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  1. For the wvw Beta, I'm have set S M E L L Y [CHZ] as beta guild. I did not get the same server as my guild. I thought Friday reset would fix but it didn't. I heard I can submit a support ticket for it so I went to the support site (https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us). I hit "log in" and I go "https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/signin?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.guildwars2.com%2Fhc%2Fen-us&locale=en-us" which is the main page. Submit ticket goes to https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/requests/new which say to log in.... takes me to https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/signin?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.guildwars2.com%2Fhc%2Frequests%2Fnew . Please advise. Edit: I am currently on Skrittsburgh but CHZ is on Seven Pines.
  2. Account: Galisaa.8304 From: Tarnished Coast Guild WvW selected: S M E L L Y [CHZ] Current team: Reaper Corridor Expected team: Skittersburg Gah, got it wrong. They are on Seven Pines. They fought in skittersburg bl last night, sry I got confused. THanks for updating my team even though I'm still not on the right one XD.
  3. I read patch notes. I get confused. Say you want X, nerf Y and Z. Or make ABC changes that don't influence X. Also, having low population builds under scrutiny.
  4. DH damage is about the same as before. They had high damage in high telegraph scenarios that could be killed by most classes as is it was so squishy. DH also has 0 sustain so you could beat them in two rotations of basic skills if you used everything else defensively. The population was manageable. You saw few dh, most sticking with their team as dps (to survive). A few higher risk roamer dh. What changed? +180 vitality and aegis on trap. In a vacuum, this is fine, the issue is combing with defender relic. (I kid you not, I had a game go long for 500kdmg, 300k healing; defender was only source of healing.) Now, your builds which could out-sustain cd rotation can't because of the extra healing. Other points of frustrations: Traps do so much damage they are mandatory to play around. Both the procing of and the avoiding of the damage. If the dh gets to set a rotation of traps AND have the full CD ready to go they have resources to bully. The elite trap. No way to tell if it's trapping you or your ally. Tooltip doesn't help learning how to play against. Dodging late makes it worse. Have to test/wiki which skills will go through and which won't. How I'd change dh? Test of faith, not able to be cast while cc'd for instant protection; -10% scaling dmg, +2sec cd. Blades, 8 hits over the same amount of time, +4scd. Edit1: I forgot to mention how the flavor of the month is making two dh on each time a reality. Quadruple the traps, quadruple the fun? In conclusion, nerfs might be warranted. As a fun note, here is my bunker-ish dh. Weakness of the build is speedy ranged dps which never fight in melee. DH was one of my most played before last patch >.>, Edit2: Taking some projectile reflect can feel great and give your team 5~ secs to ignore dh and focus another target.
  5. Fun berserker pvp weapon with explosive 3 1 1, invention 2 3 2, tools 1 2 3
  6. Healing cost should scale? I actually thought signet of undeath scaled but it does not in game. Maybe the heal values are pinch low then, I either never notice/think about the cost. Non-auto Damage values feel a bit high. P5 is odd that it has an extra .5 fear duration compared to staff/war-horn. I like running max fear + terror talent before beta and extra .5 is very strong. s4 is bit visually noisy and the aoe is larger then a dodge roll. I feel a lot of the hitboxes are big. If s/s power budget is no finisher/fields, I don't think that is a drawback. Hitting with s2/4 that kills a targets allows flip without any effect. All flip skills deal more dmg than auto so you'd always do flip skill if you are not under pressure? Bug? - s4 hits the target for dmg and life-siphon damage. All targets in the area are hit twice. Can deal 4k easy in pvp lobby with double crit. Rotation thought process: s2 is bread and butter for the lifeforce, flip only if they below 50% (auto better). s3 use off cool-down since it does more than auto and heals. While s3 is slow-ish it is still faster than auto3. s4 feels biggy with it's double hit, use off cooldown as it hits very hard and flip too. s5 hits once but applies a dot that hits again twice, hardest hitting skill. s5 flip only if cc needed or terror trait.
  7. Things I like: f3/w3 animation. How easy 20 stacks of bleeding are (Can 100% uptime with earth alone at 40% duration). Animation: Charr bullet height took me a while to finally notice them. They seem low/inside character. P1 - Animation needs additional effects during startup. The lag time between using 1 and an particle effect makes it feel slow; currently only the projectile shows up. Project does not feel like it is tied to my character since it spawns so far away (for instance, shooting into the ground has the paritical almost already clipping). About the same dmg as necro p1 but does not bounce.. Air is comically larger than other projections. Earth smaller. Game-play: Air 3 flip tool-tip is confusing. There is not any indication for some of the skills. fire1 + fire2 look the same but one is far deadlier. Air feels a little weak on the base strike dmg. Even water 2 does more with power. Bullet mechanic feels lackluster. Offensively I always want the extra damage and defensively I instinctive go for offhand skills first. Comparison to existing: Necro p1 to f1/e1 feel similar in damage amount but necro also bounces. w2 and np2 have same duration but one shoots 6 vs 5 times. Other: Water 2 (Bug?) is a project finisher when not using a bullet. With the ordering of the tool-tip I expected to not have the effect unless a bullet is ready. Water 3 (Bug?) is an ice field even when not using a bullet. Tool-tips could use the extra spacing harbinger elixirs have.
  8. Is there a reason for all the offisince stat combos to have pri? Some builds can get 70% with just traits
  9. ❤️ except I'm starting to feel this way for most of the classes.
  10. There was nothing added with these notes. I was wishing for an explanation on why the specific design implementation was chosen for a goal. A number of these changes actively go against your stated goals.
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