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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Why not both? Release a few to be available during character creation and a few to be purchased with a kit? I wouldn't mind seeing 6 new styles with 3 available during creation and the other 3 via kits. It would still be subjective, though, as to which ones should be free versus paid. /shrug
  2. Sometimes the BL Merchant will automatically spawn when a player's inventory is full so this may not have been as intentional as some believe.
  3. Just paying attention and not clicking too fast on things. /shrug
  4. You don't think that perhaps this is by design to get players to buy kits?
  5. Yes an actual pet not a mini. This suggestion seems to me that people want permanent "pets" like the ranger, necro and now mechanist. So, why only elevate temporary skills to permanent for just a few professions? Why can't every profession have a permanent "pet"? That's what the cry will be should this suggestion be implemented.
  6. This chapter comes full circle for me as I started GW2 during the finale. It was quite chaotic as a new player and I really didn't know what was going on and I died a lot. It will be interesting to see if I have the same result.
  7. Why not just sell a bunch of permanent "pets" in the gem store, then?
  8. Funny. But, no. Haven't used an aviator box since they first came out and I realized how annoying they are. As for mistaking one for a loot chest, I haven't had that pleasure. Auto loot pretty much prevents that from happening.
  9. Perhaps, but the point stands. Offering skins for a weapon only usable by one profession (and an elite one at that) doesn't set a good precedent IMO. Saying this point is true for rifles is simply incorrect.
  10. Rifles can be used by more than one profession.
  11. I think that the revenant was added to level off the number of professions by armor weight. Until then, heavy only had two whereas medium and light had three professions each. If I recall correctly.
  12. No need to necro post anything as nothing is new in this thread that hasn't already been discussed in the other threads on the same topic. A simple forum search would show that if people actually took the time. As for posting again, yeah, sure if you want to chance getting actioned for going against the CoC, then be my guest.
  13. Repeating an existing topic is against the forums CoC. Please use the forums search feature. Exactly so.
  14. Be careful what you wish for. SWToR uses test servers and then ignores players' feedback anyway.
  15. This is what I was talking about: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Krytan_Jerkin_(armor)
  16. What about players who want to follow the story but "dipped" their toes in PoF only to get their raptor mount? How would such a system differentiate those players?
  17. How could they catch up if the vets can also repeat this content for additional AP?
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