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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Wouldn't this go against the game's initial design where players could roam around and join in on events when and where they find them rather than having to schedule being there?
  2. Sub fees would kill GW2. Then, who would you gank in OWPvP?
  3. @Sobx.1758 Yeah, the OP already knows all of that.
  4. Maybe try a forums search for all of the previous threads on fishing? That might bring some clarity?
  5. I thought mounting/umounting just changed one transformation for another.
  6. Pretty much nothing stopping you from paying a monthly fee on your own and purchasing all of these things.
  7. Yep. That was my point earlier in the thread. 😉
  8. I'm for this, on outfits too. Would love to see some well crafted, clean, "practical" armor options. EDIT: Oh, and without buttcapes.
  9. I believe this is because mounting is a "transformation" as the SB merge probably is, too, and you can't have two transformations active at the same time.
  10. Maybe there are actual women who play GW2 who would prefer this.
  11. Sure, game is dead because the devs won't visit the forum and respond to your post. Can I have your stuff?
  12. I wasn't speaking of myself, personally, but there are many other things that can be done in GW2 that don't impact "the result" of the game (whatever that means?).
  13. Not sure this playerbase would accept a "lower grade" anything.
  14. That's a highly subjective statement. What you might deem "unfun" may well be quite entertaining for a lot of other players.
  15. Or, some want easy kills by ganking PvE players, often because they themselves cannot win in the established PvP formats.
  16. I don't think that this was due to forum requests. This was probably because of the loot-box talk and their way to avoid being caught up in the 'gambling' discussion since the statuettes are guaranteed.
  17. Why are you and so many others afraid of using the formats that are already provided for PvP? Just because players don't want open world PvP doesn't make them snowflakes. Here, you show why players don't want it.
  18. Perhaps not, but that's how the marketing ploy works.
  19. If you had been logging in every day, then you wouldn't have missed it. That's the entire point of why things cycle through the store.
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