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Everything posted by Shade.7240

  1. Would like if the outfit menu had two tabs, one for head and the other for body that can be toggled on and off which would allow us to not only to mix and match heads and bodies between different outfits but also use the normal armor body with the outfit's head and vice-versa(Changes limited to only full body and head).
  2. Visual - Engineer - Mace - Skill #1 - Weapon trail visual effect from skill 1 (auto attacks) is longer than the weapon itself - Tested with various maces - Tested on char/Human/Norn(same issues) Visual - Engineer - Hammer - Skill #1 - No weapon trail VFX on skill 1(auto attacks) - Tested on Norn/Char *(Don't know if a bug or intended but compared to other classes) Visual - Necro - Greatsword - Skill #1 - weapon trail effect is lower (close to the hilt instead of the weapons edge like most classes) - Tested on human Visual - Necro - Greatsword - Skill #4 - Weapon briefly float out of the hands during animation - Tested on Human Visual - Warrior - Sword - Skill #2 - sword skill 2 has longer weapon trail effect ( 2 times de weapon length and doesn't affect skill range ) - Tested on Norn Functionality - Warrior - Norn - Sword - Skill #2 - 1 out 3 times the skill misses the target ( simply jumps the target with full animation but no damage ) from mid to close range - Tested on Norn
  3. -Skill 1 is very unappealing and buggy besides the weak damage - Skill flips with hp sacrifice aren't worth using (main hand)/ Off-hand sword si rather great, thank you. - healing is meh Conclusion: The main hand weapon is very underwhelming
  4. The staff seems pretty decent, just needs a little more dmg. But please change/remove the horrible spinning animation first attack and maybe give it to the last attack.
  5. Rev Feedback: The weapon has horrible damage and support and looks and feels horrible. - Make the beam/Range shorter - Give skill 1 might on the first strike(also buff damage on skill 1) / skill 2 - buff the skill and have it build up(stages) and let us detonate it / Skill 3: Mark a target and buff/debuff it as you strike it with skill 1.
  6. Bleeding for water because technically you are firering ice shards, maybe(I couldn't tell)? Visually the weapon skills are unappealing. The biggest disappointment was AIR on pistol and the kitten reason that pistol is a condition weapon which goes against the core idea that elementalist is a hybrid class.(maybe thats why scepter air sucks soo much). This would be better: Skill 1: could be faster and chain to enemies/ Skill: explosive projectile with blind and weakness(+stuns) / Skill: Dash backwards and shot compressed air knocking back one enemy(+cone)
  7. Wanted a fast power melee weapon for reaper necro and got a discount axe.
  8. Would like a Full Heavy version of the Dark Tyrant outfit (no revealing skin, face covered)+ripped cloak skin
  9. Was really terrified of what it could be, but I'm glad its a power weapon and looks really great. Downside is that I cannot tell if its a ranged weapon or close combat, even if one of the skills is a gap closer/retreat. Not sure about the risk and reward thing especially combined with the Harbinger traits.
  10. Visually this mechanic would had worked better with the scepter. Wonder if they are are gonna add a mechanic/gimmick to the older weapons.
  11. A few things: 1# Calendar/Event UI in which shows meta event timers and other information like rewards 2# Free cosmetic changes until level 10 3# When previewing armors and skins in the bank tab to show where can it be obtained 4# Better Enemy AOE indicator ( mostly cannot be seen by the visual noise from allies or because of visual effects from own class ) ex: Green hue from necromancer shroud form 5# Enemy bosses to show who are they targeting ( indicator above head )
  12. Would like to see "Logan's Pact Marshal Outfit" make a comeback. New Things: Less over the top armors or skins, something close to Darks souls or at least FF14 Shadowbringers/Endwalker Logan's armors ( both of them ) are a good example
  13. I feel like the Specialization unique weapon should have been a F1,F2,F3 skill that you can charge by attacking enemies rather than its own weapon.The weapon its self feel clunky and underpowered aside from looking very awful.
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