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Everything posted by Phyb.6704

  1. Anyone else found this problem or know of any fix in progress?
  2. I can confirm this.Anet needs to fix this.I used a rev staff. The staff 3 warding rift gave no defender rune procs. Also attempted the centaur bubble protective solace and that did nothing either.The combat log showed the blocks but no 5% heals at all. It is broken and not working at all.
  3. Trait is 100% crit when you have fury.Vengful hammers does not crit with it. Only base crit value.Impossible odds 2nd strike does not crit with it. Only the 1st hit does.Is this intended? If so then it is pretty useless.
  4. This has probably been said before but .. A 1H VER OF BALINDAS GREATSWORD.... a katana would be great......Singular pieces of old sets. Like brahams pants. Just tare apart some old sets and sell some pieces like brhams shoulders.
  5. I enjoyed the story but the zone has one issue for me.Can we start making new weapon skins use multiple maps with the main one being the new map it was released with. Like req tokens you could get from doing events in base tyria, some karma, gold, and tokens from events in the map the said skin comes out with. So we are not just mindlessly farming one area for days on end for stuff like [&CukeAAA=] SunscytheWhich is now 200-300g because it is only available from istan and has a low drop rate. Its not fun to just sit around farming the same event over and over for crates. Give us some variety so we get to go to a few different zones. Also making it cost tokens from multiple zones, gold, and karma..... and being purchasable not a endlessly random drop would make it feel not so much like gambling ur time away farming but instead working toward a goal much like legendary weapons are like. Of course the majority % of the tokens you need would be from events from the new map released along side said skins or gear. The skins need not be legendary but just the fact you get to go to multiple zones and have a 100% chance not some low drop chance... would make getting these skins much more fun and populate other zones that are normally quite empty.
  6. Spoiler.... Ritlocka sword was re ingited when its flame went out. Its flame is bathazars flame. Bath was the one who re ignited the sword. The exalted explain that everything is its own weakness. Jungle dragon was all about being a hive mind. But its mind was its power and weakness. Krakatoriks weakness was its own cryatal made into a spear or ita own offspring. Bath is weak to his own godly flame. It is said he had his status and power as a god revoked but held power as a demi god. He used the last of his actual godly power to ignited ritlocks sword and escape from the mists. The flame of ritlocks sword was the last of his power as a true god.
  7. It is easy. He only heals if you get close during the bit where he pulls you in. When he does the jump... after that he does the bit where he pulls you and steals hp... When he does the jump start running out. Keep running as he is pulling you in. As long as you stat about 400 range away for the duration of the pull.... the healing it gets is minimal.Just stop sitting on him during the bit where he drags you to him and its extremely easy. Did it on a spellbreaker just using the dagger 1 and nothing else.
  8. The mount in question is a damn glider with some cool stuff that lets you dive and gain more speed in the air. You cant really go UP much more then you can with a glider.Yes you can blits across a zone a bit faster then with a glider but its not that you cant do 90% of what you can with a grif... with a glider.The grif is there so that people with only pof get the same ability to get over thing as those with a glider.
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