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  1. I did exactly as you said for a good while, used Steam to play with my controller. I am very familiar with all of the third-party workarounds. I decided to stop doing that. Third Party workarounds shouldn't be necessary. For me it's the principle, despite how much I like the game. And it's perfectly fine if you think it is "kinda ridiculous" and don't understand or whatever. I'm not terribly interested in arguing about it at this point either. I've said what I needed to say, it can stand as is. I've got nothing else to say on the matter, really.
  2. Lack of *Native*, built-in Controller Support. That's it. It is the hill I have decided that I will die on. Controller is my preferred input and in my old (for gamers) age, I am at the point in my gaming life where arguing against it, trying to prove to me that it can't be done in MMORPGs, that it can't or doesn't work, that MMORPGs "have too many buttons" or trying to shame me for preferring Controllers does nothing to me. I've experienced good controller play for myself both on PC and on Console in multiple games, so I personally know better. I don't know where to submit "official" feedback about it, so I'm posting here. I am currently playing World of Warcraft, which DOES have *native*, Built-In Controller Support that works very well. In fact, learning that it does and being curious to try it out for myself is what convinced me to try WoW again in the first place after not playing in over a decade. I am also playing Diablo on both PC and Xbox and it too has built-in Controller support on PC. As a general rule, I no longer play MMOs that don't. The absolute second that Guild Wars 2 implements built-in Controller Support and I can play it with my Xbox Controller without having to use a workaround(like Steam) to do so, I would immediately quit whatever else I was playing and come back to GW2 as a full-time player. Because GW2 is that good in literally every other aspect. In my opinion, anyway.
  3. I get disagreeing with design decisions, but whew. This is really, really overbearingly dramatic. There is no way that this content is THAT bad to warrant this sort of thing. A single piece of content should not drive you to this extreme, it's not healthy. Please take a break from the game, experience other games , experience life, work on whatever else you have going on, and then come back in like a year or so when you are in a better mental state, and you'll enjoy the game again. Benefit of this game's design, you can leave and come back right where you left off fairly easily.
  4. I have not played the ENTIRE story from start to finish (my most accomplished character just killed Joko), but thus far I would definitely have to say making Balthazar the villain of POF instead of say...Menzies. Or some other minor divine being, of which I am sure there are many somewhere in the Mists.
  5. Taimi > Zojja. Don't @ me. At least Taimi is not a complete an utter jerk 100% of the time.
  6. Wherever she is, she can stay there. Zojja has been an eyeroll-inducing insufferable character in nearly every appearance thus far that I have experienced.
  7. I'm sure that the 50 best players in the game can solo them all right now. "Soloable" and "Designed for Solo Play" are not the same thing. Esoterickk solos all of the most difficult group content in Destiny 2, but that does not mean they are designed for Solo players. I'm not saying that Dungeons are the hardest content. Only that they aren't designed for Solo play, and I wish they were, because groups don't play them anymore anyway, Anet has abandoned them, and AFAIK at this point they serve no purpose. This would give them purpose and make them relevant to the current game in at least some fashion.
  8. I wanna go to wherever the Largos live. The Commander owes Sayeh al' Rajihd a favor, it's high time she called it in.
  9. I have always thought that since they aren't doing anything else with Dungeons, and Fractals/Strikes/Raids are their preferred group end-game content, that Dungeons should be repurposed and rebalanced to be Endgame-Level Solo content. Basically slide Dungeons into the spot that things like Maelstrom Arena and Vateshran Hollows occupy in Elder Scrolls Online as Aspirational Content for Solo players. Story Mode being Normal, and Explorable Paths being "Veteran". Dungeons are abandoned content, so why not repurpose it in a way that makes it more relevant?
  10. All I want is native controller support. Steam launch is the perfect time to do it, because of SteamDeck. I currently use GW2 in Steam as a "non-steam game" in order to use my Controller. It works well. But native support would be much better.
  11. So we're gatekeeping the Steam release now? Anyone who comes to GW2 via the Steam release is some kind of lesser player? Pretty welcoming there guys. Will be awesome for player retention. More Players = Better. If Steam brings more players, then the game gets more money, the game gets more money, we get more content. I don't see the issue.
  12. I'm browsing the forum and just about every class forum is filled with "ANET doesn't know what their doing, *insert class* is completely useless and not worth playing now" and whatnot. I'm not here to argue about "constructive criticism" or whatever. Ya'll can fight about that on your own I just want to know, is there a class that is generally liked overall, and players feel like it is actually in a good, fun, effective place?
  13. I'm currently playing via Controller through Steam, and while it works well, it doesn't work as well as native support would. This game is far more enjoyable to me (for me) in Action Camera, with a Controller. For the person who will inevitably come in here and say something along the lines of "it's too complex/too many buttons for a controller, controllers can't hand MMORPGs" or whatever...that idea has been outdated and flat out untrue for the better part of a decade now. MMORPGs work very well on Controllers. and IMO, they work better here with this game's combat system. at least for me, YMMV, but I cannot see myself playing this with M/K. Hopefully native support is in the plans, at the very least in the distant future. I'd heard it was being worked on before the Pandemic, but was put on hold.
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