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Posts posted by Gwaihir.1745

  1. @Safandula.8723 said:

    @Dantheman.3589 said:All these resources are abusable!(edited)

    1.) mug or mark require a rework or icd, as it can be used endlessly on clones downed targets or pets for insane boons or healing2.) tactical strike needs a huge nerf to bring it inline, as it is a cc that can do up to 7k on DE3.) tooth stab can do 10k per plz fixOther stuff of lower but still very high priority4.) feline grace needs a real icd, in addition to icds for bountiful theft and possibly be quick or be killed, becuz why is there an option that may be permanent boons/stat boost5.) M7 probably gives too much initiative and when combined with mercy I can give permanent full initiative6.) same problem with mark and mug- thrill of the crime needs icd reason already stated7.) many weapon skills damage not touched like cloak and dagger and this will be taken advantage of. where as the change to sw/d 3 is logical because at least flanking strike was nerfed, but maybe do something to prevent larcenous strike spam also Becuz that will also be taken advantage/spammed which isn’t skillful.8.) besides Deadeye builds that are busted with mark spam crit strikes dps and for some builds even the utility is starting to be very busted9.) pistol whip shouldn’t have a animation cancel on jump. Using this u can hit stun and continue moving at same time. We already got rid of staff 3 jump bug while the same thing exist on pistol whip, except it doesn’t dodge because the dodge is part of later animation.

    I think I can go on and on actually but these things especially the first 3 should be hot fixed immediately. Also hopefully the comment section will be full of things that are just busted on thief atm as I’m sure there’s plenty

    Thers only 1 skill on thief that needs nerf for a long Time already, and u didnt list it

    Only 1? I can name a few more.

  2. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    @Gwaihir.1745 said:Maul needs to go to 10 seconds, same as mighty blow. Mighty blow is weaker than maul so it would make more sense to see maul at 10 seconds.

    Mighty blow weaker? It's faster and a daze, just cuz its dps is lower doesnt make it a weaker skill in the slightest.It's fine how it is.Its pets...Its dps modifiers....Now its gs cd's lolAnything else?

    Wow that was an impressive display of a lack of knowledge of the game.

    Wow read and comprehend two post above lmao I explained why I said what I said

    And my comment stands. It showed that you need to have an actual knowledge of the game to make balance changes.

  3. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    @Gwaihir.1745 said:Maul needs to go to 10 seconds, same as mighty blow. Mighty blow is weaker than maul so it would make more sense to see maul at 10 seconds.

    Mighty blow weaker? It's faster and a daze, just cuz its dps is lower doesnt make it a weaker skill in the slightest.It's fine how it is.Its pets...Its dps modifiers....Now its gs cd's lolAnything else?

    You literally took mighty blow and said 'well guess he meant hilt bash'.

  4. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    @"choovanski.5462" said:imagine not playing warrior and neutering burnguard with just weapon swap


    Lmao yeah champ u get 36k multiple burns bursts being contantly applied while weapon swapping to remove 1 condi every 5 sec and see how that works out for u. Perfect talk is cheap example.Burns are definitely grossly overperforming right now.

    Yeah pull another number like 36k ticks out if you want anyone to ever take ya seriously.

  5. @"Seffen.2875" said:I have only deeper knowledge of wvw, so the things stated here only apply there. I would love, If anyone can add insights for other modes.


    The trait "Force of Will" is extremely unhealthy in my opinion. Not for the gameplay as a whole but rather for the Guardian itself.

    In WvW, the straight is unrivaled strong for a healing guard. I have come up with this reasons:

    300 Vitality is very much for a tank. Almost 4000 LP. This alone is pretty strong.The increased healing counts, as opposed to most other traits increasing healing in guarding, for every kind of healing. Most other traits just focus on one aspect of the guarding, most of the time its not a "character" trait but rather a certain kind of abilities.

    My point is: You can literally not take this trait if you are tank guard / heal guard. I think this is pretty sad because it leaves a lot of other traits and even complete traitlines completely unused.I would love this trait to be either nerfed or rather reworked for the sake of more diversity.

    That trait has existed for a very long time and and your numbers are inflatedTry identifying the actual problem here.

  6. @Axl.8924 said:Was fighting one in 1v1 duel and he could keep it spammed 80-90% of the time being invuln to damage, and thats just kitten broken.

    Something like double the cd pls? not asking for triple or anything but at least 40-50 sec cd.

    @Axl.8924 said:

    @phokus.8934 said:This is the problem with this player base - ask for nerfs when playing severely sub-optimal builds and not knowing the class they're playing.

    Look at his post history he doesn't even know the game yet is engaging in balance discussions. How is that allowed? Nerf forum warriors reeee

    i'l have you know i was pvping for quite a while in 1v1 duels on ranger so far, and i've played this game before, so inb4 you call me a total noob.

    Getting outplayed and being angry at the result is never a reason to call for a nerf. Carry on folks.

  7. @Arken.3725 said:The thing is Justice, nerfing something into oblivion for the betterment of the game is exactly what I want, even at the sacrifice of my own main. It's called giving a kitten and not being selfish. I've stated what I believed should be changed based on the fundamental basics of balance(single-target>AoE, Cast-time>instant, ect). These needed to be heeded.

    Just let this one stand for itself.

    This guy just made a call to nerf a class into oblivion because he thinks it will make the game better.

  8. @shadowpass.4236 said:@ollbirtan.2915@Fueki.4753@otto.5684@"ZDragon.3046"


    As I've stated before, and the FB main for Team USA agrees, it's the core guard traitlines that are the issue with Symbolbrand. Feel free to argue otherwise, but people who actually main the spec (Arken too) or have a lot of experience with/against better players, don't have an issue recognizing the root of the problem.

    Hmm so many problems here where to start. If the root of the problem were outside FB as you say we would see an issue on build outside of FB. We do not.

    Being good at something does not make you good at balancing it. Cough vallun.

    You can Streisand this one all day but it will not change the misguidance here.

  9. @Aigleborgne.2981 said:

    @RUNICBLACK.7630 said:This has been brought up before and the problem is the Master of Consecration trait increasing the duration by 2 seconds which would obviously leave it with a 4 second block which is pretty much a non starter, the longest block is 3 seconds to my knowledge. Granted thematically it makes sense but the impact of its execution would be problematic.

    True, but they could change consecration trait with a specific duration for each consecration.Shelter would be at 3 seconds.Not sure it would be bring back to life consecrations through...

    3s shelter would decimate the skill. As it stands you cant even use shelter since it will get shut down. Unblockable was a mistake and should never have happened. All unblockable added was a counter to a counter, which should never exist.

  10. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @shadowpass.4236 said:Suggestions:
    1. Tomes should have a global cooldown depending on which one was used. Cooldowns should be reduced from 40-50-75 to 30-40-65 to account for the extra skills and global cooldown.
    2. The symbols on scepter and axe should both be 12s cd
    3. Symbolic Avenger should go from 2% to 1% extra damage per symbol hit
    4. Symbolic Power should go from 30% extra symbol damage to 7% (it's literally a
      trait that increases their damage by 30% lol...)
    5. Symbolic Exposure should go from 2 vulnerability per symbol hit to 1 stack, 5% damage increase to 3% vs. vulnerable foes
    6. Mantra charge cooldowns should go from 12s to 25s.
    7. Furious Focus should go from 1 stack of vulnerability per second with fury to 2 stacks every 3 seconds.
    8. Symbol max targets should be reduced from 5 to 3 (maybe)
    9. Zealous Scepter needs a 2s ICD on the might gain

    1. Firebrands will need to pick whether they buff + deal damage, heal + cleanse, or support instead of all 3 within a short time frame + being able cast them all again with Renewed Focus. Lower cooldowns on tomes to compensate for global cooldown
    2. 50% traited symbol uptime instead of the current 75%
    3. 15% extra damage vs. foes with vulnerability who get hit by symbols instead of the current 45% extra damage (70% extra damage vs. max vuln enemies currently...)
    4. Firebrand will no longer be stack 25 vulnerability on a max of 5 people just by casting 2 symbols
    5. Firebrand will no longer be able to easily stack 25 might on themselves
    6. 20s traited mantra charge cooldowns instead of 9.5s cooldowns

    And this is why you aren't on the balance team. This would decimate these weapons and traits for core specs and go a long way to seeing that dh never uses them either.

    Balance is not a vacuum. You're treating it as such. You need to put more thought into this if you want the devs to take you seriously.

    we are waiting for your proposal chief.If they nerfs are too hash they can be buffed back up. Doing nothing is the worst thing they can do.If it takes 2-3weeks of guard not being broken in pvp for once to finally have a shot at balancing it then why not take it?

    No. Doing the wrong thing is far worse. Do you even stop for minute to wonder why the devs are silent until the dust settles. You're the very reason for it. Maybe if you're not able distinguish guard from FB you might go read up a bit prior to anything.

  11. The last post I saw on this topic proposed the nerfs in such a way that it would decimate core guard, and go a long way toward ensuring dh is bottom tier. Since y'all are going to be throwing stuff out left and right, make sure your nerfs affect the actual problem and not everything else. Balance is not a vacuum.

  12. @shadowpass.4236 said:Suggestions:

    1. Tomes should have a global cooldown depending on which one was used. Cooldowns should be reduced from 40-50-75 to 30-40-65 to account for the extra skills and global cooldown.
    2. The symbols on scepter and axe should both be 12s cd
    3. Symbolic Avenger should go from 2% to 1% extra damage per symbol hit
    4. Symbolic Power should go from 30% extra symbol damage to 7% (it's literally a minor trait that increases their damage by 30% lol...)
    5. Symbolic Exposure should go from 2 vulnerability per symbol hit to 1 stack, 5% damage increase to 3% vs. vulnerable foes
    6. Mantra charge cooldowns should go from 12s to 25s.
    7. Furious Focus should go from 1 stack of vulnerability per second with fury to 2 stacks every 3 seconds.
    8. Symbol max targets should be reduced from 5 to 3 (maybe)
    9. Zealous Scepter needs a 2s ICD on the might gain


    1. Firebrands will need to pick whether they buff + deal damage, heal + cleanse, or support instead of all 3 within a short time frame + being able cast them all again with Renewed Focus. Lower cooldowns on tomes to compensate for global cooldown
    2. 50% traited symbol uptime instead of the current 75%
    3. 15% extra damage vs. foes with vulnerability who get hit by symbols instead of the current 45% extra damage (70% extra damage vs. max vuln enemies currently...)
    4. Firebrand will no longer be stack 25 vulnerability on a max of 5 people just by casting 2 symbols
    5. Firebrand will no longer be able to easily stack 25 might on themselves
    6. 20s traited mantra charge cooldowns instead of 9.5s cooldowns

    And this is why you aren't on the balance team. This would decimate these weapons and traits for core specs and go a long way to seeing that dh never uses them either.

    Balance is not a vacuum. You're treating it as such. You need to put more thought into this if you want the devs to take you seriously.

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