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  1. @DeanBB.4268 I get that. Personally, I purchased the nodes to share with friends and guildmates so that we could get the dailies/monthlies for gathering done quickly. I'd say they've paid for themselves in convenience since I've had them! 😄
  2. @akasha.4072 I admit, I thought that would be the most logical entry point (home portal stone), but they need to have something accessible without a gemstore item. Doesn't mean I don't think the functionality should be added though. I think it would be perfect as part of the home portal stone!
  3. I would love the opportunity to purchase decorations from vendors throughout Tyria, based on map, vendor race, etc, maybe even through some of the heart vendors. Would be an awesome way to bring people back to old maps.
  4. Wow! I hadn't noticed this stuff before! I just went on a little excursion to see if there was anything else I missed, but I didn't see much else, except maybe the little cave in the cliffside to the southeast of the house.
  5. I agree! The team did a great job with this expansion. There will always be bugs and nitpicks, but overall, a lot of requests were addressed. While not perfect, I have no doubt they'll be fixing and adjusting in the weeks and months to come. Lots of new area to explore, along with many nodes and interesting NPCs. Got to see old friends (although I absolutely do not want Braham to retire yet, and we need a Taimi update). 😆 Relics were a sore spot for me before, but I'm seeing more of why they're useful when I play PvP. Warclaw updates are just phenomenal. I actually like using it in open world now! We have houses, and we can only improve on them moving forward! 😄 Now I just need my Extra Life pet Samadog in my homestead. 😜 Or a ranger pet skin for wolf.... 🤔 Thanks, Anet, for all the cool stuff! Looking forward to what comes next!
  6. Mechitas has been found, and @pooolj.3512 now knows where she is (near the Harvest Plots POI in Harvest Den). 🥰
  7. A cool thing to have would be a contest in which people could submit their own hairstyle, face, feature ideas. Would be a wonderful way to get people invested and also encourage some creative exploration by the community that could double as part of advertising or promotions/events. 🙂
  8. I actually wouldn't mind being able to complete additional collections or achievements to upgrade home instance nodes. 😄 Would also be happy to just let my friends do the rapid gathering in the homestead, too. Then I don't have to wait on their behinds to finish gathering. 😜
  9. @Rubi Bayer.8493 I was in the middle of raiding when I got the notification of your replies, and the tears caused some self-inflicted blindness. My oldest and primary character is a Norn. I don't expect that to have contributed to the decision to put Samadog in Hoelbrak, but it means a lot, regardless. I'm going to go find her as soon as raids finish up. 🥰 The decision to have the pets in a core map as well is a wonderful one! @Roda.7468 Samadog would 100% have wanted you to chuckle. 😄 I'm sorry your loss as well, although it's nice to imagine them both having all these new friends to play with, completely unbothered by their pain, and (in Samadog's case, at least) free to chase anything!
  10. I want to say thank you, so much, for adding players' much-loved pets to the game. This Wednesday, I had to bring my dog Samantha to the vet and say goodbye for good. I knew Tuesday that it would be the likely outcome, and I cried so much before and since. A little while later, after I'd returned from the vet, I remembered that pets from the last Extra Life event had probably been added to the game with Janthir Wilds. Feeling a sense of hope, a good friend and I equipped our Chatoyant Lenses and started our search at Moon Camp in Lowland Shore. Mostly cats, but we did spot a couple of pet rocks, phoenixes (guessing birds), Gamma Ray (dog) and Shooshadoo (quaggan, though I am unsure of the actual animal). Then we entered Harvest Den from the south... and there she was. Samadog, as if she'd been there waiting the whole time, right near the entrance of the town ready to greet me when I inevitably came "home." The unbelievable timing of the expac's release right before Samantha left my world is... exactly that: unbelievable. While this digital representation can't replace her, being able to visit her in game brings comfort. (Note: Guildmates and I had nicknamed Samantha Dog "Samadog" based on a name origin discussion of Samarog, the third boss in Raid Wing 4 Bastion of the Penitent.) Something that would make it even better is if I could have her in my homestead. I know that's unlikely, if not impossible, but it would be the absolute best thing, to have her run up when I enter the homestead, then roam and follow me around now and then. I've not a clue how that could be implemented, but I can wish! The main takeaway here is that I am very appreciative of the effort put into bringing these pets into the game. I'm sure I'm not the only person who is. Thank you!
  11. My main concerns come out of playing against beta characters using the spear in Structured PvP. The effects are very "loud" compared to any other weapon effects and don't appear to be affected by turning down other player weapon effects (guessing it's because these effects count as skill effects rather than cosmetic weapon effects). These effects block important visual information, and some effects block from high above the characters. For example, if I have my camera view pulled all the way back and am looking down at my character, some enemy spear effects literally block everything from view, including the characters, as the vertical position of the effect is above them instead of below. Looking at it from the side or below, it shows the effect circle way above the characters' heads like a giant disc. While in PvE this may look kinda cool (I would still want the ability to hide or dim them), it makes fighting some classes in PvP impossible because I literally cannot see what's happening. I can't even see the geometry around me. Will say this since I haven't seen it said quite yet, but in sPvP, playing against spear feels completely unbalanced. I understand it's beta testing, but it feels like we are getting hit with PvE levels of damage. I am okay playing against better players and losing, even if multiple times in a row, but the situation right now is absolutely demoralizing when your teams can't escape spawn without almost instantly dying to only one or two people with a spear. This issue is probably compounded by the visual effects mentioned before, which make it near impossible to see what's happening at times. Third is about betas more generally. I'm very much motivated by progression and rewards, so not being able to keep anything I earn when playing a beta character leads me to making a beta character and two minutes later deleting it because I actually want to use my limited time to get things done. I completely understand if the things provided by the beta character itself (like the gear and such) cannot be salvaged, sold, or otherwise used by the account at large. I even understand if sPvP rewards are limited. I just don't want the time spent on the beta character to be completely wasted. Just an addon note: In this situation, I don't even know what to do in the game or how to go about testing, because usually I might pick an activity based on reward, progression, or achievement. If I have nothing I can do in the game that accomplishes anything, I have no reason currently to play the beta character. HoT beta was overall good in comparison. While you still couldn't keep rewards, it was coupled with a view of the map and the creatures within. It gave us a thing to do and explore. PoF also did this. I think it would have been nice to couple the spear beta with a preview of an area in Janthir Wilds.
  12. So far so good! I'm back in the game. Will update if that changes. Thanks, Anet and co!
  13. Everything was fine yesterday, and now my client is doing the exact same thing. I have cleared the game's cache. I have launched as admin. I have even run Repair on the client, but that yields the same result. Doesn't even begin the repair. EDIT: I have also fully restarted my computer.
  14. Before the update yesterday and/or patch today, a Guild Heroes Banner would remain for its allotted 2 hours. Today, I spawned two separate Heroes Banners (the second as a test after the first disappeared). The first was from guild storage. The second was from a commendation purchase. Both despawned (from the same map instance) after I swapped characters. Working with a guildmate in another guild, we tested swapping characters and swapping maps, starting with the same map as well as starting with different maps. Each time, the banner we placed despawned. (The banners used after the first 2 Heroes Banners were Gold Banners.) The two maps we used were Brisban Wildlands and Kessex Hills. This comes after the bug for swapping characters (resulting in the infinite loading screens) has been fixed. I'm worried this issue might be connected, but the only possible evidence I have of that is that the despawn occurs when a character leaves the instance for any reason.
  15. The first character I load after logging in works fine. As soon as I swap characters, I get an extremely long load time, and some things just never load. This screenshot (https://ibb.co/fps7c6p) is how it has looked for the past 10 to 15 minutes. It doesn't appear at all to be an internet issue, as all actions I am able to perform have been pretty seamless. No skill lag or anything of the sort. Graphics/textures are not loading properly. I have gotten varying degrees of severity every time I switch characters, but the core elements of the issue remain. This started occurring today after the patch. For reference, I have 40+ characters and all expansions.
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