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  1. Being in a high queue is annoying, but it is most infuriating when you wait and the queue pops and you get the "travel " dialog. You click "travel", and instead of entering the map, it tells you map is full and dumps you at the end of the queue. This is an old bug, and after all this time I suspect that Anet simply does not have the ability to fix it.
  2. The lack of an update is, in itself, an update. Remember when alliances were first mentioned, and then we found out the lack of updates was due to them shelving the whole thing? While I do not think they have given up on alliances, I do think it has been shelved until SotO is released. They are most likely working as much as possible on that, to try to trim down the number of bugs and untested/broken systems before release. They have asked for a lot of trust and money for this new style of content release, and it would be in their best interest to make sure it goes as well as possible.
  3. I did not pre-order, because the "slightly reduced price" is too much to pay for what is essentially Anet saying "Trust us - future portions will be great". They have proven over the years that their content and design choices are hit and miss. For example, I hope to be proven wrong but they have problems balancing things now. Not sure how they are going to balance when they will be introducing a lot more variables with relics and weapons. I am thinking they are afraid to charge a fair price for the content as they release it, because they themselves are aware that they have a difficult time getting it right, and they do not want to give people the ability to not pay for substandard releases. Note: I have been playing for almost 10 years and do read forums, but seldom post. I simply dislike this new "pre-pay and trust us that the releases over the nest year will be good" system enough that it has motivated me to post.
  4. I do not have any legendary runes, so I cannot test this myself, but is it possible to select, say, one of the elite specialization runes without having completed said elite spec? If so, then I believe that should be enough justification for those who have full legendary rune sets to get an unlimited and unrestricted legendary relic when it is available, because they already have access to runes they have not "earned". If this is not the case, then at the very least, they should give these people something like the WvW provisioner gizmo that would give them whatever account-bound, zero merchant value, non-salvagable relic they desire which has been "earned". That way Anet does right by legendary rune set owners, but no one else but said legendary rune set owner can benefit (because of account-bound, zero merchant value, and non salvagable).
  5. My commander reminds me about pulls by saying things like "Do not go too close to the edge of the wall, or you will be in range to get pulled off", or "Mount up so you will not get pulled". I still get pulled every so often because I am not paying attention. I consider the instant death that usually results as completely deserved, and a reminder to myself to pay attention to what is going on. You also need to be careful of multiple pullers. A well placed pull can pull you up the stairs to the top of the wall, and another pull then gets you over and out. This does not seem to happen often, but I have had it happen to me a few times. This same idea works for the wall crenels too, so hiding behind those is not really safe either.
  6. Some are saying that the recent ties are bad and we need a tie breaking system. I would like to point out that it is also a problem that a team which has come in first in all their matches since the beginning of the year can simply stop playing for a week to drop down.
  7. This happened to me this evening, as well. They have not been able to fix this for quite a long time, and at this point I doubt they ever will. It would be refreshing if they would simply let us know that, for <insert reason here>, they cannot fix the "queue" and it is really a lottery. Once that fact was admitted, you could then decide how long you wanted to wait for your number to be drawn, without the mistaken belief that your "queue" number has something to do with how close you are to getting into the map. They also (and more urgently, in my opinion) really need to fix this bug where you have allegedly won the "queue" lottery, click "travel" to claim your prize, and get told "Sorry, we were just fooling you. Back to the end of the line!" It is common knowledge that reset night is popular and map slots are limited, but telling people they have won a slot in the map lottery, and then taking the prize away just makes people angry, which is probably not what you want to be doing to your customers if you would like them to give you money.
  8. Sat in Lion's Arch for 1.5 hours as queue went down from 30 to 1. Received the travel dialog, and clicked travel button. Received "The map is full do you want to queue up". Dumped back into queue at 50. On the bright side, I did not hit the team selection bug that seems to have been happening for others.
  9. Since this is a beta that we cannot opt out of, it would be nice if they would simply give us our claim tickets by default when these tests are running for a whole week. Perhaps give us the same number of claim tickets we had earned in the previous week, so no one gets a windfall of tickets that they would have never otherwise obtained? That being said, I expect we will get nothing at all.
  10. Attempted to join at reset via Armistice Bastion portal. Received the "traveling" screen, and then kicked to character selection screen. Reloaded character, and in a 50 person queue. Afer 2 hours, it eventually went to 1, and I received the "travel" message box. Clicked to travel now, and received a message box that the borderlands were full and invited me to queue up again. It was a 35 person queue, so I decided to not waste another two hours, and gave up. All others in my group joined via the Lion's Arch portal, and were able to get in.
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