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  1. Hiya, @Antrix.4512! First of all, I love your precise, unambiguous description of your desired build and its intended strategy and tactics. You proceed forthwith to advise any prospective respondents regarding the build scope and constraints of the build. Just had to compliment you on a well-written question post. 🙂
  2. Personally, I can't wait to try the new "Weaponmaster Training" feature, not to mention all the other upcoming additions to be added to what is arguably one of the greatest MMO in history! I'm so excited for the new expansion I actually broke down and pre-purchased it yesterday (the day it was officially announced), something, I might add, I literally haven't done even ONCE since I started playing them*, waaaay back in '86 at the age of 7. Granted, GW2 is not your average game—MMORPG or otherwise—being innovative and even revolutionary in so many ways. Paired with ArenaNet, a company that could be said to exist for gamers, by gamers. I mean, in my vast experience as a hardcore gamer (some thirty-six years—I'm not bragging, just saying,) I feel I can accurately state that we GW2 players are spoiled beyond belief when compared to players of other MMO, and ArenaNet has been absolutely outstanding with regards to addressing issues and responding to players' wishes, all while continually maintaining to a huge degree a good balance with the various professions and other aspects! Doing so, by the way, is something nigh-impossible to accomplish in my experience. As a professional software engineer and fellow developer, I can fully appreciate just how hard it is to try pleasing EVERY user/player ALL the time—there is always at least some people who end up being upset (to put it mildly) who seem to find joy in arguing about which category a mechanic change or game update belongs: "bug", "feature", "fix", etc. Yet ArenaNet has pulled off this amazing feat continually for over a decade, which has sadly produced a batch of excellent players, but players who nonetheless have no clue how fortunate they are. Evidence of our spoiled nature (as players) is rife in the forums and elsewhere, including Discord servers and in-game chat channels. Many people complain about changes before they've even had a chance to test them; some players going so far as threatening to "stop playing" or abandon the game altogether, a particularly virulent form of SGS (Selfish Gamer Syndrome), which has always reminded me of, for example, a seven-year-old little boy or girl screaming "That's not fair! It's supposed to be the way I want it to!" while stomping off the playground. Naturally, being a human being and therefore imperfect, I have fallen victim to this disease as well, and occasionally "rant" over certain re-balancing changes that I object to. We seem to almost take it personally when our profession or spec is changed in such a way that we must adapt or modify our play-style or rotations, even though this is something that veteran gamers should be able to easily do, and that actually enhances our game-play over time and hones our reflexes and creativity. Thus, lately if I see a change I don't like, I try to maintain the mindset instilled in me as a former Marine, that of adapting and overcoming any challenge by sheer force of will and innovation instead of allowing it to ruin me and behave like a juvenile colocal. Please bear in mind if you read this post, that I am not singling anyone out or attempting to admonish my fellow players. As stated above, I too have at times succumbed to my spoiled nature as a GW2 player. I am simply pointing out that, compared to other games and game developers, at least, we should be happy and welcome any changes that may come, rather than fly into a blind rage and lash out at ArenaNet, whose job is really only to entertain and please us. There are just so many of us that it's literally impossible to please everyone, and no matter what changes, fixes or other alterations are made, there will be those of us who disagree with them. But instead of reacting immaturely and griping, I personally see more benefit in trying to adapt our style of play to the changes. After all, if a change truly is unhelpful or degrading to the game and its community, history has shown time and again that ArenaNet will fix it in some manner. For those of you who read this admittedly novel-length post, thank you for your patience. I hope you will benefit from it and perhaps step back a bit to ask yourself whether complaining about some change is truly beneficial or worthwhile. I mean, it is my humblest opinion that we should all remember GW2 is only a game, and as a hardcore, lifelong gamer, I have to admit I have forgotten that many times, but when I remember, things seem better. Change is exciting, even challenging changes. They are only opportunities to grow and to become better gamers. Happy travels, everyone, and happy beta testing! 👍😎 P.S. And a very sincere thank you to ArenaNet for your never-ending, heroic and epic struggle to please your gamers and fans. We love you, even if it doesn't always seem like it. I'm excited to try your new expansion, and grateful for the opportunity at a "sneak-peek" at it! *With the notable exception of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past came out in 1992, the Zelda series being my all-time favorite traditional video game series.
  3. I hear ya, buddy. With the vast majority of things I feel that ArenaNet did a nearly perfect job with GW2, and am usually the one defending them from flaming and griping. But on this I have to agree with you 100%. It's ridiculous that you can "rent" the mount but not be able to enjoy any of its benefits.
  4. I don't know if I'd say it's gotten easier, necessarily, but I have noticed that leveling an alt is getting way faster than it was even recently. I know experience and skill plays a part, but starting from level 1, with no boosters, you can get to level 10 without even finishing four renown hearts. And completing the character creation starter "tutorial" instance (e.g., Defending Shaemoor, for Human characters) used to only get me to level 2 no matter how many kills I got or other variables, but now it always gets me to at least level 3 and occasionally level 4. I know they did it to make it easier for new players, at least according to the game Update Notes, along with giving them a Raptor at level 10 (personally I think it should be at least level 20—even WoW makes you wait till level 20), but it does seem like it takes almost half the time it used to to level a toon from 1to 80, and I don't like that. Having said all that, however, I still think GW2 does a much better job at keeping things "fun" than any other MMO I've ever played, and given my long history of online gaming and MMO's in particular that's saying a LOT. Anyway, that's my "two cents". It's only my experiences and opinions, and I'm not disagreeing or even commenting on others' opinions. I'm sure there are other players who are more cynical or pessimistic than I am (no doubt they call themselves "realists" [sic]) and a few who are even happy about the changes, but like with many things, I'm a centrist (well, slightly to the optimistic side of center).
  5. Thanks for the outstanding guide, Ojimaru! This is actually my second Guild Wars 2 account. I've been playing since 2018 I wanted an account for my brother to use, who plays sometimes, while I play, so I made a new one. The reason I mention this is that I wanted you to know your guide has helped me immensely ever since it was published in 2019, and I learned a LOT of good things as a new player and as a semi-veteran now. ✌️ I've also noticed recently, even before the release of EoD, that there are a whole bunch of new players to Guild Wars 2 and that the community is growing and being reinvigorated, so I'm hoping others will find this guide as useful as I did. Some of the content is different from the tips given here now, but it's still easily adaptable, and I didn't have much trouble learning the new stuff after using your guide. It's almost "timeless" lol! Anyway, thanks again, and for any new players, I *highly* recommend reading this, at least for your main character's class, as well as the beginning, and returning as you make new toons. It will save a lot of headaches. 🙏 Btw, I know I'm posting three years after this was written, but the guide is still relevant today, and very helpful to newbies, so I hope nobody wastes time accusing me of "necro-posting", which is a foolish concept to begin with. 🙄 If they didn't want necro-posters they shouldn't allow posting still, and besides, many times so-called necro-posters can revitalize and enhance an old post. I only mention this because it's happened before in a similar post, and reading the replies to my accuser, I came to realize I was far from the only one who despises the idea of posting to older messages. 👎 Anyway, sorry for the "wall of text", thanks again Ojimaru, and I wish everyone in Tyria and IRL good luck and prosperous times! 😁
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