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Posts posted by jokke.6239

  1. I got a set on this sale for the first time since 2012

    I doubt I'll ever do the shared inventory switch

    That's very inconvenient

    WIll just be for my main I think

    Better to just buy tools on other toons when needed imo

    VIP passes and permanent vendor makes this pretty easy


    I agree that they should have been usable on all characters

    I feel like it's too late now though

    There have to be some guy who have purchased 20 gathering sets by now

    • Like 1
  2. Create a jukebox for VIP lounges


    Both Mistlock and Thousand seas music gets old really fast

    I would like to have some of the nice track from core playing instead etc


    Maybe there would be an issue with the passes that are part of a world map already, if that's the case it could just be a unique feature for the instanced VIP lounges

  3. 8 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

    I generally tend to be pro new player in these situations. I like that things like skyscale and leggy armor have gotten easier over time, I'm fine with the daily ap cap, dislike retiring achievements, etc., but there needs to be a place for rewarding the 'original' players as well. And if birthdays aren't that place, where would it be . . ?

    And if the change is because of new players, then why did the birthday titles exist in the first place?

  4. 12 hours ago, Manpag.6421 said:

    Thousand Seas Pavilion never seems particularly busy to me, everything is close, and I like that you can get to a lot of maps/regions for free via the fishing portal, to reduce WP costs.

    I get tired of the music in Thousand Seas really fast

    They should create a juke box for the lounges

    I mostly just use that pass for the unique functionality it offers (map portals, fishing vendor, jade bot stuff etc)

    • Thanks 1
  5. 18 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    I was going to suggest using Arborstone on the basis that it doesn't cost any extra if you have the expansion and it's more spread out which makes it less crowded, but you might have the same problem as the PoF one.

    I think Mistlock is so busy because it's one of the more popular ones for a long time it was the only one that let you return to your previous map (except Obsidian Sanctum and that has fewer facilities). Later Armistice Bastion and Thousand Seas came out which have the same function, and now almost all of them do.

    I haven't used all of them but the least crowded are likely to be either the ones with bigger maps with services spread across them like Arborstone and the ones that don't have many/any extra features like Noble's Folly and Lava Lounge.

    Armistice, Thousand Seas and Mistlock are the only one that lets you double click on item to let you return though. That does matter a lot for convenience.

    • Thanks 1
  6. I know it's a payed item, but Thousand Seas pass offer you to portal to many maps. I found it very useful for my last world completion


    Kryta: Queensdale, Kessex Hills, Bloodtide Coasdt, Southsun Cove

    Ascalon: Plains of Ashford, Diessa Plateau, Fields of Ruin, Iron Marches

    Maguuma Jungle: Caledon Forest, Metrica Province,  Mount Maelstrom, Sparkfly Fen

    Shiverpeaks Mountains: Timberline Falls, Lornar's Pass, Frostgorge Sound, Thunderhead Peaks

    Ruins of Orr: Straits of Devastation, Malchor's Leap, Cursed Shore, Siren's Landing

    Ring of Fire Islands: Ember Bay, Draconis Mons


    That was just Tyria, there's also some Cantha and Elona maps. And like all passes it also has portal to capitol cities and more


    Season 3, 4 and icebrood portal tomes for living story maps

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  7. 18 minutes ago, Neferpitouh.4356 said:


    But having full wardrobe, all infusions, full legendary armory is also fun.


    The irony is that I think those who alt accounts there way to everything in the game are usually the ones who quit from boredom when they obtained everything they want

    Turns out it's not really about the shiny rewards themselves, but journey towards them

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  8. 8 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    I've been trying to work out the maths behind this claim that you can get 300g - 400g per hour and I don't think it's accurate. There's a lot of sites and posts that say the average value of AA is quite high, but a lot of that is dependant on either keeping it on the same account, or going through methods which are quite time consuming and have a lot of other initial costs.

    For example the Build Template and Build Storage expanders are ranked as having quite high 'profit' per AA on the Fast Farming website (compared to the price of converting gems to gold to buy them from the gem store) but you can only do that on the account you want to use them on because there's no way to trade or gift them so they're useless for an alt farming account.

    There's also things like the Legendary Weapon Starter Kit which is obviously very valuable: it contains a precursor, the matching Gift and either a Gift of Might or Gift of Magic. But those are all account bound. To turn it into gold you need to make the legendary weapon, so you need to get the Gift of Exploration, Gift of Battle, 250 Spirit Shards, 250 Obsidian Shards, 77 Mystic Clovers, 250 Ectoplasm and a Gift of Might or Magic. That's going to add a lot to the time required, so if we're measuring profit as gold per hour it goes down dramatically.

    There's also things like the 4 Vision Crystals which technically can be sold, but only by turning them into Nightfury. That requires 717g of other materials and a Gift of Ascalon (which requires dungeon tokens), knocking your profit when you sell it down from 1,118g to 401g and considerably increasing the time required. Also it's only 1 item, if many people do it (one one person across lots of accounts) it will swamp the TP and crash the price.

    Items which can be quickly sold are pretty limited:

    • 90 gold bought directly (540 AA)
    • 60 Mystic Coins (540AA) which sell for 1.19g each or 71.4 in total
    • 30 Heavy Crafting Bags (240 AA) sell for 0.57g each or 17g in total
    • 150 Laurels (1500 AA) sell for 0.69g each (used to buy light crafting bags) or 103.5g in total
      Black Lion Mastery Coffer (300AA) for 1g each or 20g in total
    • That's 3120 AA for 301.9g - and each account can only do that once every quarter (76 days in the first cycle).

    After that you're down to Large Crafting Bags or gold at 30 AA each. Gold is the better of the two, it's worth 0.0333g per AA (3s 33c). Since we're assuming this alt account has SotO to buy Heavy Crafting Bags lets assume they do ALL the achievements in the first cycle and get the total of 14,760 AA. They spent 3120 leaving 11,640 for gold. 11,640 / 30 gives you 388g.

    So in 76 days an alt account can transfer 690g to a main account.

    Now maybe it's possible to do that within 2 hours total, but it still has to be spread over 76 days. To make a profit from the more valuable items like the legendary starter kit you need to put a lot more time into it and across a wider range of activities (100% world completion for a start) and at that point I think it'd be pretty hard to claim they're just passively farming alt accounts and not really playing.

    Someone with 100 accounts wouldn't worry too much about the currency cap in the vault though

    They can just cycle accounts to keep going

    But I highly doubt it will get anywhere near 300-400 g an hour

    • Like 3
  9. 1 minute ago, Neferpitouh.4356 said:

    Why? You can just hit once with all of them once and leave them afk, you'll get full credit.  I assume it is 6 to 8 because that's how much his PC handle, otherwise even 100 wouldn't be a problem. 

    100 alt accounts? 

    There need to be someone to kill the boss too though 😄

    • Like 1
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  10. 35 minutes ago, Neferpitouh.4356 said:


    It is the combination of average value of AA and how long does it take to get objectives done on alts. 


    A dude who has a lot of alts there shares his gains. His math seems to be correct. 

    It seems like a lot of effort still

    If I were to do it I would stick to like 5 accounts and just do weekly and special objectives on all of them, that way you could still remain sane 

    But I'm sort of forgetting a fresh account will need a lot of work to do the stuff in the first place

    Yeah, it's certainly not as easy as just logging in and out 


    Edit: oh right, special objectives are like

    complete soto story

    new friends achievment

    ride a leyline with skyscale, requiring the mastery level up


    Doing the vista one is the only one that's not too bad, so yeah ...

    No way this is a good method either

  11. 1 minute ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

    Yeah. I'm just assuming the guy wants an area that will probably load faster than other maps + have fewer people, and it's very compact. They've also made it so you can return to your prior map, just like you can Mistlock. The only bad part would be no immediate world map access, if that's what he's looking for. 😞

    Yeah I use armistice a lot too

    But the lack of world map is annoying ;S

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  12. 3 minutes ago, Neferpitouh.4356 said:

    Older alt accounts have tomes in them... Lv.80 is only an issue for new alts. Even then you can get easy levels through crafting or stuff. 

    The point is it translates into 300-400g/h farms. Honestly, why would I farm 10 hours of DF if I can get the same gains in 1 hour doing  easy stuff on alts? 

    Because doing daily on 50 accounts is not fun

    I doubt many would be able to keep that up for long

    Alt account was very lazy before, it's not anymore

    I don't think many would do more than max 5 accounts

    They have to actually play the game now


    What's the math for 300/400 g an hour?

    How many accounts?

    • Like 9
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  13. I do agree with most of what you said

    But I don't think it's worse with the new system though

    You need a lvl 80 (so this will kill the farm for new heroic accounts), you do need to actually play the game, even if it's for a short ammount of time. I don't think most people would do more than 5 accounts a day, but I could be wrong.

    It's not as bad as just logging in and out on 100 accounts

    • Like 7
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  14. Not only does Mistlock/Armistice Bastion/Thousand seas have unique features.

    They are also the only passes that have double click on the passes to return to your previous position

    But the old and new passes with better features are the same price

    So in my opinion you should either update them with the "return" feature or lower the price

    Currently PvP lobby is more convenient than the old lounges in some ways

    • Confused 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Freya.9075 said:

    “The word "gaslighting" is often used incorrectly to refer to conflicts and disagreements. According to Robin Stern, PhD, co-founder of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, "Gaslighting is often used in an accusatory way when somebody may just be insistent on something, or somebody may be trying to influence you. That's not what gaslighting is.

    Some mental health experts have expressed concern that the broader use of the term is diluting its usefulness and may make it more difficult to identify the specific type of abuse described in the original definition.

    In a 2022 Washington Post report, it was described as a "trendy buzzword" frequently used to describe ordinary disagreements, rather than those situations that align with the word's historical definition.”

    Time to do your research on the word. Maybe you’ll learn something new. Learning is always good! 


    /wiki gaslighting

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  16. For Trading Post/Bank/Vendor just go to PvP lobby

    It's the logo with 2 swords in the top left corner

    When you're done, open the PvP UI again and press leave

    That will return you to where you were previously, not just the same map, but the same position

    So you won't have to look for these things on the map and worry about getting back and forth

    There's premium passes that offer same functionality, but with more vendors/crafting stations etc

    This sort of works as a free version of that, with just the essentials

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