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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. Removing outnumbered pips is a step in the wrong direction. Unless  the maps are balanced, so balanced that they don't have outnumbered over 4 maps 24/7 you will be getting less pips even with the added 2. 


    Some people like roaming in outnumbered maps, which means they always now get 3 less pips. They now take many hours longer a week to complete a track that is capped. 


    Why is the wvw tickets capped weekly? in pve you can pug into a full raid legendary set in a MUCH shorter time then it takes to get the wvw legendries. It could take a person multiple years of wvw to get legendries. Or a short time of raiding. 


    You telling me that Oceanic players are just not accounted for entirely in this new reward system? How dare I play in NA times when living in Australia so I mostly get outnumbered pips that make up most of my pips? 


    Also removing repairing part, the WORST part about wvw is keeping participation even when actively playing, you could hit 100 people die, and lose access to pips. You could escort yaks and fight people off but not kill anyone and lose access to pips. Now you can even try to defend a tower or keep, and lose access to pips. Outside of EBG Defence ticks do not give timer. 


    So you have only 2 accesses to it essentially, flipping objectives or killing players. So the worst part of WvW, would be made to be even worse. So they want us to spend 20 hours a week flipping camps to get our tickets that gain super super slowly. 

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  2. Its been like seven years since I played during Halloween, one thing to note is I do wish Lunatic Inquisition was designed better, I have a LOT of fun playing it, but if you die as a villager at 0 seconds left you get rewarded with nothing, as well as like only one villager alive costing ALL ghosts all bags. 


    I hear there used to be a bug that was a part of the events charm that they fixed, too bad I missed that. 


    They appear to have made Villagers a lot stronger as well compared to when I played, like a lot a lot stronger, and a much shorter time. 


    Its so easy to win as a Villager now, seen maps end with 10 of us alive. And so hard to win as a ghost and get anything. 

  3. Only issue is the weapon swap trait - no one will take in its current form as you can never proc it, however the heal trait will be active nearly 100% of the time. The reduced CD's one is just the best in the next tree. 


    So you basically already have 2 trait lines that will always be taken by every Bladesworn alive. Then you have the Grandmaster traits, which don't have an obvious best choice. Unless the bottom path actually gives you an increase in dps there is no point to ever take it in any mode. And the middle will most of the time have no effect against pve mobs and in pvp, you won't be using Bladesworn. At least the top path offers some great sustain in pve. With the heal doing squat in pvp but again, asif Bladesworn in pvp. 

  4. On 10/1/2021 at 12:20 AM, Geoff Fey.1035 said:

    I've been pondering a lot about this and Bladesworn appears to be more an Elite/Champ/Legendary killer rather than (I use these classifications loosely) the  Brawler (Core), Spiker (Berserker), and Duelist (Spellbreaker).

    The foundation is there, its just not executed to a way that fully fits into the needs of PvE vs. PvP/WvW. Especially the traits which definitely need a hard revamp

    • Adept Traits (Flow Focus)- 1 & 2 are good, although I'd argue trait 2 should have a stacking effect on movement skill. Trait 3 is very ho-hum as Bladesworn is not exactly a weapon-swapping dynamo like the other Warrior Specs and could use a rework. Perhaps generate Flow on hit? 
    • Major Traits (Ammo Focus) - Lush Forests. The other 2 aren't even worth using because Lush Forests is just so powerful and synergizes with the mindset of the spec (Ammo Spam). Fierce as Fire needs to be wholly revamped (ideally to allow condi spec; burning on explosion?) and Unshakeable Mountain just doesn't give you enough barrier for it to be worth it vs. Lush Forests. In all honesty, without revamping the CD across the entire Bladesworn Spec, there's no point to using anything except Lush Forests.
    • Master Traits (Dragon Trigger Focus) - All 3 are decent and have their uses in different content (1 for Sustain, 2 for CC/Ensure you Hit, 3 to Chain-Bursts). That said, the Flow/Charge mechanic itself is the issue, not necessarily these traits. If anything, one of these should also cause Burning to synergize with a condi spec (perhaps 1 stack burning for each charge?)


    It does appear to be, only issue is if those pve denizens have the ability to cc you. As any form of CC almost breaks you out of DT, removing every charge and not giving you flow back, its incredibly annoying to use this in pve. 


    Its like, sure, we might not be able to die, and we can take stronger things now, we just spend large portions of the fight, sitting there, unable to move, not hitting anything, boringly sitting there, waiting, oh cool now we can attack. 


    Its just funny how this specs ability is "flow" and yet it has the least flow of all warrior specs. Seriously, please Anet, give DT some CC immunity. 

    • Like 1
  5. The thing is, what was Bladesworn meant to do best? pve? 


    We already have 3 pve specs, Core Bannerslave, SBbannerslave and BeserkerBannerSlave. 


    It would have been nice for this spec to be a pvp/wvw spec, but its easily the worst purely because of bugs and kinks and "Flow" being the opposite of flow. It needs to stay out of combat, remove it draining entirely unless used. And of course fix it so that it actually hits because right now you can jump over all attacks from a Bladesworn. 


    For pve, it could be our best pve spec by far. By super far. Might healing makes you always have extra flow charge forever. In combat its fine, and easy to not die in pve long fights. (unless of course the target can cc you, in which case the class is garbage). If they gave us cc immunity during Dragon Trigger that would be perfect. 


    Also the pistol should have been main hand and had a longer range AA. 


    But seriously, I do hope they change the class a lot and listen to suggestions. (Please swap the F keys and please don't make Dragon Trigger give swap CD and please let us DT when not holding the sword) 

  6. On 9/26/2021 at 10:35 AM, Terrier.8732 said:

    As Alliances progress, smart alliances will probably look at recruiting guilds [OCX??] that fill a timeslot as part of the "coverage" for that alliance. Surely that would balance the situation out?


    Exactly. There's really no point to argue right now, with alliances you need people in all timezones for it to work. Stack NA and you have que's then lose everything during offpeak including the players you do have in those times 

  7. To be fair, SoS did have NA before they all x-fered off, which led to the pop dropping low enough for it to open combined with the increase in server size. 


    Plus, its easier on SoS, as you know you can play with ocx and have tons of ocx fights for a lot of the night these days, lot of players have come back and we do a lot of pvp all day long on the server. Playing on SoS it feels like these misconceptions started years ago and have been kept even if things have changed. We got hundreds of kills in my last ocx run on SoS. Too many old wvw vets that don't know how to let go of grudges it seems. 


    And with alliances you will want ocx guilds in your alliance, fully stacking 500 Australia players or 500 NA players means you will always lose one side of the coin, every single day. 

    • Like 1
  8. hahaha! 


    Wow, they really do want this to not be a wvw/pve spec at all don't they. 


    And really, how cool would it have been if Dragon Trigger's 3 could hit people on top of walls in wvw, that'd be epic. Course can't let Warriors have fun like that can we, as people can just jump to dodge the class! hah! 

    • Confused 1
  9. Yeah I EXTREMELY Hope they swap the F keys around. 


    Its like they want us to forget years of muscle memory and have us have to re-adjust to not keep accidently swapping weapons when we mean to use our burst class ability. 

    Or yes, do what the person above suggests, just too bad if you play multiple classes right. 


    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, ZEUStiger.3590 said:

    Ok, some actual feedback this time.


    Why oh why have you decided to swap the meaning of F* buttons around. Burst was always on F1! Why did you feel the need to change it? To arrange the buttons on the bar in the order they are supposed to be pressed?

    • Core warrior has burst on F1.
    • Berserker pre-rework had burst on F1, new profession skill on F2.
    • Berserker post-rework has burst on F1, new profession skill on F1.
    • Spellbreaker has burst on F1, new profession skill on F2.
    • Bladesworn has burst on F2, new profession skill on F1.

    Why? All muscle memory goes to hell. I'm not going to rewire my brain every time I switch to this specialization. I will have to change keybinds every time, or else half the time I want to use Dragon Trigger I will instead end up Sheathing Gunsaber.

    Please change this. Move the skill buttons to the right of the adrenaline bar, where they always used to be, and swap them around. Or add per-specialization keybinds. Right after you add per-profession keybinds.


    Bursts should not be interruptable by other skills. There's way too big of an investment into charging them up only to end up wasting both time and adrenaline because you used a healing skill a moment too early and interrupted the burst cast.


    On that note, it's a little hard to distinguish when the burst actually landed by the sound alone. There's the initial explosion sound cue immediately upon activating the skill, and after hearing a sound cue - you would think the skill has done its effect. But no, in case of Dragon Slash - there's a second sound cue that follows - the slashing sound. I don't understand the need for two sounds. Or the explosion in general: why is there an explosion happening in sheath?


    The spec overall feels more sluggish than it should be, for the most part because of unnecessarily long cast times and aftercasts. Dragon Trigger in particular should probably have higher priority than other weapon skills to be able to interrupt them, as using it fast can be paramount if you're trying to stack various damage buffs: e.g. warhorn's Charge, Peak Performance proc. The latter specifically, being only 6 second, already gives you little room for error, and having to wait for some stray autoattack to finish casting before the skill queue reaches Dragon Trigger feels exceptionally bad. And you cannot queue "Unsheathe Gunsaber" into "Dragon Trigger" directly, because Dragon Trigger isn't clickable until it flips over from Unsheathing, so a random autoattack can easily squeeze through. Because of this, the order of skills has to be "Charge, Unsheathe, Physical skill while unsheathing, Dragon Trigger", which, while usable, feels a little convoluted. Why not add an option instead to DIRECTLY invoke Dragon Trigger from ordinary weapon set, bypassing the awkward transition to Gunsaber?


    Lack of any precision modifiers that the entire warrior class suffers from is felt especially bad with this spec. Missing one crit out of half-a-dozen that you do every second on another spec isn't the end of the world (but still painful), but here, having your druid briefly running away and dropping Spotter from you for a short second can screw you over big time. Adding a PvE-only "Burst skills have additional 15% chance to crit" modifier to a minor trait in Bladesworn tree would go a long way towards making sure that the spec doesn't feel awful to play in less-than-ideal environment.


    Putting Sheathe Gunsaber on weapon swap cooldown every time you Burst feels bad. It practically turns this spec from "still sort of having 2 weapons" into "camping Gunsaber 100% of the time except when there's a huge downtime", because you have to wait for so long to swap to your ordinary weapons. And to make it worse, your ordinary weapons are even less useful due to loss of access to regular bursts.
    I understand that this is done to allow "on weapon swap" procs to not be near-useless with this spec. But it's also inconsistent with itself: cancelling Dragon Trigger (with Escape for example) DOES NOT put "Sheathe" on cooldown. So it's not like you're "weapon swapping to Dragon Trigger and back", it's more like "you're weapon swapping from Gunsaber to the very same Gunsaber", which makes little sense.
    The only thing that makes it slightly more bearable is that "Sheathe/Unsheathe" cooldown is affected by alacrity, while regular weaponswap isn't, but this only serves to make the spec even less versatile outside of organized environments.


    My overall impression after doing a few raids with it: I liked it, but I didn't feel good while playing it. This spec is one big gimmick that will only see adoption in certain niche scenarios, after its damage will be properly balanced to not overshadow berserker 100% of the time. It makes you feel incredibly selfish to just be standing in one place, effectively AFKing for 5+ seconds, while other people have to deal with all the chaos happening around you, and you cannot help them, because that means wasting resources and time already put into charging the burst. Bladesworn adds a, while cool thematically, but still only a very niche gameplay option to a class that's already starved for options: warriors still have no proper PvE support spec, existing PvE builds struggle with identity and public perception, and their usefulness in PvP has diminished after years of balance decisions made not in their favor. While EoD is a correct "place" to be adding bladesworn to the game, I don't think now was the correct "time" for it. The class has many lingering issues that need to be resolved first, before adding more toys to it that are cool for the sake of being cool.


    Amazing use of the ammo system, tho.


    Yeah, that. I do hope they swap F2 and F1. 

  11. 15 minutes ago, Darkgaiden.3791 said:

    I dont even know why give it the option to wield pistols, you are going to be using the gunsaber 100% of the time, is stronger, with a very good move set, so the off hand pistol is not even a thing, this is designed to be a greatsword into gunsaber class,  95% of the time, the other 5% you will probably want something ranged like rifle or bow (but no pistol, off hand and with limited bullets and short range..NO!!)..... having a class have acces to a completely new weapon that only that class can use, is ridiculous and very poorly done.... at the very least elementalist can spawn elemental weapons and others can use them as well, this on the other hand feels like when you play personal story chapters and have to use someone else's weapon.

    Peace ✌️


    Like the person above said, the Pistol should have been a MH, had a auto attack, had its 4/5 be 2/3 and allowed use of offhand axe. 


    That combined with being able to swap weapons faster, none of this CD upon using dragon trigger. If you could actually swap weapons then it'd be so much better and have much better "flow". Swap to Gunsaber, fire off abilities, use dragon trigger, then swap back to MH pistol/Offhand axe to keep going then swap back would have been a neat rotation. 


    Instead all you see is long CD's on everything as you constantly wait. 

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  12. This is beta testing for a reason, everything is subject to change after all. 


    I mean I know this is the warrior class and all which means reduced hopes and expectations already, but still, it might still be able to change even though we are warriors 😛 

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  13. Is anyone, ever, going to use Dragonspike mine? 


    I don't understand the point of it. Its worse then shake it off, has a longer cd, only has one charge and doesn't get effected by the elite. Its only bonus is it resets dragon trigger. Like we totally need more access to doing less damage. 


    Needs a total revamp/change 

    • Like 3
  14. 10 minutes ago, Sykper.6583 said:


    Maybe. Going into dragon trigger with the root should be punishment enough, where you can be damaged as you leave yourself vulnerable.

    That all said, Flow does need to stop degenerating out of combat with the changes. Flow is a much larger bar to fill being 100 ticks compared to other specs, and it generates slowly.


    Yeah for sure, rooted for 5 seconds where you can be killed and of course, cc'd. You don't move, dodge, and all you get 2 aegis's. They really shoulda just made it that while charging, you are immune to cc then it'd at least semi usable. 


    As it stands, on my Ranger, I just use Dolyak stance, break stuns, get six stacks of stab, and basically become immune to damage all while being able to move and do everything I would normally do. We have to root for five seconds, sit there only getting base protection boon and can be cc'd all to gain what? Less damage then our auto attack? 


    Flow indeed needs some work, as well as the entire stance when it comes to pvp. slow to fill and disappearing instantly almost means you can just pretend dragon trigger doesn't exist. Which also of course, means we lose access to burst skills and bonuses - as the dragon trigger stuff is counted as a burst skill for traits. 


    But also. seriously. WHY does dragon trigger, give us weapon swap CD? is that a bug? 

    • Like 3
  15. 6 minutes ago, Sykper.6583 said:

    Quick tallies, from an SPvP perspective:


    - This spec has undeniable potential, which is precisely why the SPvP side of numbers is so bad for it. Dragon Trigger hits like a wet noodle. I don't want it to hit for 100% on a heavy armor target, but it shouldn't be chunking at full capacity for a few thousand on a non-crit.

    - Also, it can be interrupted. I would give stability to the 4 skill on top of Aegis. There are several sources of unblockable CCs, Dragon Trigger is unviable at this moment.

    That said, I think there's great potential for a shout support spec with that elite skill, but playing with it feels like I'm missing a lot, it feels unfinished.


    Simple solution to it would be to make the stab from flow stabilizer last longer + give at least 4 stacks for its duration. That way we'd have stab while charging and can still use aegis to block. 

  16. So far I see most complaints about this spec in pvp, I Guess people were hoping for a pvp based warrior spec finally, as right now who would actually want to kitten themselves by playing a warrior in pvp. I think the weapon is mostly fine, and dragon trigger (you should be able to dodge/move but I digress) and pistol is fine and perfect. Just for wvw and pvp...


    Really though some subtle changes are needed, you should keep flow outside of combat, it should not drain. This will help in all game modes, Most of the time unless you are fighting high HP targets everything is long dead before you get anywhere near close to max flow + charging it + unleashing something. Which means you constantly run around gaining and losing flow and never using it. 


    Gunblade cooldowns need to be shorter, I know they are this long due to the elite, but that basically means you have to take the elite. Being balanced around the elite means all other elites are pointless. I do love the projectile block, handy in wvw especially with three charges. And I like the heal. But the other ulitilies feel like they have been a bit too over balanced. The cripple/immob wall requires you to either place both down literally next to each other or most of the time never immob anyone. A Ranger using immob has so much more access to it that it makes this skill pointless to use anywhere. 


    Flow Stabilizer giving one stack of stab. One stack? why is it not more? And such a short duration. We already don't have utilities that other classes have that both stun break and apply multiple stacks of stab yet our classes access to it requires us using movement skills+strength trait line to gain it. Its a great utility for flow, sure, but I wish it was our stun break, and gave some more stacks of stab. Dragonspike mine is terrible, the cd is insane. Why anyone would pick that over Shake it off astounds me. 35 seconds and the elite doesn't effect it. 


    For open world I don't really have much complaints, the sustain looks fine with max sustain + strength and defence trait lines, lot of access to heals with gives more flow which gives more heals. And a potential full heal. The only change based on open world really would just be that flow stays charged. 

  17. I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love itI love it I love it I love it I love itI love it I love it I love it I love it


    There is no way they let Warriors actually be able to do something like this. Please let Warriors actually be able to do something like this. 


    Its AWESOME having fun playing warrior again. the BLADESWORN IS AMAZING

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  18. 4 hours ago, crewthief.8649 said:

    Wait, why is Fast Hands gutted? It will lower the cooldown on swapping back into Gun Saber. I’m seeing a lot of overreaction based on misinformation in this forum…


    I'd already mentioned this in another thread and was ignored, its like people can't read/ did not watch the same video. You can see that you can still swap between an equipped set and the gunsaber, so all our swap traits still work. 


    I really can't wait to see what it the best weapon combo with gunsaber, what theories we come up with on release/beta testing

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