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  1. I'm impressed. There IS apparently a comp worse and glassy than four core thieves, four daredevils using a double pistol condi build without any alacrity, quickness, or a healer.
  2. Do we want it though? Do we really want this flame fanned? I say they drop the idea and focus on their plans on making bad professions better and what they are planning for clearly over performing specs.
  3. From how often they nerf elementalists for any amount of damage...Likely not. I imagine at best they will just do competitive damage. Like 40k max, or they will get a weapon rework that makes you camp either fire or air for easy dps.
  4. Also Grouch, after your edit, all the changes are almost invisible on Dark Mode. Edit: Okay it's visible again now, thankee.
  5. I wish you guys did more with ele, and did something with warrior. These two are REALLY hurting at the moment. But I will give credit where credit is due, you actually nerfed mechanist, and gave buffs to some really poor performing specs, I am rather happy with this. And shows you guys do actually seem to realize how bad this patch was. But, I still don't really believe that I can trust the balance of the team, this is at least a start.
  6. Actually with a bit of thought, I think I change my mind, as much as I enjoy necromancer, I don't really enjoy engi or guardian enough to satisfy me. So I am going to quit GW2 until I am convinced there is no longer a hyper bias towards professions anymore.
  7. Alright I am going to blunt, but know I am doing this out of love for the game: That's it? Just a half hearted 'Sorry, we will justify ourselves soon, anyways see you in fall'? We've had this song and dance multiple times. A-Net, I like you, but oh boy do you guys frustrate me at times, lately it's like watching a good friend of yours start doing heroine and watching them become become a bitter selfish husk of their old selves rotting away from in the inside while saying 'I will change, I swear!' before doing a 180 and doing it again. DO. NOT. TRY. TO. JUSTIFY. THESE. CHANGES. I absolutely cannot stress that enough. It will make the situation worse than it already is. Instead, get the balance team to play ALL 36 specs, EVERYWHERE. Yes, it will suck, but unfortunately, that is just part of the job. These type of things need a first hand knowledge, or it shows, as you can see from these patches. You cannot just play 2,000 hours of Firebrand and expect to balance everyone else from second hand knowledge and Snowcrows benchmarks. Next, tell us how you will be learning about each spec, this will at least give players hope that you are attempting to learn the game, and boost morale, if just slightly. But most importantly, DO NOT WAIT to fix this update, this update leaves the game so imbalanced that it is beyond ridiculous, if I were a warrior, ranger, or elementalist main I'd already have quit and gone back to Runescape 3. Luckily though I main necromancer which just happens to be one of your golden children, and I chose this profession because out of Guardian, Engineer, and Necromancer, I could only stand necromancer's theme and I knew if it got any nerfs they'd be a slap on the wrist at worst, because I was sick of everything else I played being absolutely destroyed even though it wasn't top end. It's that bad, A-Net. Even from a casual look inside, we know all the professions preferred and disliked by the balance team. We cannot have this bias when balancing professions. So, how are you going to fix this clear profession bias?
  8. Yeah, I will be honest, I got rather excited when I found out that WH was given fear, daze is alright, but necro works so well with fear that even though it is a one second fear compared to a two second daze, I would take the updated one over the old WH4.
  9. Marauder is ++Power ++Precision +Ferocity +Vitality Dragon is ++Power ++Ferocity +Precision +Vitality. Berserker however is the best for PvE as Reaper is already the most forgiving Spec in the game for making mistakes, you generally only want to go Dragon/Marauder in WvW.
  10. It was really the only change I actually agreed with. This change really won't affect a typical reaper, even a zerg one with the wells nerf. The thing is, there are some groups who take the Rise! skill and run with it, added many reapers with good internet connection to the team, and then about 25 or so reapers use Rise! all at once, adding about 125 bodies to the field. This will turn most people's game into a slide show, and even if you have a really good connection your fps takes quite a hit, after a Rise! ball actually gets into combat, a good portion of the enemies may just freeze while their computers try to register the massive influx of mobs that just entered. Which can then be mowed down almost to their leisure. This is bad enough, but it gets worse. Almost all cleave AoE in the game have a target cap of 5, which is incidentally the amount of minions you get from Rise! if you hit five people with it, these minions then more times than not soak up the damage the Rise! ball would otherwise take, meaning each Reaper is taking far less damage than they normally would have as they simply are not getting hit. Then finally when they all die, they leave behind a sea of dangerous AoE that pulse poison, meaning your healing is next to worthless while wading through dozens of these packets. Also Rise! is unblockable and gets a reduced recharge for every person it hits, so it can be pretty much spammed, and things like Aegis won't save the group. But you won't typically be using this in a normal group with a Reaper, even without Rise! Reaper is a rather decent dps option if your group can reliably get into melee while providing some rather useful boon strips in the process. It's mostly just stopping the fps dropping, body blocking, sea of death nova cheese from happening.
  11. These communities will grow no matter how casual friendly the game is. Take Pokemon Sword and Shield for example, the game is so mind numbingly easy, not even a child without the ability to read would have any difficulty. Yet the team building aspect of Pokemon is something some people spend their entire time creating and perfecting, and it is so popular there is a fan game, and an entire community revolved around it. There are guides and speed runs for Cooking Mama and Animal Crossing. It doesn't matter how casual you make something, the community will find a way to make a competition out of it. However, not all games have to make this their focus, it is good that there are MMORPGs that cater to the hardcore crowd. But there should also be MMORPGs that focus on people who wish to relax and not want to feel stressed during their time off. And really your only real viable choice is GW2 for that. The people who whine and cry that the game should be more like WoW and FF14 should just play those games and let GW2 focus on what it is good at instead of slowly becoming more and more like those games over time. I feel like they are the same type of people who go to a Sushi restaurant and complain about having too much sushi and their lack of variety of burgers when there is a burger restaurant down the corner. Let's be honest, those games do endgame content far better than GW2, but both are crap if you are a casual player and just want to relax and do open world stuff. Swapping focus now is just going to alienate both of the player bases as it's still not as good as those games that revolve around it. But still too much for the average GW2 player. Some people like Animal Crossing, others like Dark Souls. An Animal Crossing fan would not enjoy it if it suddenly became Dark Souls and vice versa. I rather if things stay on the same track as it has been, because well, I like the game the way it is. It's why I play it, it's why a lot of people play it. If you don't there are other options.
  12. I rather his suggestions don't come into fruition. There really isn't many casual MMORPGs floating around, and I come here to avoid the raiding loop of other MMORPGs. Also this community gatekeeps way too hard, and the community is insufferable to play with in anything that requires an ounce of coordination. If they want to raid so much, WoW is still around, and so is FF14 which focus on raids to a fault. Do we actually need a large focus on it here too where the majority of the community just flat out doesn't really care for the content? If GW2 decides that if players want to stay viable they have to do raids like other games, I'd quit GW2 right there and then and not look back, and pick up something else, maybe Runescape, the quests there are fun at least.
  13. You have two choices. Firebrand, Scrapper. There used to be Spellbreaker to keep them in check, but since the change, these two E-Specs are next to unstoppable.
  14. A melee longbow, low support (Mostly regeneration, protection, might, and fury), and requires multiple mechanic juggling to do decent amount of damage. It should have heavy emphasis on combos, but only have about one combo field and two finishers. I imagine it should have a combination of a thief's initiative, revenant's energy, and ammo skills that only regenerate while the attunement is not active. And when the devs announce it, they must say "With the Arcane Archer, elementalists will finally have a melee bruiser spec!" Then quickly correct themselves by saying "Well, it's not really melee, water auto attack is 600 range fan spray skill." The spec will then use traps that take 5 seconds to arm, but just before release, trapper runes are nerfed to remove the stealth and raise superspeed by 1 second.
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