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Posts posted by Gwaihir.1745

  1. It takes either of my builds about 4 seconds to take out a t3 camp and 10 seconds if it has creatures guarding. If you cant take out a camp still you're not employing everything available to you to maximize your damage. Soloing towers is now much harder though, and soloing smc was difficult before but now I don't think I could do it. But camps? Nah. Run into a corner or behind and object and unload. If you're just walking into the camp and taking the scout blinds head on thats on you.

  2. @Jayden Reese.9542 said:Larger groups usually win unless it's a smaller guild vs pugsThe speed nerf was unnecessaryThe reward trak includes 2 week bastion pass 10 ticket scraps so 30g and many other things so it can't be repeatable.The map isn't overrun by pver due to the 200g pricetag but it ends up being 90g for the mount/bl key/arm pass if you place value on clovers

    Most wvw players are so overstocked on clovers they have no value. Ive made 6 legendarys and working on armour now and I have well over a stack.

  3. @RedShark.9548 said:

    @KrHome.1920 said:Burnguard isn't overpowered and won't be. Sigil of Cleansing and one additional cleanse in your utility bar is enough to deal with it as it lacks cover conditions.

    If you want to see condi nerfs, then take a look at the scourge changes. Since it has tons of cover conditions its condi damage is nerfed to almost unplayable levels (condi trait changes: 1s of burn, 1s of torment, 1s of bleed...). Good luck stacking any condi on scourge in the future! On top of that the manifest sand shade strikes (the direct damage component of every F-skill) ist nullified from a 0.66 to a 0.1 multiplier. That will have huge effects in wvw blob fights.

    For condi mirage I guess they will wait how the dodge nerf will affect the spec. It could already be enough as mirage loses a ton of sustain and utility with that nerf.

    ?? Have you seen what burn dh can do to a zerg??

    8k burnticks applied in like 2 seconds as aoe. If that isnt busted, than what is? If that isnt busted, why even bring that big balance patch, if burn dh is fine, than everything else is too.

    Sure in 1v1 its not as good, but wvw is not about 1v1,or even smallscale, its about 30v30+And there it is devestating.

    If your 30 man cant clear a burn I've got bad news for you.

  4. @Syrus.2174 said:

    @Ashen.2907 said:Hmm, I expect that attacking a zerg
    get you killed.

    Of course it should be dangerous. But not just by attacking, if the defender doesn't even have to do anything actively for the attacker to go down, there is something wrong in my opinion. And that is exactly the case with retaliation for some classes.

    Lets be clear. No one is going down just for attacking.

  5. @Strider Pj.2193 said:

    @lodjur.1284 said:From this perspective the warclaw is an amazing addition, I imagine that if one cares more about objectives and less about fights then maybe the warclaw is a negative addition to WvW

    There is a pretty good reason that one of the go to things to kitten about when complaining about the warclaw is how it makes it harder to ninja unguarded towers

    Is PvDing really something to strive for... Especially when "roaming"

    You wouldn't think so but "people arrive before we can cat down the wall" seems to be a common complaint

    Those that state that complaint don’t know where to place them.

    How does cata placement correlate to the time to take the wall down? I'd love to hear you justify this one. News flash the cata does the same damage regardless of where you put it.

  6. @Tayga.3192 said:

    @Gwaihir.1745 said:Thats a ton of buffs for an already busted class. Take it in a vacuum sure, but take it with the nerfs coming you would be the single most broken thing in the history of gw2.

    Except for Chaos Armor and Phantasmal Duelist, most of them aren't even viable. Other than those two; only MH Sword, Mirror and Portal are playable.

    You're taking null field and making it into a better winds with a 25s cd and 1200 range. Absolutely never.

  7. My rule for fighting stealth in wvw is if you disengage to the point of leaving combat our fight is over you lost. I will leave the area, if you follow I will just turn and cheap shot you, because my class can abuse it's own mechanics like that vs yours.

  8. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @primatos.5413 said:The cc chains are completely unfun combined with high dmg output they are doing good by tuning down

    with CC,mobility and damage there is always a thin line.stability and stunbreakes got nerfed, CC damage got removed.who knows, mb it will turn into permastun meta

    Stab nerf was reverted.

  9. @displayname.8315 said:My understanding was coefficients were being adjusted mostly. I took that mean things like clicking a trait button and getting double damage burn guard + burning sigils + 25% boost to all DMG at range = 300% - 400%

    Stuff like that.

    Huh? Are you saying theres some passive trait that does this? Also what gives double damage burning I don't see it. I think you are confusing duration with damage multiplier. At range? Aren't burn guard heavily melee based? Theres so much stuff like that and more that doesn't make sense with the post here.

  10. @Junkpile.7439 said:

    @Junkpile.7439 said:Can't wait. Finally core specs will be par with elite specs.

    Alot of core specs are getting hit as well.But they balance things. Only thing that need balancing is broken elite specs. No idea what else they would balance.

    But that doesn't equate to balance between the specs though. You slash a core by 40% damage it hits it harder than slashing the elites by 40%. Most of the elite spec skills do multiple things while many core skills are more focused. Slashing everything 40% hurts core more than elites.
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