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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. The what is this post? Terrible? 


    Its the first elite spec that Warrior has gotten that people might actually play, I've seen people say they are core warrior still, and yet this one, this one looks special. 


    It looks like it finally can be a good solo spec for warrior, giving Aegis, Barrier and healing bonuses. Combined with the Might stacking heal you might finally be able to do what other classes can do and solo in open world without needing backup or dieing to champs and legends. 


    Personally, I can't wait to beta test, I can't wait to actually want to play my Warrior again. 

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  2. No duels, and no simple trade mechanic to make safe trading outside of using the TP's fee's or hoping that you don't get screwed over in the mail. 


    Both would be great, and its simple to prevent being trolled with a simple option to auto deny all trades/duel requests, then you don't even see it at all if you don't like it. 


    There is no argument against not adding in duels and trading with that simple option. People who don't want it can still play as if the feature doesn't exist. And the people who want it, get it. 


    You can't scam people with a real trade system that only allows trades if both parties have highlighted over all changes. 


    Its essentially a win/win for everyone people for and against both things. There's not much reason to not have it in game, unless the programming behind it would be too hard to implement. 

    • Confused 1
  3. On 9/6/2021 at 7:35 PM, wondermuffin.9680 said:

    I tried it on dragonhunter, but the longbow pierces. I went scepter only, but kept dying to the oozes. Burn guardian is a no-no, there's no way you will avoid hitting the oozes. Power FB with hammer maybe? If you banish Subject 7, then go gs on it when the oozes are away? Haven't tried that.


    Also tried with rifle warrior, same thing happened. Skills pierce the little guys too. And Dulfy's guide doesn't work because the oozes don't follow me, they just stick to the boss.


    I managed to get it on scourge, just sceptering and torching and daggering Subject 7 alone, after I feared it into the edge of the arena and kept fearing the other oozes away. 


    Maybe ranger would be viable as well? 



    I did it on my Ranger, in fact I did the entire Gauntlet and all achievements on my Ranger. Hizen's Soulbeast build is a menace, but its mainly ST so works well on this boss. (I use Poison Trap for aoe when needed and Shortbow instead of torch) As for Guardian, I'd have no clue how to prevent yourself from doing aoe damage. Main thing would be to just find abilities that have small cleave and go ham (don't play guardian) 


    Yeah it would be nice indeed to have more incentive to do it, its too bad they nerfed the awards to much - what I heard is they used to drop a good deal of the event tokens, but Anet nerfed it to prevent farming, almost making this run give basically nothing after the first way through. 


    Honestly if you fight a t3 boss or higher with multiple gambits and win you should be rewarded for doing it 😛 

  4. 4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    The gauntlet has one significant problem though: the rewards for doing it were nerfed into nonexistence. Once you've done those bosses, there's little point to return to try again.


    Yeah for sure this, it would be nice if they dropped something, especially the harder ones. I mean they cost tickets and are a harder fight then most champs are, yet don't drop anything champ worthy. Especially if you use gambits. 


    Right now it appears you only do them for the achievements, then afterwards there appears to be not much point to doing them at all. Even if its really fun and i'll enjoy it daily with the daily event achievements, it would be nice if it was a viable farming spot. 


    Hearing that the rewards were nerfed, is a bit disheartening, as this is my first festival, so had no idea there was more incentive to do these hard fights before. I Mean if you can beat that dark boss with light you should be rewarded each time hah. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, Ochosan.4071 said:

    If we get a gunblade mechanic, this will seriously be dope... for about one to two weeks when it's playable then nerfed into the ground.


    A warriors life this. I mean, its hard to get hyped for Warrior. Yeah they will totally let us dominate and be the highlight and fotm for EoD. Totally, that is exactly how Anet and Gw2 works. 😛 

    If its good, it will be nerfed. 

    If its bad, it won't be buffed 😄 

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  6. I love it. Honestly its one of those features you wish was in the main game. Practicing on these things are like suped up target dummies with mechanics that are a great way to test builds in a pve environment against mostly one target too! 


    Even if the last boss of T3 took a bit, it was honestly quite fun and at the end, felt like I had earnt the mini and AP. This feature is a banger. Great place to test beta characters too honestly! My first Fotfw, and its a blast and a half. Such good mastery exp. 


    Thanks Anet! 🙂

    • Like 4
  7. If you got the supply drop week one, this week we got to choose from a very wide selection of mounts, and got 2 skin choices in total, which is a lot. 


    And tbh, if you grind for gold and swap to gems, you can get any skin you want free and via in game methods. Just bauble farm. Can still earn em 🙂


    Plus the track in wvw gives a skin, and the track itself nearly pays for itself 

    • Confused 3
  8. 1 hour ago, shrew.3059 said:

    The indifference to AFK farming is so strange.


    1. The game economy is presumably balanced around certain numbers, if those numbers fall out of scope, things start getting unpredictable.


    2. It doesn’t matter whether it is efficient in hourly terms versus playing the game or playing the TP. The fact is that both those require engagement or dedication. AFK farming requires no effort, so it can be done indefinitely, which changes the calculation.


    3. Although many seem not to care, there is the matter of fairness. AFK farming is certainly not intended and if most people did it, the game would be unplayable. I find it hard to process the argument that it’s “just another way to play”; it’s the equivalent of cheating on your taxes.


    One solution could be that in known areas, ANet implements a timer/counter that spawns a mob to disrupt farming. Diminishing returns on certain mobs could also work.

    According to the wiki, the game already has DR that does reduce loot drops and quality

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  9. I can't really see how other people having more gold then you somehow gives them an advantage or edge over you, when full legend gear, is the exact same as full asc, which you can get in a day of playing at max level if you know what you are doing. 


    If anything, them putting more T6 mats up to sell helps everyone out, as it reduces prices for everyone, if you are actually making legends you want cheaper ways to make em' and T6 mats are one of the most expensive parts. 

    • Thanks 1
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  10. The problem honestly is the ENTIRE Participation system. 


    We need ideas more so to change how it works. The fact is you can get all your wvw tracks done by afking inside a tower and just repairing walls every 10 minutes, just need to make sure it gets hit once every now and then which happens so often in ebg. 


    I mean it'd be good if people part hunting didn't count towards the maps small que as well. 


    But really? they should make it that you always have participation, and if you are actually active it increases to a higher level then we have now. but that activity only stays while you are active, with no timers involved. It'd be great if actually being active in wvw actually sped up the process of getting your pips and tracks done. Its not like we make much gold at all in wvw even with completing them faster. 


    This can be done by making the timer tick forward a minute on a tower cap, maybe making it tick five minutes forward on a keep cap, and 30 seconds on a keep defence. That way, being active means you are earning your rewards much faster then someone afk'ing to get them at the exact same rate as you. 


    Edit: Not sure how to work the system around pvp kills of course - it would be too abusable unless something happened after like 20 kills or so 

  11. 5 hours ago, Imba.9451 said:

    Oh, okay, I didn't know the regular Key prices.

    I hope this is a mistake on Anets part, and not some scummy action to make the discount seem bigger, in order to encourage gambling.


    I think its just an issue with the UI, that they can't show 2 discounts at the same time, so they double them up for the events, as usually 5 and 25 are discounted, in either case it is still cheaper to buy now then it usually is 🙂

    • Like 1
  12. 15 hours ago, EnemyCrusher.7324 said:

    It's the same buff from the Birthday Blaster that we got from the second birthday gift. We already had an unlimited amount of this buff.


    Yeah but it was a lot more annoying to pull off and didn't last as long. You are reaching and choose a certain phrase instead of quoting me entirely as well. 


    I mean I guess the "In thing" for clout right now is to act disappointed and make up things but I really do like the cake feast and how it lasts 30 mins and is an instant thing. My hope was that they just made it last an hour or even longer. Again - actually read what I wrote 🙂

    • Like 1
  13. Personally? I like the cake, I often run around without a food buff so a good food buff that is almost permanent will be quite useful to me. Could have been something else cooler but otherwise I think its cool. It is interesting to me though that they made this dye take many, many more years to complete the set, instead of just making it a per character dye kit. That would drive ocd dye collector people insane to see they are locked for basically the next 5 years. 


    Really, just make the buff from the cake last forever and be overridden by any food consumed, now that would be awesome. 

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  14. Hey, has anyone elses pets been swapping after this update without them meaning to? Problem is of course since we can't swap in combat, its rather annoying when suddenly I have the wrong pet out and dismount thinking I had the right one. 


    Just noticed it after this bug fix to us swimming while merged (and by that I mean dipping our feet in for a second then out again) 

  15. I tried tagging up before, no one joined, the usual tag  tags up, insta 50 squad. That's the difference I see. 


    There's almost 0 reason to tag these days unless you are a player who has been tagging for years already and fill a slot that a tag has no already filled. Even if a map is full, and there is no tags on the map, newbie tags I see often get maybe one person joining them. Stuck at spawn? someone tags up, no one joins them, I even join on them to test and check it out, and realise they are tagged but alone, surrounded by 50 people not in any group. Yet if you join an old tag, its already full. 


    Seems like, essentially, you need to persevere with tagging, do it for years and then you are able to easily pull a group in, and do the exact thing you would have done years ago, only are able to since people are actually following you. I'm hoping alliances fixes this issue, as it will be a much more tight nit group as you will get to know everyone in your alliance regardless of you being tagged or not. 

  16. My fave part about Virtuoso is in pvp they are a lot easier to kill, the easier Mesmers in the game to kill, I like that a lot, I want all Mesmers to roll this elite spec for pvp. 


    Harb is so going to be nerfed, their 2 movement abilities have insane range, they can disconnect so easily as well as tank most anything and kill everyone - if they are played well. Bad players playing this spec will die faster then anything in the game. Its another case of "is this person actually using the right stats". I Know if we could inspect other players we'd all die when we realise what other people wear. 


    Willbender is crazy underpowered, it almost needs an entire re-design. It takes all their skills to catch up to someone, which they then have no skills available to use to hit them with. Animation locks coupled with no damage coupled with no passives coupled with everything needing to have a disadvantage to have an advantage in something else. The best WB's I've seen use 0 utilities and elites and do not use offhand sword from WB. Its basically Core Guard the elite spec. 

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