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Everything posted by yourexcellency.1458

  1. As soon as the majority of the player base have their turtles this meta will be dead anyway.
  2. I'm actually ok with this. I'd be ok if the turtle egg was also tied to strikes. You have control over who you're playing with in strikes. Locking the turtle behind this open world meta is bad for a lot of different reasons but at the end of the day it's going to be bad for the game as a whole. Think about how many new people will be coming to the game. A brand new expansion just dropped. Anet packages in a level 80 character boost. People will 100% boost their characters with that and end up at this meta. They've probably been sold on the game watching adverts and hearing about how wonderful the GW2 community is. They get to this map(doesn't even need to be the event) and they see people being abusive to each other in map chat. I've seen people get torn down for asking what CC is after an event fail. Maybe they were trolling, maybe they were legitimately asking. I know I was too frustrated to answer but the people that did were mostly mean. Even people who are normally super chill and helpful(myself included) are frustrated to the point of taking a break or writing the possibility of getting the turtle off all together.
  3. I just want my turtle. Once I have it I will never look at this map again.
  4. Locking the turtle egg behind this meta has me so tilted. I know mechanics. I raid, wvw and do CM fractals. I don't need people telling me to get gud. I'm so angry that my progression in game is directly tied to other people understanding and correctly executing mechanics. I've wasted a total of 10 hours on this an one of my last fails was at 8% because someone chose to stand in a green circle. I like a challenge but this is completely absurd.
  5. Good thing what you're suggesting would never happen then because that is completely ridiculous.
  6. This sounds like the match I'm in the teams are totally imbalanced. I usually like to play all aspects of wvw but this has been an absolute misery. Last night I popped on briefly to check it out again and we were out numbered on every map EBG included. I'm just grabbing my dailies in pvp and finding other stuff to do until this is done. I really hope they look at the very clear balancing issues.
  7. Am I reading this correctly? I'm a wvw player and have been working toward making a slumbering Conflix to go along side my Conflux this will now be impossible? The only way for me to have 2 legendary rings will be to pve raid? It's like you guys give with one hand a take with the other. Bad enough that only pve raid legendary armour has nice effects and achievements for unlocking. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop what else are you guys taking away?
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