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Everything posted by Rdm.3186

  1. Holo/ Engi has way more skill ceiling mechanically than ele, like waaaaay more. And as long as Ele cannot switch attunements more freely (while balancing it around that buff, means nerfs on other places) it will stay the braindead rotation spam and facetank class it is. Hell, even the glass builds on Ele are easy and unhealthy, LR FA... 🤮 Anyway Holo is clearly not weak now, meta is just stronger. Nerf meta.
  2. Deadmoose lvl all over the place, from both sides of the story. Also first place goes to Arazoth here 😂 Since i already explained, why having an overly potent skill in the kit is bad design, no matter how telegraphed the skill is and even if all other skills on the kit are not-dodgeworthy weak (what is not even the case for virtuoso), i will not do it again. Ppl will stay with their opinions no matter how many facts and logic you might add. Despite the fact, that Virtuoso is not meta relevant strong and with that not the first on the list to complain about, Virtuoso is just bad design in all aspects, its a pve spec, like most eod specs. Next "big balance patch" is 95% pve. Why bother about pvp at this point. Sure some tournaments will come back where the inbreed community can haggle over the wins after R55/Team USA got enough of them for all basic members, based on zero braincells and skill needing pve driving balance with barely any punishment for bad rotations with all that movement power creep. Still nothing makes me hyped at all. And forum heros do their best to make the balance even less skill intense. At least some good content in gw2 i guess. Keep going guys 🤗
  3. Yaaay even more mobility power creep! 📣 If it would be a mesmer exclusive relic i would not mind as much, but this is just stupid as hell. The last things this game needed were even more superspeed and more perma movement speed/swiftness... why should rotation mistakes even matter! At this point Anet should increase the conquest map size around 20-30%... And yes, we again want to buff under-used skills and traits in further patches for some more power creep, instead nerfing everything that is unnecessary stronger than those... can we get some competent devs already?
  4. Only when announcing those events will lead to a 10 or better 100 times bigger and way less casual (not true competition fearing) pvp playerbase, otherwise you have what we already have/had. Few teams with big advantage of staying together for very long already, manipulating, sabotaging and splitting upcoming and newer formed teams with potential (and not seldom some individually better players) by recruiting out players with a "go the easy winning team joining-way with us"- move, trashtalking old teammates etc. And players with friendship relations to anet devs which also help to manipulate themselfs. GW2 never had real competition, it always was a joke when it comes to esports, because of cheating devs and players, mostly pretty braindead metas and a never rly big, competitive and honorable mindset community which could theorycraft and play even near the skillcap of a game that actually requires a single braincell.
  5. You would make up for an insanely good forum troll tbh, if you would not be so dead serious about the nonsense you write 🤣😂🤣
  6. Well mention this on the forum is a prove by itself. So it matters I have learnt. I AM a unicorn btw. Feel free to prove me wrong!
  7. I mean, the personal opinion about how op/ up and how hard/ easy a class you like/ play is=personal skill +actual strength of that class. If your lack in skill needs a lot of build carry, you can come to the conclusion that ranger is fine and hard to play atm.
  8. If balances stays as no skill needed noobcarry power creeped as it is since years, no additional content to pvp will have any good basis to revive pvp and grow into something. Competitive does not mean rolling your face over the keyboard, ez offensive spam and facetanking and the one who rolls a bit slower and more unlucky dies after 3000 player mistakes or after just one little mistake vs. too high dmg builds (i like the wannabe good players saying "but when we are all carried the same it is skillbased" nonsense), while gizmos are relationbased not skillbased in this small, real-competition-fearing-inbreed-community and top titles are mm-abused the least or wintraded. A game where competitive only means winning no matter how, winning by build or relationships over winning by skill. Also not a fan of adding more amulets with toughness, even as minor stat. Get competent balance devs first, then de-power creep the game and add tons of skill ceiling back to it, perma hardware and ip ban wintraders, hackers, accountsharing etc. (means lit. 99,9% of all tryhards of the last years in both regions), then add new content. This is a better order to do something for this game. And then i maybe will get hyped.
  9. Ok lets shorten your way of communicating to its essentials: If other ppl claim something, they have to prove they are right/ not lying If you claim something, still the other ppl have to prove that you are wrong If other ppl present or offer proves, you claim those proves have no value even tho they do yeah... so in the end you can claim the biggest nonsense 24/7 while not delivering any backup and the other ppl should do all the work to dismantle your -300 iq and skill nonsense and also have to backup every little thing they say, even when it is quite obviously right anyway. Makes sense! xD And all that, just because you know, that you personally can not prove your mechanical skill on mesmer with duels, since you know you suck at mesmer and only can prove in duels that you are bad. Got ya!
  10. I could not find you ingame either. Needed to go NA first, ofc still did not find you on the lb with 1259 rating after 65 games. Holy sanity, did not know you can be that low when seriously trying. I could lose 10/10 of my placements and would not be that low 😂 I were never riding melcor, i have my own arguments. I only mentioned him, when i was forced to explain why i joined the thread and to which of you guys nonsense statements i was reacting too and to which not (i did not say anything about chrono f1 need a little rebuff or not and i also never trashtalked the mesmer class in general as vanflylow accused me of). As for the hides and proves: There were already ppl adding proves against your false claims (not being a mesmer player was your first wrong statement, you got prove against that), while you never said "sry i was wrong" to anyone. Quite the opposite: You insisted that every prove which was delivered and suggested to you, has no value. I mean, i get why you try to insist on games played in current only 1,5 months old season, since that is lit. the only category you have a chance to shine. As no lifer newbie you grind a 10yo, dead and no competition game way harder than any veteran, who already reached some goals and plays this game for 10 years. But your games in current season mean nothing. While all other variables, which actually can prove something about your skill and lvl of game/class understanding and knowledge, are very VERY big indicators, that you just suck at the game and at mesmer: You have a very low amount of overall pvp games played you play the game since a pretty short duration (only 2 years if i remember right) you play on insanely low rating you dodge offered duels which could at least prove, that you are at a minimum a very little bit able to utilize mesmers mechanics BUT i have a big deal for you: You accept the offered duels and prove that you at least have a basic understanding of greatsword power mesmers mechanics and after that, i show you my top 25 titles (new and old one). That is the only deal you will get from me, since i am not melcor and deliver and offer proves while you do nothing than continue talking nonsense. If you do not accept, then stop pretending you know anything about the game or mesmer even remotely good enough to make decent suggestions. I mean hell, even terrorhuz knows and understand more than you, as your bad-vs-worse-player-dialog about mesmer shield showcase. Sadly terrorhuz becomes very narrowed when its time to notice his own lack in game/class understanding/ knowledge and lacking sense for basic balance rules and logic. As his claim, that power mes is (needs to be) a oneshot class and his nonsense comparisions showcase.
  11. You trolling, fried goon! I love how emotional and insulting ppl get when you just put that pretty basic and simple piece of logic into their face 😂 As for me, i am happy to see, that there are at least some desinterested ppl with enough iq left in the game to make senseful calls like yours.
  12. I never said that, l2read vanflylow 🙂 I joined the thread because an experienced and higher ranked mesmer main (that was quite obvious from melcors first 2 posts) got called saboteur, non-mes-main, clueless etc by mediocre at best mesmers (the one who called him out will not duel because he knows he would get wrecked, no matter what excuses he comes up with) even tho he made good points i reacted to terrorhuz wrong way of comparing core and chrono and all my arguments towards that topic still stand since they are just true i reacted to several ppl saying the power mes (or chrono) needs to have oneshot dmg since it has no defense. All my points towards that topic still stand because they are just true Yes i do frequently but it is not my main as mentioned several times and no, i do not criticise mesmer as a class, i have no problem at all with mesmers design, i rly like the by design high skill ceiling attempt of a combo and setup class, at least when balanced correctly, i would not be one complaining about a burst out of a 3 secs stealth, since i have awareness, i would not say mesmer is in general unhealthy because of instant shatters or what mesmer haters usually come up with. I react to ppl calling other ppl out with nonsense arguments only because they disagree (happens to melcor so i jumped in), and i react to ppl coming up with nonsense comparisions to win an argument going over dead bodies and going over the truth. And i react to ppl asking for unhealthy things (like oneshot dmg) just because they are too bad at the class to play the defensive kit of that class correct or hit a burst without using tons of their defensive skills to cover it, so it feels for them as if mesmer does not have enough defense and needs oneshot dmg. All your other points i am too lazy to go throu step by step. Some miss the points i was making, some are a l2p issue (for example having less resustain and condiremove are intended weaknesses of mesmer to compensate a pretty strong basic skill kit, also i would just not burst a thief right after his dodge when he successfully applied weakness to me and so on), other points are just a matter of comparing once again to broken classes, so those points are by default no good arguments. As for mesmer shield, they should just revert the pve changes with this nonsense groundbased targeting, it kills all the flow the weapon had for no good reasons.
  13. What are you even talking about? 😂The past is the past, let go. I never refered to the past. I talk about now and that we NOW (late is better than never) should stop making shortsighted, narrowed and selfish balance suggestions and focus on the bigger picture, to speak with one clear voice to anet. Atm every single player complains like a 5yo about his one single favorite build and all together deliver 300 pages of nonsense per day in this forum. As said, even i could make a big gamewide patch to de-power creep the game in 3 months, 6 months including testing and adjusting, if i would get 40 hours a week time for it. And i would need to increase my class knowledge about 2-3 classes during that time to be able to provide decent changes for them. So 2-3 competent devs (which together should know and understand all classes by default) can be even faster. Give us 2-3 months as playerbase to stand as one, to make enough pressure on anet and you can wait patiently for another year with your overlimited taste in builds. But if everyone just cares for himself and his one favorite build and ask anet to make the game worse and worse for his selfish lvl of fun, we do not stand as one, we do not develop enough pressure and devs probably stop reading this senseless back and forth over obvious stuff after the second post in this thread and no one will achieve anything. This is how this forum is going since game release and because of that devs did not listen the slightest to the few balance suggestions on this forum that actually made sense over the last years. And that is how we get a gamestate barely anyone can really enjoy anymore. So in the long run your shortsighted, selfish demands will hurt yourself. Anti-smart!
  14. I based that guess on YOUR words, NOT MY own assumption. You confirmed that a 25% dmg reduction on all other builds made your favorite build good in comparision to those nerfed builds. The needed gamewide de-power creep of dmg would be around that % number and with YOUR own words would make your build good without receiving a single buff. Sry that was my fault quoting too much of your things. I never called gunflame a oneshot assassin. I was reacting too your claim, that i seem to think, that glass canons are bad for the game. So i first defined what glass canon means (that it does not include oneshot dmg by default) and then i made clear, that i do not think that glass canons are bad for the game. MY design problem with rifle berserker is not that i think it is a glass canon, my problem with the design of berserker and other builds centered around one megapower single big skill to hit is: You ask devs to invest effort and time to make the games balance even worse by bringing your outliner build into or close to meta , what also means they need to do even more work after those buffs to undo them, the moment they want to bring the game back into the right direction. So you ask for double work of devs as a single player, who has such a limited taste, that he can only enjoy a single legend on a single class. And you think you are not selfish? xD Also where do you guys get those numbers? 7 Years for a bigger patch? Hell even i could make such a patch in around 3 months if i have 40 hours a week paid time, give it another 3 months for testing on test servers (oopsi) and do the needed adjustments. I think a single player only liking a single build in the whole game can be kindly asked to be that patient.
  15. Indeed, so stop contradicting yourself by asking for power chrono to be able to compete with fotm op specs. Instead go for well-founded big pic suggestions as experienced, skilled ppl like melcor with an actual competitive mindset go for. Or just admit that you prefer to make narrowed and selfish suggestions instead this fake "i play something more skilled because i have no defense (not even true) but i need oneshot dmg" ego-nonsense.
  16. So i will not quote your whole wall of text either, at least not in one piece 🙂 Since you did not bring the complete build you talk about and since rev is one of the classes i know the least about, i will and cannot judge if your outliner build could need some qol improvements or mechanical reworks or even buffs without becoming braindead and broken itself. But since you mention that a 25% gamewide dmg reduction on everything else than that build was enough to make it good in comparison, i doubt it needs so much buffs (qol and mechanical reworks can always happen without increasing the power lvl/ without buffing the power lvl of that build and without deleting skill ceiling from it). The Feb pacth was a disaster because of bad execution not because the attempt was wrong. They just need to do some more effort to de-power creep sustain the same way or (i would say) even more than the dmg. And that is possible in a decent amount of time. It is a more a matter of dev competence not time/ effort investment. Here we are again about self contradiction. You either care about good plays being meaningful, what actually means aiming for an overall less power creeped, healthier and higher skill ceiling gamestate, or you selfishly do not care about the overall gamestate and higher skill ceiling and only care about being able to compete with a specific build. It is ok to have a more selfish or more casual (don't mind or even prefer a lower skill ceiling) mindset but do not act as if well-founded bigger pic suggestions are senseless. Asking for every build to be able to compete in a game with that many different variables is a way more impossible take, than asking for balancing the game in a way, that it does not actively aim for low ceiling builds to be meta only because devs have a casual approach, since they are bad at playing and balancing the game. I mean, even off meta builds are to 99% still pretty broken and braindead playable these days. Also sry for you, that you only can enjoy one build in the whole game that offers so many different ones. Glass canons are by definition: A character or unit with strong offensive power but weak defensive capabilities. There is nothing about assassin oneshots written. Means dropping so low on active defense, that you only can gank or oneshot ppl, is not required to be a glass canon. A glass canon in an mmo is supposed to maximise dmg in a healthy way, while still being able to fight interactive and that for more than one second. If your active defense drops lower than that, your build is not a healthy design and should not exist or should just be too bad to be used. So, either devs balance makes it impossible to give up that many defense (that is actually the case for most classes in gw2, in the core game even amulets made sure you could not go too offensive with marauder stats being the squishiest you could go for, they rly should delete berserker amu tho, while reducing vita stats a bit on marauder in the de-power creep process, toughness should be reduced on amulets even more) or devs make sure, that those unhealthy builds are not good enough that players go for them. Or the build is actually not a build with too less active defense (like power mesmer) and its only problem is, that everything else is broken and power creeped in an unhealthy not skillful way. Than you ask for nerfs to those unhealthy stuff, you do not ask for assassin oneshot dmg to compensate bad balance on other classes. Tldr: glass canons are not unhealthy for the game, just one dimentional assassin oneshot builds are. Since neither their dmg (too high and too easy to apply), nor they active defense (too low) comes even near a point on the bell curve where skill ceiling is at its minimum requirement (for an mmo at least).
  17. Ok since you admit that berserker rifle f1 is a better version of core rifle f1, we in the end agree to my statement. But i obviously was not detailed enough in explaining, what i mean with berserker is HoT power creep. My bad, so i try to make it better now: Ofc warrior has trade offs and need to give up things when going from core to berserker. I more meant the interaction changes when you face a core rifle war vs. a berserker. Core rifle f1 is a prio one skill to avoid, but for that the warrior has a very long casttime, very visible animation and cannot move. For that downtimes there is room on core warrior for other skills to do some stuff and for decent sustain. They changed that on berserker to be a skill with number one prio to dodge while deleting downtimes, as movement restriction, big parts of the origin casttime and way better visibility of the animation. It is just a design direction i dont think is that great. But my main argument was, that builds, having its overall power too much concentrated in one single skill, are a bad design. Also for the player of those builds, since you are very limited in your offensive and defensive outplay options to compensate for the overpower of that one single skill.
  18. Dunno, i think this particular topic of the few outliner builds which are duo to power creep, badly designed with being built around hitting one single big skill you make unnecessary complicated. Berserker is HoT power creep. What can go wrong when you take a balanced core skill like rifle warrior f1 and reduce the casttime/animation remarkable while adding more dmg? It is stupid design (either broken when good enough to be playable or bad and easy outplayed, there is no inbetween). Skill ceiling in an mmo heavily depends on the requirement to interact with, and actively outplay the opponent (due to missing aim skill ceiling from shooters). Telegraphed skills can exist and be successful hit because you can bait out cds with other offensive skills to hit telegraphed keyskills. But ofc the moment the telegraphed keyskill is so insanely potent by itself, means you cannot give those builds enough power on that many other skills to make those outplays/baits, since those other skills in the kit need to be extra weak, to compensate the overpower on the one skill. None of your ideas to fix that flaw will work in a way that those build with such a potent single skill will be skillful and/ or healthy balanced ever. The only way i see, is to rework those builds away from this one hit wonder to a more versatile playable and in potency better balanced out (means power is spread out over the whole skillbar instead just one skill) skill kit.
  19. You never know in this forum^^ Do not be so negative, nothing is impossible. Anet just needs to hire competent balance devs. I saw way more unlikely things happen 😁
  20. Then we will just get another bunker meta where nothing dies. You need to de-power creep active (including resustain) and passive defense too. In terms of rotational skill ceiling in conquest also mobility.
  21. Where am i mad? xD I am just putting things right you twist on purpose. You on the other side still seem to have nothing constructive to say and act like a 5yo. Dude it is cringe asf 😹 For your own sake pls staaaaaap! I am rly patient still taking you serious enough to answer to you
  22. I am completely chill my friend. Just told you, that you not agreeing to me does not make me wrong, it just means only now you agree to me, not that i am only right this time. "misinterpreted one of my messages"? ONE??? xDDDDD You missiread, missunderstand and miss my points (seemingly on purpose to distract from my good arguments about how to compare builds and if oneshot dmg should exist or not) since 5 pages in another thread, while being passive aggressive and trying to deny all my arguments with just calling me clueless and that i must be wrong by default about mesmer balance when i am not a mesmer main. You and the other mediocre at best mesmers were the rage kiddos being emotional and barely hidden toxic. Stop twisting facts and chill yourself. Might my hug help you 🤗 I am not surprised you miss my points so hard anymore, when all you are looking for, while unfocused skimming through all my posts, is how to win an argument going over dead bodies, having the only goal to find the tiniest thing to prove me wrong or not knowlegeable about something in the game. You did missread that part because you wanted to find a mistake of me soooo badly. It is what it is. Actually pretty sadge if you think about it.
  23. You again showcase an incredible abiltiy to read and quote xD. I was talking about the uptime of superspeed and quickness should match the uptime blocks usually have.
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