log always help.


    Immob druids are a meme and pretty bad in most situations. I don't understand what is the fixation in NA about that build. In EU nobody uses it. 

    That ranger was also a good one you said so yourself when you came back and could not pin that ranger down. Yes the build is a degeneracy, souldbeast should have been built differently so it would not depend into 2 skills and apply a better balanced burst damage but well Anet has stated that is intentional. Gunflame berserker does the same amount of damage but in literally one shot and unblockable. And then with GS have a superior mobility. So literally the same build as the pewpew which makes you think it is clearly a game design. 


    Well in your main OP you did not ask "How can avoid/survive this" but "How is it possible a ranger has defeated me". 

    So you got the usuals jumping in with more ranger hate because they don't like pewpew. 




    Ok now I am really curious about this Gunflame build you mentioned, the one I found is outdated

  3. I played WvW for a few months now, Have only recently finished one single set of exotic gear medium armour. 


    If I want anything, I have to buy MoB's, which are overpriced as I need 250 of them off the TP. 


    If I want anything I have to basically spend hours and hours logged into wvw doing nothing else but wvw. To get the slowest legends in the entire game. 


    We need way to many tickets/MoBs at the vendor, we don't have anywhere near enough, anyone saying we do is lying. Start a new account and say the same. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. If they did end Ep5 with the expansion reveal then they could have easily skipped over this one, but as they didn't and most likely wanted to tie up the last "loose end" for the season, they did both at once, had us do this, then had us see the expac reveal. 


    Question then, has she had the communicator this whole time? cause its not like we've heard her again. Really at this point I'm surprised the entire Dragons watch guild doesn't have their own communicators if we just give one to some random shining blade. 

    • Like 2
  5. Why are people hoping they are cheaper to make? THEY ARE FREAKING LEGENDARIES. 


    Who cares about the skins? Its still a freaking legend weapon. They should still be difficult to make a single one of them. This idea is great cause now it means no matter what weapon you like using, there is a skin for you. and any new legend should follow suit and have entire weapon sets of them. 


    The Aurene legends are AMAZING and should be incredibly hard to make just to spit the complainers. 

    • Thanks 1
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    • Confused 1
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  6. Ohhh just played the chapter now, and hah, we get forced into a human only club and for some reason decide to take an oath that would actually kill us to get info we could have easily gotten another way without taking a death curse oath. 


    Seriously, who wrote the start of this episode, hah. Yeah because we need to "prove" ourselves to people that we are already well known too. And that means all members go through this? They all live through a giant pitfall of rocks landing on their head? 


    I just wonder if they forgot this happened, and we join sides against Kryta one day 😛 

    • Like 1
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  7. I bought it early, entirely for the free shared slot 😛


    I mean I am going to buy it anyway and anyone saying they won't, is obviously lying. Oh hey they bought HoT and PoF but are saying they won't buy EoD? suureeeeee 🙂

  8. 16 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:



    huh...then is it some soulbeast trait that causes the unblockable? I'm like nearly 100% sure that all soulbeasts builds have this capacity to bypass blocks...i just don't remember which thing causes that unblockable. 


    Edit: okay I see, it was Unstoppable Union which is what i was thinking of



    July 16, 2019
    • This trait no longer grants an unblockable boon.
    • Instead, it removes movement-impairing conditions in addition to its previous effect of stunbreaking when activating beastmode.


    But ya i suppose the only way now these rangers can do unblockables is with That Signet of the Hunt. Is that a popular choice or no?

    The problem with the signet is its use is extremely limited. Its passive is 100% doing nothing for you, and its active has too long a cd and doesn't last long enough. And against bad players like the OP, doesn't do anything and is a 100% wasted slot. Imagine taking that over Dolyak stance. 


    The thing is, with rangers, if you avoid the initial burst, Everything they have is on cd and unless they try and GS you, they have no damage for awhile afterwards. A dodge roll timed well, means you win. And signet, does not help with dodge rolls. Against good players, it also doesn't work. 

  9. Ah, I love players that think they should be glass cannon in wvw, they die so fast just like the OP. 


    Zerker is a TERRIBLE build to use in wvw, yet people do it anyway and I love killing them and beating them 100% of the time in 1v1 scenarios. 


    If you want to be bursted, that's on you! 


    But seriously, if the Ranger is also playing glass cannon, then ONE reflect and instead of you dieing, they would have instantly. 

    • Confused 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Bear.9568 said:

    LMAO SBI linked with CD, they gonna be so salty after the Mag link.


    I know right, SBI carried Mag to T1, then got blamed whenever something went wrong, but hey at least they finally escaped the most toxic server! 

    • Like 1
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  11. This forums system of needing the confused emote instead of a downvote, which would essentially hide the OP's post for most people on other sites, is rather interesting. 


    All we have seen is a first look, there is still tons of information to be released. We know hardly anything about what is coming up we just got a small sneak peak. 


    Remember that there will be huge new area's to explore and an entire storyline that will be fleshed out and delivered complete to us, like the previous expacs, which will hopefully make up for IBS's abruptness. There will be new elite specs, new mount/s boats fishing, new leggies, new this, new that ect. 


    Its not like we pay much when playing GW2, other mmo's would have taken your money each month and that's fine? Do people who pay subscriptions say "This payment is just a patch" The thing is, those sub mmo's still charge you for expacs. They still charge you for a lot of things. 


    GW2 continues to go strong, and continues to have a dedicated playerbase that's not going anywhere, and with EoD release, will see a spike of players as other people realise this is one of the best mmo's on the market. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 3
  12. 15 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

    Twice in the last few days I've come across folks in WvW who hadn't gotten their warclaw yet. Both times I told them to run next to my warclaw so they'd get the speed boost enabling them to keep up. Just yesterday, I started a new alt. After finishing the beginner instance in Queensdale, I was standing there skinning and dying the mounts for that alt, then trying them out to see how they looked. A brand new player who had gone through the beginner instance with me was oohing and aahing over the mounts. In all three cases it would have been really sweet to have had a siege turtle so I could offer them an actual ride. I do hope we can use the siege turtles in both WvW and open world stuff. They sound like great fun to  me.  🙂


    To be honest that does sound fun, "Wanna have some fun? Hop on!" and get new players to ride with you and shoot em up'. Show em how fun Gw2 can be 😄


    And its awesome,. best game ever, mount system 

    • Like 1
  13. If you can use it in wvw that is going to be quite fun, I wonder if siege disable works on the turtle! hah. 


    And finally a 2 person mount and done in GW2's awesome mount style, but on land it is a turtle right? I wonder about its speed, as it should be able to go in the water as well right? And move faster? just seems interesting. 


    Can't wait to see it in game! 



    • Like 1
  14. Honestly, sounds interesting, still need more information like how you fish in gw2, best fishing experience to me is in Okami haha, very active fishing. 


    Boats look cool too, especially as it looks like we have multiplayer water mounts to traverse the area, wonder how you unlock it! Can be used on a lot of maps, and if you can mount/jump on the boat/cast a Mes portal? would be quite interesting. 


    Cause then people without skimmers can use your boat to get to certain locations? ;D 



  15. 4 hours ago, QuickRain.4735 said:

    Im kinda tired of the "SBI is keeping us in T1" that isn't remotely true.  SBI/MAG have been stuck in T1 because Mag's home BL (EB) because they've been T3ing every tower keep and camp in ebg and now that they cant with AR they are in last/second

    Yeah, fortunately SBI stopping carrying Mag so hard as they have been carrying mag really hard ever since they linked, as Mag is a T4 server, if you are on Mag you are in T4, you go to mag if you are bad at wvw but love to brag and are a toxic person. 


    Without SBI mag is T4. With SBI mag is in T1. it goes to show, that SBI is what carried Mag. And with Relinks and losing anyway, its bye bye 🙂

    • Like 2
  16. 6 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    Different strokes for different folks.

    Yes combat and movement are top notch in gw2 (except when you slide against edges when you're trying to jump above them).

    It's a special shame it's wasted in gw2 when it comes to it's, as you say dumpster fire, pvp departments.

    No grinds lol, yeah skyscale wasn't a grind at all. 🙄


    Gotta be fair here, when the season of the dragons catches up, high chances we get 250 of each of the currency doing achievements, so that "grind" is soon to go with the wind 🙂

  17. 7 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    Gw2 spoils us. 


    I could never play A MMO again with a gear treadmill. 




    This is the thing I like. 


    I quit GW2 for six years. Came back and could still instantly play all top content and work on anything I wanted with access to all of the games content on my door step. 


    Any other mmo, and you'd have to change all your gear for higher stats and change everything. New levels to grind, new gear to grind, as if you've never played it before.  


    And because once you buy GW2 you own it, it really means you can just hop back in whenever you feel like it without having to pay a sub. Its really a perfect mmo in that regard. 

    • Like 12
  18. On 7/21/2021 at 9:55 PM, Voltekka.2375 said:

    People afk'd on public marionette as well. Didnt help during the gates defense, didnt help during the champphase (since you USUALLY have more than 2 people on each platform, sadly it was just him and me and i couldnt kill the generator in time). People afk after their champphase too, when you need to defend the gate (so all lanes can finish).

    People will always find a way to afk. Always.


    Only difference is the people doing that, cause the instance to fail and bam, 15 mins of afk'ing in game and getting squat and actually causing other people to get squat. Its different with Marionette because you are taking up a slot that someone who can make a difference could be using. Whereas with Dragonstorm, you can solo the entire instance. 


    some people afk'd in Marionette sure, but its always on the low to 0 side. And now they can't for awhile as private you extremely need everyone doing the work. 

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