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Everything posted by Nex.1453

  1. We had someone who didn't have mounts the other day in Wing 5, I used my turtle to get him across the chasm to mouth. Aside from that, I can't say it's that useful
  2. Let's be real here, most players won't be staying for more than a few hours, much less getting to late game where the quickness/alacrity problem matters. The more important thing to discuss is how the levelling experience for F2P players suck, from the lack of general tutorials on the UI/controls to the outdated hearts they need to grind. They can't even enter their city until level 10, and I know many of my friends stopped playing way before even that. Let's address the new player experience first before talking about the boon meta in preparation of the Steam launch.
  3. Josh Strife Hayes even mentioned how one of the seven deadly sins of bad MMO design is forced interaction. WvW players seem to use the argument of "well I need to do PvE to get all of the other materials", but I think this complaint of Gift of Battle stems from several factors: The players are older now, and most won't have enough time to spend an entire afternoon running around in WvW Fun is subjective, and to them the idea of running around aimlessly for 4-6h capturing random objectives, or getting mowed down by a zerg / group of roamers isn't fun When you got a new expansion and a bunch of other content to play, the last thing people want to do is to sit through a monotonous 4h session of WvW, with more than half of that time afking or walking to your objective I think it sucks that I need to get one every time I make a legendary, and I'm not looking forward to having to do it multiple times for the legendary trinkets. Part of me is beating myself up for not stocking up on them when it only took 500 badges of honor to buy one, but it is what it is. Still a more enjoyable experience than ranked pvp
  4. We skipped all the way until the last section, when there were too many elites and spores in the way. The person who made the lfg didn't say anything when posting, there were zero expectations on how the run was suppose to go. Sure, maybe if they gave me a bit more time I would've went back and helped them clear the mobs, but they just suddenly decided to kick me. This is my entire point, which nobody seems to be acknowledging.
  5. Regardless of whether the group wanted to kill the mobs or skip, kicking people is not cool. There's a reason they made it so you can't kick people right before killing a raid boss. That's my entire point.
  6. By that logic, wouldn't that make you toxic as well for calling me toxic?
  7. That's exactly what I did. Doesn't take away from the toxic experience though when they try to kick you right before the final boss.
  8. I was trying to do a quick round of twilight arbor for some nightmare runes on the necro because I didn't feel like coughing up 70 gold for torment runes. When I said I wanted to skip the mobs and head straight for the boss, they tried to kick me because they wanted to kill the mobs instead. *Edit: more context because people are confused - We skipped all the way until the last section, when there were too many elites and spores in the way. The person who made the lfg didn't say anything when posting, there were zero expectations on how the run was suppose to go. - Sure, maybe if they gave me a bit more time I would've went back and helped them clear the mobs, but they just suddenly decided to kick me. Like, I get it if it's a 100cm fractal or a raid and you're not pulling your weight / not doing the mechanics, but kicking in a dungeon in 2022? Seriously? I was almost tempted to just use my extractors and get the rune from my condi soulbeast. Even though I had some great interactions helping new players out with the dungeon recently, I'll now just forever remember this one negative experience that'll overshadow all the good ones in my memory. Just wanted to rant.
  9. EoD has the best story, best looking maps, and the best final meta, but it has the worst elite specs and really mediocre masteries. PoF had the best masteries through mounts, and by far the most OP elite specs, but the maps are all just a conglomerate of yellow and orange with zero replayability. The story was also meh. HoT maps are much more navigable now thanks to mounts, and most of the elite specs are still relevant to this day, but most of the masteries are irreverent outside of their maps. Overall, all the expansions have their ups and downs, but in terms of how successful of a launch EoD was, it's probably their smoothest launch so far.
  10. Even at the lowest graphical options the game crashes. Maybe it has to do with DX11, but I'll try rolling DX9 for now to see whether that helps. Every single day this week I've crashed at pinata right when the map starts dpsing it down, it's getting a bit annoying now.
  11. This is just a PvE perspective on the builds, from open world to fractals/raids/strike. Mechanist feels really clunky with the micromanagement of the F1-F3 bot skills. At times you feel like you're playing half a class compared to holo. It does provide decent boon support and barrier but it just feels bad to play vs alacren. The movespeed signet is really enjoyable tho. 3/5 Willbender is just a worse dragonhunter. You get more mobility, but at the cost of less AoE from traps. I haven't played with willbender too much in open world, but I'd imagine dragonhunter is better in most scenarios. 2/5 Bladesworn is actually really cool depending on the encounter. You can just remain charged up while the others are cleaving down souls between Gorseval phases, and slash the boss for 200k damage. In open world or solo content though, it's not as good because you don't have access to buffs and you're just standing there being pummeled. It's also susceptible to blinds unless you take the middle final trait, and it's especially bad against non-telegraphed evades. 3/5 Harbinger is an absolute menace with full condi, but because of the blight mechanic you die really easily with full vipers. I've been running full ritualist and it's been working much better in most content. 4/5 Edit* After the catalyst nerf, ele is once again unplayable in PvE. People quit the game over changes like these, where they spend all the time and effort to master their rotations and deck out their fashion game, only for their build to be thanos snapped. In fact, that's one of the biggest reasons I quit the game after the staff weaver nerf post PoF. I quit league for this exact reason, when they reworked Ryze back to back, rendering all my mechanical knowledge useless. What a load of kitty kat kitten. 1/5 Virtuoso just feels like a worse chrono or mirage. It looks by far the flashiest out of the classes, but there's very little substance behind the build. You just spam your shatter and skills off cooldown and hope the enemy dies. Maybe it's because every other mesmer elite spec has been game breaking and they decided to play it real safe. Still, for how flashy the animations are (particularly the F4 shatter), I give it 2/5 Untamed. It sucks. The pet's ugly. You couldn't pay me to play it. 0/5 Vindicator just feels bad to play, like it doesn't know what it wants to be. The alliance skills have very little synergy with the kit, none of the other legends really complement it, there's very little boon support or utility vs. ventari herald or alacren. It barely even has self-generating vigor for a class that's heavily realiant on its dodge. The greatsword skills and dodge is great for cleaving down mobs in open world and short encounters, but overall I would rather just play alacren or herald. 1/5 Spectre is actually really interesting. I think it has the potential to be one of the meta builds through boon support with ritualist and wells. It does break the game's one rule of not targeting your allies, which I find to be a breath of fresh air compared to all the aoe heals in the game. The scepter skills are a bit underwhelming, but I love to see more support options in the game. 4/5 Overall, most of the specs feel underwhelming. Maybe it's because I've played my current build for years and know it inside and out, and maybe it's also because renegade / scourge / firebrands are op. Either way, I'm pretty happy with new additions to classes to spice things up.
  12. For once we finally get a meta where it's not just completely braindead with people spamming 1 on their bearbow ranger. Even though the meta demands a lot more from your average player than any other meta, I'd rather keep it the way it is. It's only day 3 into the expansion, people will learn, figure out the most optimal strategies, and the price of memories of Aurene will eventually come down to a reasonable cost for gen 3 weapons. The encounter is really well designed too, and not running it down the lane killing stuff in DS. I would much rather have this be the penultimate meta event that actually requires more than the bare minimum from average players than the wet noodle, loot piñata that the Chak Gerent is today after the nerfs. Is it a kitten move to lock turtle behind the meta tho? Absolutely. Does it suck to see it fail after spending 2h in the map? Definitely.
  13. Hello, I have around 350 LIs, and am experienced only in the first 4 wings. I haven't done raids since wing 5 came out, but am looking to get back into it with a static team. When it comes to fractals, I'm only at level 70 personal, but know enough to get by on 100 CM, and even though only my condi bs has agony, I have enough gold to buy it if necessary. As for strikes, unfortunately I have zero experience under the belt, but am willing to learn. For classes, I can play almost anything, and prefer magi druid, power dragonhunter, though I can also be a bs, qb or alac if necessary. My ingame tag is Nex.1453, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you should you select me for the static
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