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  1. What am i missing? I absolutely love this so far. Axe/Shield Virtuoso is fun !
  2. OK i guess i'll get the 25$ version then if they make another Raptor skin like that. I kinda hope a Dev will confirm but that'd be weird if they did. Oh well. U guys reckon there well be a Upgrade to deluxe edition if they don't end up making those skins later?
  3. Will we be able to get the Raptor outside of Deluxe edition? In EoD the Raptor mount i thought would be exclusive but then later u could get similar skins later.. I just want to know so i can spend 25 or 50. because if its an exclusive mount i kinda need it.. im obsessed with Mounts
  4. Story Instance Skippable Dialogue. (only if the host has already done it before) Please i am getting real tired of standing still listening to an NPC speak for 2mins just so another NPC can speak for a minute and so on. Then travel across the map to listen to more chat. I have done the full story once. Would like to replay it but honestly all this dialogue is making me extremely bored
  5. The thing that makes me sad is people had alts at New Kaining JP for a full year. (i didnt bother because i didn't have much time to even try EoD out properly yet) but now i feel like i potentially missed out on a huge amount of gold. Because they made it account-wide but didn't bother incrteasing the reward. So Runestones are probably going up in price like crazy. And i'll probably have very little of the account bound currency that they'll probably want 5000 of later because its Anet.. gotta have a huge grind for everything. This game is honestly starting to feel like a full time job with all the metas and such
  6. Honestly it makes no sense to me. Alot of people had loads of alts there getting the rewards daily. Now they suddenly change it. I don't have alts there but i honestly feel shafted. Now i don't have stacks and stacks of the item that will potentially cost alot of silver/gold now. Why did Anet make this change? Why not just make a new item so that 1 item's price does drastically change out of the blue. It just seems silly to me Don't get me wrong, I'm not too sad because i can make gold just fine, It's just that now i feel like i'll have to farm Gold ALOT more hours just to afford these kitten runestones.
  7. Have been playing this game on and off since launch. And i tried a few Raid Wings. Mainly Wing 1 to 4. But now i really want to try the PoF Raid Wings aswell because i intend to complete the 3 PvE Legendary Armors and also the Ring. The only content i currently need guidance with is Raids. So i decided to find a new guild with the main focus on having fun in PvE and doing plenty of Raiding. (More than 1 raid or raid training a week would be preferred and on all raid wings) I'm a 29 year old Male. From the Netherlands. I will stay 100% repped to the Guild, And help other players with PvE content if needed. If anyone has a Guild that does plenty of Raiding and likes to do PvE content. I'd love to join it !
  8. I'd love to join this Guild. my Main focus is PvE and Raid Training. I don't mind helping players around with HP's, Fractals, Dungeons etc. I'm only new to Raids. Hoping to get an invite 😄
  9. Hi all. I have been playing GW2 on and off for nearly 9 years now. Currently very addicted to the game again for over 15months. Some short information about me : Male 28 Y.o. Discord voice comms friendly. I don't mind helping people with any content. I currently only have pDPS and cDPS classes set up. Nothing for Support/heal/tank atm sadly 😞 I started my first Raid Training 2 weeks ago and was hooked. I'm trying to find more raiding experience. So if your Guild does Training please let me in ! 🙂
  10. As a returning gemstore item i'd like to see the Synergetics Cyberskale Skyscale Skin As a suggestion i'd like to see someday is. 1 - Head: Very wide Bamboo hat + Bandana that covers mouth. - I have a hard time explaining it but i mean something like ''Silkroad Thief'' on google images. 2 - Head : Party hat just a pointy party/birthday hat. 3 -Outfit : Dragonguard Outfit from Guild Wars 1
  11. I'd like to see these returning to the gemstore during March sales. - Synergetics Cyberscale Skyscale Skin - Mistlock Sanctuary pass - Shared Inventory Slots (discount) New item suggestion : Miniature Balthazar's Sword Miniature Blish
  12. I have 3 suggestions 1. Focus skin Japanese fan with visual effects and when Unsheathing also has to expand I would love to see something like this in the game. Perhaps a white and pink cherry blossom fan. That has small Cherry Blossoms falling off as effect. Or a red with a White Dragon logo (gw2 dragon ofc) that has no visual effects as alternative. 2. Staff skin Japanese Naginata. I always liked this idea but thought it wouldnt happen until i saw the White Tiger Staff that looks like a Polearm. 3. Bamboo Hat i am aware that theres currently an outfit that has a Bamboo hat on top (Hexed outfit on human female), But what i'm suggesting is a hat that isn't tied to an Outfit. Also the hat could be way bigger in width So yeah sorry that my ideas aren't in depth. But that's just what i'd really love to see and buy I just want to add a quick Thank you to everyone working on Guild Wars 2. I love this game
  13. Thank you for the in-depth comment. I have tried Reaper and it didn't really click. I still managed to get my 100% world completion on the reaper though (Minion master reaper) Firebrand i have never tried i always thought it'd be hard to play as it had 4 books i believe? And they all gave a whole new set of skills which looked overwhelming to me. Holosmith. I have one maxed out but i didn't play it much. I'll give that one another try later this week currently levelling my Herald to get into Renegade a bit. See how that goes. As for Thief. I don't really mind the initiative too much. It's more the No cooldown skills. Thief was my very first class i played and got 100% map completion on. However i tend to just spam a skill and then i'm left defenseless without initiative cause i spam lol 😛 Thief is cool i really can't play it correctly though. I might go for a Deadeye but i'll go try Renegade , Holosmith first. If Renegade, Holo, Deadeye aren't doing it for me i'll give Firebrand a shot! I'm not really feeling the light armor classes at the moment. Maybe the Mesmer End of Dragons spec. or Chronomancer a 2nd chance Thanks all for the tips ! I'm still looking forward to more if anyone has some ideas !
  14. Hey guys this isn't your typical Players helping Players post. But i thought it would fit here the best I just want to mention every other MMORPG i ever played i had no issues playing other classes. I already know what will be said and i agree ''Every class / Elite spec takes getting used to'' however i just can't somehow So i have been maining my Soulbeast for over 4 years now and that's mainly because i can't get into any other class.. They either feel weak or too much effort to play it in PvE. So Soulbeast is rather easy. You merge with pet. Deal damage. And f1, f2, f3 have cooldowns. That's why i pretty much love it. It's pretty simple. Not alot of buttons to press. And they deal real good damage. Like with my offhand Axe i just press skill 5 and see my damage ramp up to 100k. or Greatsword 2 does 20k. and its simple. And quite honestly that's why i love Soulbeast and can't get into other classes. as they feel like too much effort to do similar damage. But i really want to play other classes.. and i simply can't get over it how much upkeep it is on for let's say a Berserker to maintain Adrenaline and keep using Burst skills. and even then i was doing alot less Damage than my soulbesat that only pressed 7 buttons when i already pressed 15+ on berserker and had to look at adrenaline.. Or a mesmer with illusions spamming.. or Thief with initiative and Revenant with Energy ( i don't mind swapping stances ) it's mainly the energy. I'm currently just thinking of Dragonhunter again even though i dislike the asthetic of Guardians. i only felt like Dragonhunter was just as Simple as Soulbesat. So please guys if you have any idea on how i can get over this mindset please help me out
  15. Let me start of with the explosions coming out the gunblade. Imo they look horrible. but i can understand if theres players out there that absolutely love this I think the Bladesworn Utility Skills don't fit at all. They would've suited better on an Engineer or something 1 - Bulletproof Barrier : Throw a device that explodes when it lands, which leaves behind a barrier that blocks projectiles. This has 2 charges aswell. This instantly makes me think Bladesworn will be a META class in World vs World. 2 -Electric Fence : Throw a device that leaves behind a wall of energy, crippling foes that pass through it. Foes that are already crippled become immobilized. again 2 charges. and possibly very strong in World Vs World. As you can just place a wall when a blob wants to walk through an area. and if u miss ur wal well.. u have a 2nd one. on top of these 2 (imo engineer skills) they get to do 400k dmg in PvE. i can already imagine 5+ bladesworns charging their Bullets and doing this strong attack in a blob just wiping whole squads I really feel like this Elite spec would've been better off on an Engineer. Or even left out the game. I think it will have alot of balancing issues in PVP and World Vs World. I will not be playing this elite spec at all. I do however want to max one out for the Elite spec achievements.
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