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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Hmmm.... I thought that the devs never read the forums.
  2. Why, then, make the siege turtle at all? They could have just made some sort of generic siege thing that could be reskinned in a multitude of ways. But they didn't. They chose to make the siege turtle because it fit within the existing lore that surrounded Cantha.
  3. No, but those didn't have lore behind them whereas the siege turtle does.
  4. I hope not. It would invalidate the entire concept of the siege turtle.
  5. As much as I despise the concept of housing in GW2, I have to agree that it would most likely be more popular than a new raid wing.
  6. Seeing how an armor set takes about 9 months to make, I'd definitely prefer those resources be spent elsewhere. EDIT: not sure of your statement about it earning more money for Anet, though. Where is your data that supports such a claim based on past experience with armor sets vs outfits?
  7. So, if everyone thought as you then the company would not be able to make a profit or stay in business and would close down. Great thinking.
  8. Yeah, good luck with keeping a business running using this model. /smh
  9. No. Housing is a waste of resources. That's my opinion.
  10. Because loot boxes simply aren't enough.
  11. Then you're out of luck. If you have maxed out your slots, it amazes me that you wouldn't already have the profession/race combo that you want.
  12. You can also use the forums search feature to find plenty of threads that have already covered this request.
  13. Please use the forums search feature. ANet has already said no to race changes for the personal story reason that you've already mentioned. The answer is to create a new character. As for suggestion #1, I would rather see Anet use their resources elsewhere. Besides, why wouldn't they want players to purchase a new character slot and purchase templates for that character? Not sure it's a fair compromise when the company would lose money. Suggestion #2 -- same reasoning. Anet would lose money on this as well. But a lot of this has already been discussed over and over and over an over and over again.
  14. No. I'd rather the resources be spent elsewhere.
  15. I don't want the skin. I want the legendary. So how about a way for me to buy the skin from the TP and then just give me the legendary since I then have the skin. /s
  16. Agreed. I use SW/D as my second weapon set (melee) and there's quite a bit of mobility with those for me.
  17. People complain and kitten that ANet doesn't release a roadmap. Then, ANet releases a roadmap and people complain and kitten about it. No wonder ANet doesn't communicate more frequently.
  18. So after the maid/butler release should we now expect gender-neutral swimsuits?
  19. What is boring or fun is highly subjective. Try them and see how they work for you. 🙂
  20. I took my main character through season 1 having never done it before. Was fun.
  21. Well, they are based on the US west coast where many communities lean heavily to the Left and harbor far more progressive viewpoints than most of the rest of the US (with some east coast exceptions). That they inject progressivism into their product really shouldn't surprise anyone. I agree with your assessment of the lore from LS1 forward. I worry that this trend might push far more aggressively as wokeness continues to evolve. I hope that I'm wrong.
  22. I agree. I wonder if this is due to new players wanting to rush to level 80 and end game content in a 10 year old game rather than level up and explore like many of us veterans did over the years. /shrug
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